Lesson in Haitian Vodun: Who are the Barons

Hey guys!

Recently I’ve been getting a lot of messages about voodoo and vodun related topics and i’m thinking of making a series of posts about general/helpful information when it comes to Haitian vodun and some concepts.

So I wanted to start with the Barons and their different paths.

I didn’t want to write a whole post about them if no one was interested though so let me know if you’re interested in learning about the Barons of Haitian Vodoun. You can reply to this post and I’ll update it with information if you guys are interested in learning about the Barons


I am very interested please update. Thanks. If you can PM that will be even better. Thanks again.


Please do!


Let’s do it


I love to get some info. I work with papa legba,papa kalfu, and also baron Samedi.


Sounds good to me.


Take us to the crossroads please :heart_eyes:


I don’t work (yet) with Vodun but I’d love to learn.


Awesome, I’ll be posting about the Barons of the Ghede family before the end of the week


Looking forward to it.


Me too … Didn’t work wiz or know much about it … So it’s gonna be great to learn about it…


Interested. Keep posting.


Post everything that is supposed to be learned friend…

PDF video articles your notes just anything we are ready to Learn…


A lot of people who are new to Haitian Vodun have some knowledge of Baron Samedi, loa of the dead. But what of people don’t realize is that there are actually four Barons of the dead.
These Barons serve similar yet different roles and each of them have their own rulings in the cemetery and amongst the dead. All of the Barons are very powerful death spirits and psychopomps and should be treated accordingly. The four Barons are: Baron Samedi, Baron Cimitiere, Baron Kriminel and Baron La Croix (pronounced LA-KWA)

Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi is also known as Met Baron (Met Baron here translating to The Head Baron or Head of the Barons) in many parts of Haiti, is perhaps one of the best known loa in the Vodou pantheon, when you think of Vodou one of the things you think about is Baron Samedi, that’s because the Baron has a very powerful influence over pop culture and he knows it. Hollywood often lumps up his various of his aspects into one to project the image of a powerful mysterious spirit who often grants deals but always comes for his debts, as you can see popularized by the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog and American Horror story Coven. This image is not entirely unfounded as you’ll see when you continue reading about the Barons (maybe in another post since this is getting longer than I expected), there is a manifestation of the Baron that always comes for his debts and is perhaps scarier than anything Hollywood could ever conjure up. Does it mean you should be scared of the Baron? HECK NO, he’s wonderful to work with and you’ll find that once you’ve become close to him and he’s a fixture in your practice you’ll be laughing your ass off with all his snide and rude commentary about anything and everything.

He is the ultimate suave and sophisticated spirit of Death, he usually manifests with a white top hat, black tuxedo, dark glasses (often times with one of the lens missing to represent his ability to see into the mundane and the spirit world), and cotton plugs in the nostrils, like a corpse dressed and prepared for burial in Haitian style. However his appearance may comprise of one, all or none of those associations. Met Baron has MANY manifestations, some he’ll continue to reveal to you as you work with him. He has a white, skull-like face tells crude but funny jokes, he can also get a little physical and handsy while trying to get your attention in a manifestation.

Realize that Vodou and a lot of African Traditional Religion practices in general are different from western mysticism. The loa spirits of Vodou are very much present in this day and age. Their veneration never ceased like a lot of western spirits had due to Christianity and their influence till this day continues to expand. Sacrifices have been made in their name and are continued to be made in their name by countless followers all over the world, blood spilled, life taken and given.

Because of this amount of spiritual power, the loas presence on earth is very physical and immediate. You don’t need to be in the theta gamma sync or to be in a formalized ritual trance to work with the loa, while these might help to enhance your perception, they aren’t necessary. When they are there you’ll KNOW it. You’ll feel your heart rate quicken, you’ll feel their eyes on you, the shadows around you are no longer just phantasms made due to the absence of light, they’re darker, more tangible. You’ll feel the loa when they choose to show themselves to you in what is many times very real and physical.

Baron Samedi is very much known for his dark humor, but don’t take it to mean that he’s not serious in what he does. He is known for disruption, obscenity, debauchery, and having a particular fondness for tobacco and rum (both are suitable to offer during a summoning), often times he often uses the smoke form the tobacco as a base for his manifestation. He knows how to have a good time and he loves to. Baron Samedi is the life of the party and he knows it. He is a loa of the crossroads and can be called on all aspects of death and necromancy, have any questions about necromancy or something you aren’t sure about? Ask Samedi, he can teach you how to balance and effectively get used to and eventually embody the death essence so that you’ll learn how to avoid the negative effects of necromancy as well as anything about the art of necromancy in itself.

He stands at the crossroads, so effectively he is a psychopomp and can be used for such work such as guiding the souls of humans to Guinea (Death) or whatever afterlife awaits them. A little known fact about the Baron by the main stream media is that he has a soft spot for kids. He is a protector of children and is especially petitioned for sick children. He has the power over zombies and can teach you on the true art of Zombi in Haitian Vodou, not what you see in the meida. Since Baron Samedi is the lord of death, he is the last resort for healing since he must decide whether to allow them to cross over or to allow them to recover. Baron Samedi is also the loa of resurrection, and is called upon forhealing by those near or approaching death.

As well as being the all-knowing loa of death, he is a sexual loa, frequently represented by phallic symbols. Baron Samedi can teach you the art of projecting an image of influence through magic. He is married to the loa Manman Brigit. Still he’s a sexual loa, don’t take it personal if he flirts a little.

I’ll continue the next series of posts about the Barons because this was already becoming longer than I expected and I want these to be relatively short and easy to grasp a glimpse of the nature of the loa I’m writing about.


Well said and well written my friend​:+1::+1::+1::muscle::muscle::muscle::+1::+1::+1:


:blush::blush::blush::blush: i love it …


Baron Cimitiere

“I am the caretaker of the graveyards.” Baron Cimitiere literally translates to the Baron of the Cemetery. Baron Cimitiere is the caretaker of the graveyard. Those interested Necromancy and the harvesting of souls from the graveyard should look into working with this Baron. If the grave of a dead man is put under the care of Cimitiere it is considered foolishness to mess with it without his permission. All this pertaining to graveyard magic Cimitiere knows, he is often depicted as an older man with pale almost gray looking skin with a hooded robe covering his entirety. He does not speak a lot but what he does say is measured and has a purpose.

Baron Cimitiere places a lot of emphasis on respecting the dead. Necromancy isn’t magic to be taken lightly. It isn’t something you simply dabble with, Cimitiere does not like magicians who interfere with the dead for no reason. He is quiet but don’t mistaken this for him being hesitant, he can be swift to punish, and he is a powerful loa nonetheless. He can be petitioned to protect the grave of a loved one from grave robber or desecration and can also be worked with to reveal his secrets of necromancy and blood magic.


Baron La Croix- LA KWA

The name Baron La Croix literally translates to The Baron of the Cross . If you think Baron Samedi can be loud and obnoxious, wait till you work with La Croix. Baron La Croix is often one of the liveliest of the Barons. Baron La Croix teaches that there is life in death. To him, death is not simply a somber event, it is an event where one should celebrate life even more. For the dead is free of the limitations of the mundane world and for that he is truly given another life, free of shackles, free of worries, of debts. The dead have no responsibilities or obligations, that is why the Guede family are how they are- no one knows how to party it up more than the dead, they don’t have to worry about waking up early for work or school. All that is behind them, left in their meat suits. Working with this Baron for me was a crazy experience because I worked with him near a time where I lost a loved one and he changed my perspective on how I view death. He teaches us to not be afraid of such a natural process and alleviates our fears and worries. He can be very gentle too and understanding, he is a great psychopomp -those who guide the dead to their afterlife. And he can be worked with to learn how to do exactly just that.

Those who experience La Kwa taking a soul during death often report seeing an expression of peace and serenity across the face of the person before their death. He truly changed my perception on necromancy and the dead, that is because each of the Barons offer a unique perspective and window into the death current.


Baron Kriminel

Before I venture in further I want you to know that Baron Krimminel is one of the most volatile spirits you can work with. This isn’t to scare you or push you away. Besides Met Kalfu, Baron Krimminel is one of the most feared loa in Haitian vodun. By fear, I want you to understand that this isn’t due to contempt or out of disgust. It’s out of respect. Baron Kriminel is often seen as a murderer, a psychotic emotionless bloodthirsty murderer. He is often allied with the petro family because of this. And is one of the loa who can be grouped into both families. Baron Kriminel brings a calculated swiftness and sharp focus to being psychotic. He is a swift killer, he ends without a thought or a shred of emotion and is the bringer of punishment.

Baron Kriminel is often called the reaper. He comes in what is often seen as tattered clothing, and the face of a skull, to take what is promised to him on the Voodoo day of the dead, November 2. What does this mean? It means that that working with Baron Kriminel is often a contract type of affair. You ask him to do something for you in exchange for an offering of sorts. Whatever that is offered to the Baron and in extension any ghede spirit must be given before the day of the dead or he will come to collect it himself, and it better be ready when he does.

In pop culture Kriminel is often seen as the Joker, he’s funny in a sadistic way but can kill in the space of which he laughs. In necromancy, Kriminel teaches the art of killing your target. It’s not for shits and giggles, it’s not about being an angsty edge lord. The act of taking someone’s life is one of the ultimate acts of godhood. The power over life and death. DO NOT take lightly.


This is why, by and large, cemeteries are full of positive energy looking for an outlet. The dead are not sitting around being gloomy. Now, other forces can come to roost in a cemetery, and hauling off souvenirs from a cemetery without permission and a very good reason is a bad idea. And there’s always the problem of stray dogs and what not. But they are not fundamentally negative places.