LGBTQ Magicians’ Working & Networking Thread

I have wanted to work with Pan for some time. But I don’t know where to start. Surprisingly, I haven’t been able to find much online other than mythological writeups. To start, I’d like to know his sigil, his enn, and any other means by which I might contact him. Can you help me with this? Any help would be appreciated, and I thank you in advance for any time you might take to answer my questions.

Thank you!

Well, first off, Pan is a god and therefore does not have an enn. Enns are specific only for demons. An enn is a mantra in the demonic language and apply to no other beings. Seals/sigils are a relatively new invention, only having been around for 500 years or so, so they also do not apply to gods, unless you choose to create one yourself.

Gods are traditionally called through invocation and prayer.


I will reply privately.

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To add to what @DarkestKnight said and to answer your question some. Adorn your ritual area (as well as house, optional) with his visage (image) this should help some. I would also look up what he likes as offerings.


Hot lol


Bonjour. Transsexual woman checking in. :kiss:


Non Binary Pansexual Polyamorous Pre-everything Trans man checking in.


Well that’s a mouth full. Anyhow, welcome.


Tots :slight_smile:

Hello everyone. Lesbian here ~

Wuuuuuh!!! this has been around since July!!!:thinking:
How have I not found it already :rofl:
Hi everyone
Gay guy for those that don’t know me… and pornstar :rofl:
Really wish there were other lgbt magicians in my area, sadly we’re a limited breed but Floridas small. Mabye one day.

Trans-Woman and Intersex here. Also Bisexual :wink:

Anyone have any good entities or rituals that could help my transition along?

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welcome @undyingembers. I’m gay and in ATL, so not so far away from FL.


LGBTQ Magician, huh? We’re certified, bonafide, identified heathens of Satan I guess

I have had a hard time IN THE PAST finding a love, because, let’s be honest; my dating pool consists of a weird specific type. They gotta be

  • A guy who is into guys
  • Compatible with me (meaning not abusive, unsupportive, needy or harmful, someone I like being around enough to DATE, someone who likes or at least tolerates my magickal life, someone I feel chemistry with, someone who shares my passion for life, someone who is focused on improvement, and someone who is all of the other things I can’t think of that are necessities so I don’t have a toxic/unhealthy relationship)

That’s a big fucking criteria, and I wouldn’t even consider that high standards, it’s just what I need to be happy with spending my time romantically with someone in a fearless, unafraid way. Most people aren’t healthy, magickal gay guys in my area :wink:

It’s just a clusterfuckle. Good thing I can alter reality, and if I manifest them; turns out there was someone like that alllll along :joy:


I think mental and emotional health is important to focus on immensely, so you can transition to any identity without pain or stress, or feeling insecure or insignificant. Like HEAVY. Focusing lots of effort on it until you’re SURE it’s done. Could take years of magickal work


Hey guys welcome to the thread. If you have any ideas or things related to lgbtq+ magick and mythology feel free to post in this thread.

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Oh sweet I was up there a few weeks ago for a tv series lol. I may be back if I get another shoot!!! Depends on all this covid 19 crap :rofl:


I was curious about this same thing after sorting through all the heteronormative spiritual systems the world has to offer. But there are plenty of deities who are great for working with in this regard. In my research I found the Ancient Goddess Cybele to not only accept transwoman but cherish and empower them as something to be celebrated. Actually all of her clergy/priesthood (called Galli) were males required/made into trans woman through an ancient and respected right.
Her roman and greek aspects can sometimes be considered Gaia and/or Rhea. And other deities that are welcoming in this regard are Lilith, Astarte, Ishtar, Inanna, Astoroth, Setri, Asmodeus, Belial, Pan, Dionysus and Hecate to name a few.


I’m getting me a boyfriend

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She was considered to be an aspect of Rhea, however neither would make sense as her parents are considered equated to Zeus and Gaia. Although, it would only make sense that by sky father and earth mother being her parents they mean Gaia and Uranus in which case then yes she would be an aspect of Rhea, but not Gaia.