Knight Musings


Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes in the morning.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour in the early afternoon.

Chanted the mantra to enhance psychic powers mentally while walking out and about.

Ended the day’s adventures with falling asleep to an ascension subliminal track.


24/3/23 and 25/3/23

Busy days.

Mundane work has been keeping me on my toes, and I’m finding it very difficult to maintain a magical mindset while bogged down in life. It’s easy to become God in meditation or ritual, but not so easy to keep it when you’re worried about finding an IT specialist at zero hour because the technology that is an integral part of your project decided to die the night before going live.

I’m sure there is probably a lesson in the chaos that is my life right now, but I don’t have time to search for it. There’s just too much stuff to do right now.

The adventures continue.



Spiritual perfection mantra in the morning for twenty minutes and the psychic powers mantra for fifteen minutes while walking to work. Didn’t get to do much else as was pretty exhausted.

The adventures roll on.



I had to be at work early and didn’t get to do anything but just wake up and run out of the house. At least I remembered to put on my pants first! :joy:

After work, I was too pooped to do much beyond meditating for half an hour.

End of the day’s adventures.



Another busy day. Managed a few minutes of the spiritual perfection mantra in the morning, and the psychic powers mantra in the afternoon.

I’m not sure if my current busy-ness is connected to my Success Magick work or not. I’ve only repeated the first ritual with Nalvage to enhance perception, so I don’t really see a connection but that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be one.

I can still sense that things are moving around me, that the pieces of something are being put into place. There is a quickening, but I don’t know exactly what the final outcome will turn out to be. I just intuitively feel that it may be the culmination of all the work I’ve done in the last five years. There are forces and powers in my corner that I am quite unaware of, but that seem to be working towards my personal Ascension for their own reasons.

The gods are calling and adventures continue.



Managed to chant the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes in the morning and the psychic powers mantra for twenty minutes in the early afternoon. Didn’t have time for anything else. Was too exhausted after work to do any ritual.

Fell asleep to an ascension binaural track to end the adventures.



Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes in the morning, and the psychic powers mantra for twenty minutes in the afternoon.

My experiments with manifesting by pure assertion of will have been a bit hit and miss so far. As previously stated in this journal, situations and events seem to be easier to affect than people. I’m not sure why, though I think it may be because of the shared reality I’m trying to move. Since I’m not trying to influence the people directly, but instead mould the reality around them, their own ideas about that reality may be coming into play.

The adventures continue.



Spiritual perfection and psychic powers mantras for about twenty minutes each. Managed to squeeze in some meditation in the late afternoon.

Not much else to report other than the sense of some odd dreams.

The adventures still roll on.



Had a difficult night. Sleep was restless.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes in the morning, and the psychic powers mantra for twenty minutes in the afternoon.

Got home from work late and was pretty tired. Tried reaching out to Ereshkigal telepathically, but wasn’t sure if I was successful. I still feel like she is waiting for me though.

End of the adventures.



A very long, very busy day. I was at work for over twelve hours so I barely had enough time to squeeze in the spiritual perfection mantra for a few minutes before leaving in the morning. While I enjoy what I do, it can definitely be exhausting sometimes.

Found some great news waiting for me when I got home. A creative project of mine got selected for a festival. Awesome sauce! Another successful manifestation through pure assertion of will.

And the adventures continue.



A nice, easy day after an exhausting week.

Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes in the morning.

Silent chanting of the psychic powers mantra while out running errands. I find it a bit difficult to get the proper vibration when chanting silently so it takes longer to feel an effect.

Had a money intention successfully manifest unexpectedly.

In the evening, I took a shamanic journey to my Higher Self. There was no interference this time, and I was able to reach the temple with my guide Sam. My HS let me read the first few pages of my Book of Secrets. They were blank, and I was told that the information would download into my mind via dreams and intuition.

End of the day’s adventures.



Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes in the morning.

Psychic powers mantra for forty-five minutes in the afternoon.

In the evening, I chanted the physical vitality mantra for about forty minutes.

Fell asleep to a lucid dreaming binaural and had a very vivid zombie dream. In the dream, a group of heroes, kind of similar to the Power Rangers, were gathering to find a way to deal with a viral outbreak but during their meeting they were attacked in their base by infected people and were infected themselves or killed. I was one of the group and while defending myself, my hand was bitten by a child-zombie in the dark.

I woke up from the dream and turned off the track before going back to sleep to end the adventures.



Just my daily mantras and meditation. Spiritual perfection, physical vitality, and psychic power mantras for about thirty minutes each throughout the day.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour in the early evening.

I think I’m going to experiment with the astral travel mantra combined with some lucid dreaming techniques and see what happens. Could be fun…or not lol

Ended the adventures with falling asleep to another lucid dreaming binaural.



Spiritual perfection, physical vitality and psychic powers mantras for about thirty minutes each.

Meditation for an hour in the early evening.

Things seem to be going pretty well for me right now. I have money in the bank and work that I enjoy. I still have the vague sense that forces are moving in the background though. I kind of feel like there is something big on the horizon. I don’t know what, exactly, but I intuitively feel that it’s something for my benefit, but whether that is physically or spiritually, I can’t tell. My Ascension seems to be in full swing however. There are powers and forces that are becoming aware of me.

End of the adventures.



Only mantras today. Spiritual perfection, psychic powers, and physical vitality mantras for thirty minutes each.

Had another money manifestation come in. I didn’t even know about the unexpected deposit until a day later lol

Got together with some friends in the evening and got inebriated so no more magical adventures were done.


8/4/23 & 9/4/23

Have been feeling very exhausted and low lately. Only managed to chant the spiritual perfection, physical vitality and psychic powers mantras halfheartedly. Didn’t have the energy for anything else.

Sleep has been restless and my dreams have been…weird.

And the adventures stumble on.



Mood was much better today. Still felt tired though.

Did some simple meridian tapping upon awakening, and then chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Physical vitality mantra in the afternoon.

In the evening, I chanted the psychic powers mantra for around forty-five minutes while watching a movie.

Performed a ritual from Corwin Hargrove’s book Celestial Angel Magick before bed. I chose the angel Sa’d Al-Su’ud to help me cultivate a sense of appreciation and gratitude for my life.

The adventures continue.



Meridian tapping in the morning and then chanting of the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

In the afternoon, I chanted the physical vitality mantra for twenty minutes.

In the late afternoon, I meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

Came across some info in the BALG Wealth Magick book that may have been a manifestation of the ritual from Celestial Angel Magick.

Chanted the psychic powers mantra for about forty minutes in the late evening.

Finished the day’s adventures with falling asleep to a subliminal track.



Spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes about two hours after waking.

Physical vitality mantra for twenty minutes in the afternoon.

Meditation to a binaural track for an hour.

Psychic powers mantra for forty minutes in the evening while watching a movie.

Read through chapter four of the BALG wealth book. Will have to look for some coloured candles to try out the spells. i think I might have a gold candle hidden somewhere…

The adventures continue.


13/4/23 & 14/4/23

Spiritual perfection, physical vitality and psychic power mantras for twenty to thirty minutes each.

I haven’t yet been able to find some coloured candles for the candle spells in the BALG wealth magick book. Maybe it’s time to take a trip down to the local New Age shop, though they tend to only carry very expensive bees wax candles, which are just coloured on the outside rather than all the way through. I’m pretty curious about the Bael money spell though so that will probably be the first one I’ll try.

I had the sensation of being watched at night, but I shrugged it off. I just figured it was one of the half a dozen or so spirits that are waiting for me to contact them. My defenses are on point so there was no worry about it.

And the adventures roll on.