King Paimon

A while back I did a ritual to King Paimon. Later that night, while sitting in a chair watching tv, I smelled rotten meat. Someone else smelled it too. It was there for a few days. When I was trying to get to sleep that night, I saw a “vision” of a middle aged man, kind of chubby, wearing a crown. He was just looking at me. He did not look like any of the pictures/portraits on google images. I believe I evocated him. He did not fulfill my request. I have been trying to do research on this matter. Does anyone else have a similar situation with him? Maybe he just does not like me? Does the smell of rotten meat mean that he is displeased with me? Has anyone else had any other smells from him?

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You have to earn his respect. Did you refer to him as just “Paimon”? or did you call him “King Paimon”?
Also, spirits take on forms that are comprehensable to you


Either it’s not him, or he’s trying to tell you something…


It kind of sounded like Ba’al to me.
Ba’al is also always associated with rotten meat, him and the Behemoths.

The only time I have had King Paimon actually manifest himself was through psychedelics and it smelled like a very strong cologne mixed with the smell of fresh rain, so I’m not really sure if we just had such a difference in perception or your ritual went differently than mine. To me he appeared as a very very feminine looking man with a crown.

I do know, from what I’ve read, that with some people he tends to send messages of negativity through unpleasant smells or visions.

Almost sounds like you may need to do some more reading on King Paimon specifically and see if he’s the one you need to work with.


First of all, King Paimon has been seen as a middle aged or even an old aged man by some. So, that part seems okay. However, I can’t really tell what he wanted to tell you with that dream, since he was just looking at you. Perhaps he wanted to just tell you that he’s there watching you.

Do, make sure to earn his respect (as stated above) and just treat him with respect as well.
And also, do make sure it’s him. However, if you feel like it was him and you get these kinds of vibes, then it was probably him alright.

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