Lessons of the Deck

I honestly can’t remember if I talked about this or not, but once again, the presence of the spirits get stronger as they near the completion of theor tasks. Tonight, Andras and Orobas both felt much stronger. I could reach out and feel them near.

Not tonight, but soon.


I think you are going to really hit it off well with Prince Orobas. He’s exceptionally honest and loyal and faithful. You’ll see as you interact with him I think. :horse:


To be honest, I feel like he’s (Prince Orobas) achieved his first today, based on several conversations today, some public, some private. I recognized this already.


Andras came to me amd told me he was done with my lesson. I don’t kniw what it was, but thank him all the same.

Up next:

Aim came almost immediately, agreed, and asked for the cheaper stick dragon’s blood incense.

I originally pulled Focalor, but it felt off. I called on him and he asked me to put the card back in the deck for another time.


Late last night Prince Orobas informed me the second of the lessons was complete. I verified it and thanked him for his generosity. Hail Orobas.

Up next:

He came quickly, but faintly, holding back for some reason. He wanted me to read the agreement, which I did, and he accepted.

I felt like there was a sort of disconnect, some sort of tension, but not hostility. He didnt care about which incense (waved it off, actually), so I chose a patchouli stick. I didn’t choose that immediately and took some time to try to feel what I thought was “the best fit” from what I had. He actually came back to let me know he appreciated that. The disconnect was gone and he was more fully here. No idea, but it seems to have been the right approach.

I was going to ask if he had anything to do with the band Amduscias, but felt the timing could be better.

So where are the other open cards at…

King Paimon seems to be holding back until everyone gets back from their holiday breaks. Makes sense. I tried to feel out where he’s going with it, but he swatted my attempts away.

I believe Ronove is also waiting for everyone to get back because I may be attending a specialized technical writing course in mid-January or the other later in Spring. It’s still up in the air and my writing is atrocious.

I just called on Aim last night.


Amduscias returned and went over to a large oak in my yard.

A: “The trees bend and also have their own music. Place yourself within them to hear it.”

He meant centering your consciousness within the tree to understand it’s music, both the sounds it makes and those it makes with the others that we can’t hear. It was interesting to pinder that.

Hail Amduscias.


Up next:

I’ve worked with Asmodeus in the past. When I ccalled on him, he games as he usually does, accepted the agreement and simply said this,

“No need to save the experience for later. I will help you now, today. You may place my card in the completed pile and choose another.”

Pretty sure he came through earlier.

Hail Asmodeus.


Up next:

Amon came as two, large, nocturnal eyes staring at me from a darkness, a sort of emptyness. He said nothing and the impression of his acceptance was all I got from him.


I noticed Aim’s presence, “Thank you for returning.”

A: “Watch”

He opened a portal of sorts and I could see an (almost cartoonist) castle behind it. The drawbridge was down and he bud me to go through it with him. I projected my consciousness into the scene.

It was dark inside with barely any light. We turned left until hitting a T, tirned right. We went down a set of straight, then winding stairs until we reached a chamber for ritual. A circle of sorts was laid out (bit generic and not the focal point), used candles in each cardinal point.

He raised his hand, “Behold.”, and the circle came to life.

An entity appeared that was a swirling mist, completely dark in the condensed areas, which were fleeting and constantly in motion.

He gave me a symbol and set of words (doesn’t feel like a phrase) to use to call it and said nothing else. His task was done.

I called the entity back in my ritual space and it took longer than I expected. I relied only on the symbol and phrase, not the entities signature.

Once called, he let me know he was to enhance intellectual pursuits, but said nothing else. I felt that to be most effective, it would be best to make a gateway to him with something that I carry most places, to carry that energy and benefit where it is needed. Haven’t done it yet.

Hail Aim.


Up next:

I read the description and felt this was an entiity I’d definitely be interested in calling. I was cooking breakfast (diced Spam and potatoes, with seasoning) and didn’t call him right away.

I brought my bowl of it outside into my ritual space (enclosed porch also used for storage). Vassago came to me as I was eating and asked to come inaide to taste it. After confirming his identity, I let him in. I then read the agreement.

V: “I accept. I will (help you). I will. I will. You will see.”

He left.

The encounter was strange, but Helios confirmed his identity, so it is what it is.


How did you confirm his identity? After he came, you called helios then asked Helios if he “vassago” was real?


Yes. If I have questions about who an entity is, I sometimes call on another entity that I do know to verify. I work with a lot of entities that have no sigils, symbols, etc… So, I needed a way to verify who they were.

While I was 99% sure is was Vassago, it is RARE for an entity I haven’t met before to ask to come inside. It’s usually a process and takes time to build up that type of trust on BOTH sides. Since it only takes a minute, there’s a lot more to gain from asking and verifying.


I was laying on my bed, watching Game of Thrones (again), while working on my son’s afghan when I felt Paimon’s call.

M: " Hail, my lord."

P: “Hail, figured it out yet?”

(Maybe. I’d felt it early on, bit gpt no positove response to my feeler to him. Instead.of the name of a language, I got the name of a country, whose language I knew the name of, but couldn’t get a response about.)

(He confirmed the country name, which was given as a language (again) and I was told to start listening to it in the background. VERY odd, since he wouldn’t confirm the language name, yet, there is enough media to consume it passively).

(I felt there was more research to be done and that first appearances weren’t the real story. I’m not a linguist by any stretch, but enjoy reading about such things, making it more complicated in my head. I thanked him and can feel his attention now, as I type this.)

Hail Paimon


Up next

I thought For Sure that I had interacted with Amy already. Yet, I couldn’t find an entry in my notes, nor here. Very well.

He accepted the agreement and immediately gave me my lesson…

"I once had a magician call me and ask for a familiar that they were not ready for. I gave it to them anyhow and it caused trouble for them in hidden ways. Do you know why?

Not only did they not ask for on appropriate to their level, they also didn’t take the time to either ask me or feel it put before using it.

There is your lesson. Dragon’s Blood please (stick)."

Hail Amy.


Up next:

Lord Halphas came quickly. Almost as quickly as Amy, which was near instant (I’d pondered their cards, but nothing I would consider ritual prep outside of attention).

With few words, he agreed. I recognized that he could help a friend and asked that he build a tower of defense for them and we agrees on some blooded incense, since this wasn’t for the lesson or wisdom.

I essentially became their tower for a night and took in all sorts of things as I slept, woke up, and kept dreaming about. I verified it in the morning.

Hadn’t stressed that the attacks should go elsehwere, which he found amusing. Some sleep lost, but not harm done. Keep that in mind and it is NOT his lesson for this thread…


Lord Amon came back to me. I was shown a scene where I was sailing in a warmer, likely tropical (temp wise) climate. I could see the bodies of my companions, but not their faces. I couldn’t recognize any of them. Apparently, something in the future and it’s a voyage from Point A to Point B, a longer, “destination” sail. No other info and I couldn’t tell my age at that point.

Hail Amon and thank you.

Up next :

Crocell came immediately, almost as soon as I drew the card and read it.

C: "I will teach you (something). Your parallel workings, they’re (pretty) efficient. But, you think of them as parallel. Disconnect them (from your mind), like a cord cutting. You’re worried/concerned with giving each enough power. This shouldn’t be your concern (at this point, beyond that). You can do back-to-back (rituals) without issues. Feed them (as you) do them, let them go. Thanks for the beer.

Hail Crocell. The beer I let him in to taste


Halphas’ ast lesson was to force me to ground myself (as a tower) to redirect things launched my way. He indicated the lessons were complete. Hail Halphas.


Up next:

Malphas: “Let me give you some advice on towers. They’re great for attracting attention (this you know). I would build a few (bait) to take some hits for you”

He was done. Hail Malphas.


Up next:

Orias simply accepted the agreement and called it good.


Looks like I forgot…

He returned today.

I watched as he called forth maggots and worms from the soil, gathered them in one hand, and flung them towards a target in a triangle.

“For specific areas?”

“Aim more carefully.”

Hail Sabnock