Kundalini out of control

Hello. English is not my native language, I am sorry for mistakes.

In the first month that I started learning magic, I awakened the kundalini. At that time I didn’t even know that such a name existed. The energy is very powerful - when I direct it to other people or to my body parts - the muscles in the area of ​​​​my influence begin to twitch/spasm. Energy flows through me and goes beyond the boundaries of my body, enveloping me in an egg. As I suck it in, my body shakes and adrenaline rushes along with goosebumps.

It’s been 9 months and only now I’m starting to understand how to manage this energy. The subconscious is of great importance, the reaction to the subconscious is instantaneous. Energy responds to my emotional state. Therefore, when I am angry with myself, it hits me quite painfully and strongly. To be honest, I did not seek this power and did not desire it, but now there is only one way - to harness it. Otherwise, it is very destructive. Are there experts who can help me harness this power? Thank you.

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It sounds like it’s not flowing through the correct channels, and you have blockages, so like a stream that has a dam it overflows where it’s not supposed to. If this arose after only a month, that’s maybe not enough time to really get to know your whole energy system, clear blocks and widen the channels for safe flow of greater intensity of energy.

When you say “harness”, like it’s something to be combat, a wild beast to be broken and tamed, I think that’s not helping. Tension block flow and could make this overflow situation worse.

Maybe work on opening more channels to allow it to balance out, and be stored in the correct locations. I do qigong which uses a model that avoid this kind of overload by allowing the energy to turn at the crown, run back down to lower an tian (the storage center near the navel) and also teaches you to stay connected to Earth and Cosmos, and excess energy can then be grounded.

What practice are you doing now to ground and center your energy?

Can you relax, think of your navel and redirect it, or try tiger mouth to sweep the excess into the ground? Are your foot and root energy points able to open and connect with the Earth?


What practice are you doing now to ground and center your energy?

I do not know any energy practices at all. I just create objects, change the quality of energy, move it outside and in myself. I didn’t even think about the balance of the energy system until you mentioned it. I’ve been looking for 9 months just trying to figure out what’s going on with me. Only recently I realized that this is Kundalini.

Can you relax, think of your navel and redirect it, or try tiger mouth to sweep the excess into the ground? Are your foot and root energy points able to open and connect with the Earth?

I don’t understand at all what tigers and root points you are talking about. Sorry :upside_down_face:. My Kundalini theory is at zero. Where should I start?

“Tigers mouth” is demonstrated in 10 seconds this video, from 12:25 to 12:30. The hands are shaped like a mouth, it’s a very visual allusion :slight_smile: He is here using it exactly as I also suggest, to bring his energy back down to a calm state.

This whole video is all about loosening blocked energy and then soothing it down, so you could try this, or parts of it.

Note: It’s important that he is barefoot on the Earth, this is the simplest grounding technique of all, physically connect to the actual ground :slight_smile: If you can go for a walk in nature that helps too.

Before trying this however, and considering your state of too much yang energy, make sure your points that connect to the ground are open. It’s very easy, “put your mind in” these points, which means, thing about the points and how it feels until it tingles.

The points are one each in the center of the bottom of each foot, and the point in the middle of the perineum. The excess energy will balance itself if you take care of your body. Make sure you stay relaxes to let it flow, tension creates blocks, just smile, and you’ll be half relaxed without thinking about it. Smiling activates the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system.