
I must have missed that memo, along with the entirety of the heathen community. Pagan most certainly does not imply that. It means we acknowledge the old gods, that we work with them. But whether we bow to them or view them as friends and teachers is up to the individual. I think you have just been hanging around too many Wiccans.


Ok, so I see what you’re saying. I don’t typically lump together pagans and heathens though. Their practices feel too different. I was Heathen before turning to The LHP and still heavily incorporate that mythos and lean on Odin. And you may be right about the wiccan thing. However, as it’s typically defined, pagan is used for people subscribing to a polytheistic religion.

The word religion and I don’t get along. Absolutely despise that word. I can just smell the dogma seeping from it.

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Is possible to be successful with one foot in LHP and one foot in RHP so to speak?

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I don’t see why not. There are a few on this forum that do exactly that. Not my taste personally but do whatever you’re comfortable with. That’s what will yield you results. @mojosalad


It’s rare to see it done well, but there are people who successfully walk a middle path.


It all started here
Be it Shamanism, LHP, paganism, heathen you name it this was the beginning. As time went on it brokebinto many traditions with many masks for the forces of the universe.

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Do you get possessed by animal spirits too

Never liked any labels/religions/belief systems, i see it very simple, you are what you put your energy into and believe in, you create your own rift of illusions. Which vibrates forever into the unknown, that is all you really need to know. know thyself and everything else becomes an illusion.

Other then that i try to stay very open minded about everything

Wolf and bear spirits.

Ravens and others :slight_smile: glad I’m not the only one exploring the other applications of shamanism.

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