King paimon or duchess bune

Who would be the most appropriate choice to attract a massive inflow of customers to a shop…
King paimon is said to influence people and duchesse bune can bring income to a project…
Am confused… Any insight?


If you want to make money, Bune.

King Paimon can bring people in, but they may or may not buy anything.


King paimon sense can influence people and attract customers. but personally you can ask either for help there are people who asked duchess bune and received customers or a new job. The question is who do you believe will fit your satiation more? you can also create a servitor to influence people to buy

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Got it… Well am expecting the customers to buy stuff… So am guessing duchesse bune…
Create a servitor? Am new to the whole Magick world… Any link where I can get some more information on that…

Am guessing bune would be the best choice

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Magickal Servitors by Damon Brand. Think about it like this you could have King paimon or duchess bune bring in customers and your servitor can help the process.

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You could ask them both! They work well together as far as I know.


You should ask him. But in general, King Paimon can help you, but since it’s a shop it depends on how long the customers will stay or even if they’ll buy something or not. But you should ask King Paimon for advice anyway, he will give you some amazing tips.

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He always does. :heart:

OK… Am quite new to all this… Could elaborate when you say ask him.? . I hope am not a pain in ass for asking so much questions…
I saw a lot people talking about asking for advice on the forum. Is it like a back and forth conversation or more like omens and stuff like that.

Don’t worry about it, all questions are welcomed. So, you can summon him and just ask him what he thinks of the situation. Should you do something? Is he willing to help you? Things like these.

Another possibility: Using a money making oil

Infuse equal parts clove, allspice, thyme, ginger, basil, cinnamon & nutmeg in either olive or grapeseed oil. Once infused for about a month- strain out the ingredients and “anoint” the business with the remaining oil over the entire location’s entrance ways, exits, windows, etc. Just let the oil flow throughout the facilities.


I would actually suggest JD Temple’s Jupiter Rite for a shop. It’s a weekly working and feeding of a sigil. You can find the basic layout and piece it together from the BALG YouTube page. I use a slightly modified version of it, and it’s success is cumulative as long as you keep up the weekly sigil feeding.

