Knight Musings


Had a bad night. Woke up with very tense shoulders and neck.

Vibrated the anti-attachment mantra for 30 minutes, and followed it with the spiritual perfection mantra, but I wasn’t really feeling it so I only chanted for ten minutes. The tight neck and shoulders made it impossible to feel any energetic effect.

Spent the majority of the day setting up for, and working, a theatre event, so there were no more adventures. When I got home, I was tired, and chose not to do anything else.



Felt a bit off today.

Vibrated the anti-attachment mantra for 30 minutes, but it felt flat. Followed it with 9 reps of the new mantra for opening the gates to the Eternal.

Later, I performed the Ritual of Imagination from Mystical Words of Power.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour before bed to end the day’s adventures.



Felt quite off the entire day so there were no magical adventures. Maybe it’s the shift in the weather, but I haven’t been feeling my regular self lately.



The day was alright. Managed to get some magical adventuring done.

Vibrated the attachment mantra for thirty minutes, followed by the spiritual perfection mantra for another thirty minutes in the late afternoon.

Performed the Ritual of Imagination from Mystical Words of Power.

Later in the evening, I meditated to a track of the Bija mantras for the chakras for an hour. I felt a nice flow throughout my body, and my chakras were buzzing, particularly my Ajna and Sahasrara.

I’ve been drifting away from the necessity of full on ritual for quite a while now. Partly due to my current living arrangement, but also out of sheer simplicity. I’ve gotten to the point in my praxis that I don’t really need ritual to send forth my will and intention, though, being a ceremonial magician at heart, I still very much enjoy it. However, I am finding that I like using only mantras and words of power to effect change, as I continue to experiment with my own channelled angelic mantras.


Do you think your practice of the success magic a while back had a hand in this too? Keep the manifesting going!


To be honest, I don’t know. It could just be the culmination of everything I’ve been doing the last few years coming to fruition.



A weird day. Everything seemed a bit off kilter.

In the early evening, I vibrated the anti-attachment mantra for 15 minutes, and followed it with the Archangel Michael protection mantra for another 15 minutes. My mood improved and I felt better.

Later, I performed the Ritual of Imagination from Mystical Words of Power.

Capped the day’s adventures with a two hour meditation to the Bija mantra track, cycling energy.



A good day.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour in the late afternoon.

Performed the Ritual of Imagination from Mystical Words of Power.

Meditated to the Bija mantra track for an hour.

Fell asleep listening to a theta binaural track



It was a nice, lazy, day. Didn’t start my adventuring until the evening.

Vibrated the anti-attachment mantra for 30 minutes, and then followed it with the spiritual perfection mantra for another 30 minutes. I was under the influence of alcohol at the time, but i think the anti-attachment/high vibration mantra kind of sobered me up. It was a weird feeling.

Then I drank some more, and fell asleep while watching a television show. Woke up about three hours later, stumbled out of bed to turn my room light off, put on a “psychic powers” binaural track, and tried to get back to sleep. It took a while, though.



A cool, rainy day.

Started the adventures with a Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Vibrated the anti-attachment mantra for thirty minutes, followed by the spiritual perfection mantra for another thirty minutes.

Began the Ritual of Love from Mystical Words of Power

Meditated for an hour to the bija mantra track.

Did some trance work for an hour or so before bed.



The day was again cool and rainy. Mood was a little short tempered.

Began my adventures in the early evening with the vibration of the anti-attachment mantra for thirty minutes. It made my body buzz rather strongly.

I followed it with chanting the spiritual perfection mantra for another thirty minutes. I felt a sensation of static crawling across my scalp and distinctly felt my hair standing up, as if I was touching one of those plasma balls. When I put my hand on my head, though, of course my hair was perfectly flat.

An hour or so later, I performed the Ritual of Love from Mystical Words of Power.

After supper, the next adventure was meditating on my chakras with the audio track of the Bija mantras for an hour. I could feel good energy flow, but there still seems to be a disconnect between the upper chakras and the lower. I suspect it is related to, or possibly even responsible for, my failure to reconcile the physical and the spiritual as one and the same despite all I have experienced.

After relaxing with some campy horror movies, I finished out the day’s adventures with some trance work and no-mind meditation before bed.



A relaxed day.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

Performed the Ritual of Love from Mystical Words of Power.

Did some trance work before bed.



Another relaxed, easy day.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

Performed the Ritual of Love from Mystical Words of Power.

Watched cheesy horror movies until sleep.



Took a break from everything magical today. Just relaxed, and gave my mind a much needed rest.

The adventures resume on the morrow.



It was a pretty good day.

The adventures started with chanting of the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, followed by the cleansing/purging mantra for fifteen minutes. I suspect that whatever is brought up subconsciously by this mantra may be worked out in my dreams.

Several hours later, I performed the Ritual of Love from Mystical Words of Power.

The adventures ended with meditation to a binaural track. Somehow, I managed not to fall asleep, and rode the trance for several hours. I was aware of movement in the darkness around me which was a bit disconcerting, but didn’t startle me enough to pull out of the altered state.



The day was pretty okay.

Didn’t do much in the way of adventuring, just basically stuck with some meditation and the Ritual of Love from Mystical Words of Power, but I did have some pizza, which is a special magic all its own.

I’ve been kind of feeling like I’m been watched lately. There isn’t any element of threat or anything to it, just a subtle hint of…curiosity, maybe? I think something might be checking me out.


Always unusual and strange feeling when that happens. Do you have a gut feeling about who it could be?


Well, you did do a romance or love ritual, perhaps women are checking you out?

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No, the ritual form Mystic Words of Power isn’t a romance kind of thing. It’s more Agape than Eros.

Not really. There’s nothing definitive, just a feeling that there is something just on the periphery of my awareness.


I’ve had that before, it might just remain a mystery but I’m fairly certain you were right about it.