Last day of June

Heard in a news report ( I’d prefer this stay as hidden as possible, but encourage you to investigate on your own) that THEY are adding 1 second of time to the last day…the very end of June.

I myself have a horrible TIME with TIME and so find this news report fascinating. Years ago a wizard told me a candle and clock trick that involved focusing on the burning candle while the clock is up and out of your focus. Success is when the SECOND hand…visible in your sight but not of focus…will stop moving. Mastery over this is found to contribute to slowing down time to your benefit.

This news report made me think that this extra second being GIVEN to us could be a precious gift. I’m still organizing my mind around its possibilities and will share as I get them ordered.

We have over a month to consider…what options have we got? Any ideas?

What are you going to do at the last EXTRA second of June?

No need to keep it hidden, nothing sinister or magickal going on here. It’s simply a “leap second”. It’s been done many times since the 70’s. It’s simply a correction to keep the Atomic Clock and UTC in sync. The Earths orbit around the sun is not exact and constant, and corrections need to be made periodically. It’s no different than the leap day we have every four years, just a smaller correction.

I guess another way to look at it is that a calendar is a square peg trying to be fit in a round hole. Sometimes you need a hammer to make it fit. Leap days and seconds are the hammer.

…I was implying the that the extra second could be used for a magickal/sinister operation. As you stated…it’s not every…this reminds me of the super moons we had end of last summEr. The occurrences during the first were remarkable enough…then hearing it was a close moon again the next month I took advantage of it.

Just thought I’d note this in case any one wanted to incorporate it to benefit

Im going to hide this in here.

I first noted this when I was much younger than 14. maybe 6?
The teacher’s absolutely FORBADE us from drawing it. I re invented the one that goes on for infiniti. Its connection may be to Ouroboros, Chain link, Double Helix ,Infinity, Mobius Strip


How the heck is this going to affect anything at all, even if a “whole minute” was added… I can’t see it affecting the universe no matter what people say clock is.

Well, it’s not going to. The second that’s being added was there to begin with. All they’re doing is adjusting a clock to match another clock. Time is perfect and constant. Our means of measuring it isn’t. Much ado about nothing, as Bill Shakespeare said.

Well, it’s not going to. The second that’s being added was there to begin with. All they’re doing is adjusting a clock to match another clock. Much ado about nothing, as Bill Shakespeare said.[/quote]


Um…what is this Universe we live in where some days are bigger than others?:smiley:

Does adding a day in a leap year make that one year bigger than any other year?


As in,does it take the Earth longer to orbit around the sun on leap years?


Does moving your clocks make your day longer in Daylight Saving Time?


Does it really make the Earth revolve around it’s axis slower?


Our measurements of time are arbitrary and any manipulation of them is no way a manipulation of time on a universal scale.

In fact,time is relative to the observer,as time goes by faster for someone in motion.Special relativity.

So time is not special,time is alterable.

And our perception of time,arbitrary as it is,is alterable.

Thus,if you think wasting this extra-second is bad,what about the millions of extra-seconds you have when you’re sitting behind the computer relative to running around the building?

To further expand your awareness
…check out the website concerning

The mandella effect…

Or was it affect?

This stuff? [url=][/url]

Did I read this right? “Time is perfect and constant”

Time, especially on this planet, anywhere in the solar system for any planet,or its moons; anywhere in the galaxy; is absolutely not Perfect and in no way constant.

Since we are dealing with planet earth- within the history of Homo Sapiens; Time, has slowed down, and though it is small and incremental- continues to slow down, depending on factors like the moon drawing away from the planet; and the planet differing its orbit around the sun from the fairly circular orbit we enjoy now, to a very eliptical which at its peri helion and aphelion positions. At some point in earth future, its yearly orbit will be probably months longer than it currently is, with wild veriations in weather being the rather comfortable summer times then moving into extremely longer fall winter and springs as its orbit moves nearly another astronomical unit from the sun.
Time- whether we try to make the perfect clock or not- will never be perfect of precise. Continual tweeking of our clocks and calenders will be neccessary- especially in our digital age, where we may program computerised clocks to be ever non differing, but the earth and solar system will not be of a mind to obey.
But all in all- people ‘fixing time’ doesn’t mean a thing- it is always happening thoughout the history of humanity.
The only thing to be worried about is our ability to be worried; instead of our ability to stregnthen oursleves to apply our will to our lives which we can determine.

Well, it’s not going to. The second that’s being added was there to begin with. All they’re doing is adjusting a clock to match another clock. Time is perfect and constant. Our means of measuring it isn’t. Much ado about nothing, as Bill Shakespeare said.[/quote]

I think you may be confusing duration with time. The calendar is an attempt to link time with a physical action, i.e., the amount of time it takes the earth to travel around the sun from a given point, back to that given point. The earth doesn’t rotate in precisely 24 hours. Climatic and geological events affect the amount of time it takes to complete one rotation. Granted, it’s measured in fractions of a second, but it adds up, resulting in leap seconds needing to be added from time to time. Again, time hasn’t changed, only the amount of time has changed.

Same with your example of a future where it may take the earth more months to orbit the sun; time won’t have changed, only the duration of the physical movement around the sun will have changed.

I am admittedly ignoring Einstein here, because we don’t travel at or near the speed of light. So yes, under normal, non relativistic conditions, time is constant. A second will always be a second, and so on. The amount of those seconds needed may change, but time does not.

I’m going to use my extra second to catch up on my reading.