Knight Musings


So far, my daily adventures have remained pretty low key and simple.

The gratitude experiment in the morning, though I have missed a day or two without realising it.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Began the final week of rituals from Success Magick.

Vibration of the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes

Sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour.

End of the adventures in praxis.



Today was basically the same as yesterday as far as my adventures in praxis went.

Gratitude experiment in the morning. Was feeling a bit low due to not having slept very well.

Got back into bed, and meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour.

In the afternoon, I chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, and followed it an hour later, with Ritual 49 of Success Magick.

I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes in the evening, and later, performed a sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Finished up the adventures with some trancework before bed.



It was a good day of adventures.

Started with the gratitude experiment in the morning. I’m two weeks into the thirty day program, and I am still having a difficult time with finding things to be thankful for. My habitual thinking must have worn some deep grooves into my grey matter. Maybe I should try playing some of the author’s Party Games in the book.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes in the late morning. I’ve been chanting this mantra daily for 30 days now, skipping only a day or two here and there, and I have a sense that it is doing something, but I’m just not too sure what that is.

Performed Ritual 49 of Success Magick about an hour or so later.

Before supper, I chanted the mantra for the psychic senses for thirty minutes.

In the late evening, I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes.

Meditated to a theta binaural track, and wound up falling asleep to it, so that ended the adventures for the day.


Be thankful for Sam! You and him have gone on so many adventures together. Be thankful for living in a place that lets you practice so openly without harm. Be thankful for all the bonds youve formed from your practice over the years, spirit or otherwise. Also theres always the go-to being thankful for having a roof over your head, food to eat, and money in the bank. Be thankful you havent gotten covid either! Heh



It was a good day.

Started with the gratitude experiment in the morning.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, and followed it half an hour later with Ritual 49 of Success Magick.

In the afternoon, I chanted the mantra for vitality for thirty minutes. It was the first time I’ve tried this particular mantra, and it definitely gave me a buzz, but also made me lightheaded and dizzy. I have a chronically tight neck and shoulders, so I’m thinking the excess energy couldn’t flow properly through my body.

Later, I did some work on my Muladhara chakra.

In the evening, I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes.

Performed the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

Meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour.

Finished off the adventures with some trance work before bed.



It was a full day of adventures.

Gratitude experiment in the morning.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, and followed it a half an hour later with Ritual 49 of Success Magick.

In the afternoon, I did some breathwork, practicing the 4-Fold Breath, and Jason Miller’s Vase Breath. I capped it of with chanting the mantra for vitality for thirty minutes.

Later, I performed the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

After supper, I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes.

In the late evening, I did a bit more breathwork, then chanted the mantra for enhancing psychic powers for thirty minutes.

An hour or so later, I took a shamanic journey to the Fae, described here

After writing up the journey in my journal, I watched some television to settle down, then meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies before sleep.

End of the day’s adventures in praxis.



Lost of productive adventures today.

Made an oopsie, and forgot to do the gratitude experiment in the morning, so the adventures didn’t get started until I chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

I followed it a half hour later with Ritual 49 of Success Magick. Only one more day to go and i am finished the book.

Next up was some breathwork, mainly the Vase Breath, with perineum pumps. I’ve decided to work on building up my “magis,” as Frater UD calls it.

A few hours later, I did the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

In the early evening, I meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour, then I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes.

Later, I meditated to a binaural track before sleep overcame me, ending the adventures.



It was a pretty good day.

Gratitude experiment in the morning.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes.

Performed Ritual 49 of Success Magick. This was the final ritual. I have now completed the book, over a full year of daily magick, with only a few days missed here and there. Results are still pending though.

Chanted the cleansing mantra for thirty minutes, and meditated a bit afterwards. Wrote down anything that came up and burned the paper, letting it all go.

In the evening, I meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies for an hour.

Later, I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes.

Before bed, I meditated to a binaural track.

End of the adventures in praxis.



It was an all around fairly okay day.

The adventures started with the gratitude experiment upon waking.

I had slept late into the afternoon, so next came the chanting of the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, followed half an hour later by the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

A couple of hours later I meditated to the Solfeggio frequencies.

The evening brought vibration of the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes, and more meditation to various binaural tracks.

I wound up having a surreal experience with one of the tracks I was using. I’m not sure if I fell asleep or I was in the in-between state, but I had a very realistic dream/vision of my former roommate holed up in his room, refusing to come out, with the door barricaded, I remember calling the landlady on the phone and telling her what was going on, and then the police. It felt so real that when I regained full consciousness, i had to go and actually confirm he wasn’t really there. It was all very bizarre.

That ended the day’s adventures.



It was a good day. Mood was balanced, despite the rain.

Started my adventures in praxis the usual way with the gratitude experiment.

Next came the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, followed by the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence a half hour or so later.

A few hours later, i stepped outside and sat on the front lawn to do the meditation given to me by my Fae guide (it had stopped raining). It turned out not to be as simple as it seems. I had a great deal of difficulty sinking my awareness into the earth. I couldn’t get out of my own head. Sinking into the air flowing through my nose was a bit easier, but it was still more of an intellectual exercise than a true melding. I meditated for around fifteen minutes.

As I went inside to start supper, I found myself having a conversation with Illyana in my head. She gave me some pointers and criticised my efforts with the meditation. I thought I was just talking to myself, but some things were said that make me thing it was really Illyana, and not imaginary.

In the evening I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes,

I finished off my adventures with meditating to a binaural track for about an hour before bed.



Felt pretty good today. Mood was elevated.

Forgot to do the specific techniques of the gratitude experiment upon awakening, but did try to feel appreciative throughout the day.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for 30 minutes, and followed it about an hour later with a manifesting meditation.

In the late afternoon, I chanted the mantra for enhancing psychic powers for 30 minutes.

Performed the elemental meditation in the evening, sitting on the floor in my room. It was less distracting (no bugs!) but I felt even less able to connect to the earth. I think this meditation is definitely better suited for being outside. I was able to dwell within the silence of awareness for a few minutes though.

Later, I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes.

Meditated to a binaural track for an hour before bed.

End of the adventures.



Felt alright today. Weather was warm and sunny, and mood was elevated.

Started my adventures with the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, and followed it half an hour later with the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

In the afternoon, I sat on the lawn and performed the elemental meditation I received from my Fae guide. I had difficulty in focusing due to the activity in the neighbourhood, but I manged at least ten minutes of awareness. Will have to remember to wear a hat and sunblock, though, and find a shady spot, as I came out with a minor sunburn on my forehead and scalp.

Later, I chanted the mantra for enhancing psychic powers for thirty minutes. Afterwards, all sounds were muted, like my ears were plugged, and I felt lightheaded.

I received a circle reading from Empress_Arianna, and she told me my power has definitely grown stronger, and that my circle has an angelic presence around it that is working on expanding it. I guess my mantras are doing something lol She also told me I need to relax, and let the magick come to me, which echoes what my Fae guide has told me about being patient.

In the evening, I meditated to a binaural track for an hour.

A few hours later, I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for thirty minutes.

Finished the adventures with meditating to another binaural track before bed.


I enjoy reading your journal. It feels very positive to me.


I do to. I’m inspired by the discipline he has for his spiritual regimen. Fantastic journal!


Yes me too! He’s very motivational!


I’d like to try the binaural beats he talks about and the solfeggio frequencies he describes.


Those are interesting. I might like to try them too. It’s time I started getting my feet wet. :grinning:


Me too! I always listen to binaural and solfeggio frequencies on YouTube on my daily “calm down walks” (lots of pacing from a medication side effect) and would love to add more to the library


That’s cool I’ve got to add something like this to my practice too.



It was a good day. Sunny, and very warm. Mood was good.

Gratitude practice upon awakening to start things off.

Chanted the spiritual perfection mantra for thirty minutes, then went out and about in search of food stuffs.

Several hours later, I performed the sigil ritual from Angels of Omnipotence.

In the early evening, I chanted the mantra for enhancing psychic powers for thirty minutes.

I hit on the bright idea to do the elemental meditation outside in the evening, when the sun was lower and it was a bit cooler. However, there was one thing i failed to account for… the mosquitoes! I was an all you can eat buffet for them, and unable to properly focus, so I ended up returning inside to complete the meditation.

I ended the day’s adventures with a meditation to a binaural beat for an hour before bed.

Thanks for the kind words @anon25000386 and @AmberMoon !