Life Partner

Hi dear friends :slight_smile: Good Day! I would like to share this particular concern to you guys. Well, I have been single for some time and it’s very difficult to find a True Love. I have met boys which doesn’t really suit my way of living and i would end up getting depressed about it.I have heard that those who are into spiritual learnings will have difficulties in finding true love/life partner. Hence,i have requested Father Lucifer for a Life Partner with true love, who is willing to travel along with me. The concern is, i guess i was granted with one now but i am uncertain about it. I noticed that he seems to have less or no interest on me yet. I truly dont understand what to do next and what Father Lucifer is teaching me. Any opinions regarding this friends? i would really appreciate :slight_smile: Thank you.


Make a dreamboard , or write out a list of ideal qualities , and visualize having that person for about 20 mins a day , they exist somewhere , and even if they don’t , the universe can take a year or to for the man to make himself what your asking , universe is a complete reflection


#visualize having that person for about 20 mins a day#
Would you please mind explaining this in more detail ? It will be helpful :wink:

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You can try using King Lucifer enn and meditate more. Visualize what you want during meditation. You will get a click pretty soon.

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The best time is when your brainwaves are in a relaxed state , before bed or in the morning , visualize being in love and having the ideal person

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I will definitely try that :wink: Thank you buddy :slight_smile:

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