King Paimon & Archangel Michael

Good day everyone!

I’m back with another spiritual experience that has rocked my world once more, I was attacked with Baneful Magick that made it looked like that I was having an allergy attack but the thing was I don’t even have allergies with food to to begin with, everything felt so hot and uncomfortable but thankfully not itchy. I was angry that I asked my friend if she had a spell we could use, she recommended the Return to Sender Spell, which I did at night but before the sun set, every single hive on my body disappeared.

Turns out both my mentor and my friend manifested for my quick recovery. So how does King Paimon and the Archangel Michael have to do with this?

It was a day before my attack that at night time, I felt this odd shift in my energy, I watched with movie (via Discord) with my friends called The Hereditary, I didn’t like the vibe I got from the movie and locked my mirror. I did a cleansing spell and meditation but it followed me throughout the day until I asked my friend for a reading.

Another funny thing thing is the night BEFORE we watched the movie, I dreamt about someone that was behind me, we were in my bathroom and I looked like I was unbuttoning my shirt and there was 2 buttons left before I was stopped, when I looked into the bathroom mirror, it was bright and I couldn’t see and when I looked at what’s behind me, it was dark and the pale hands on my upper arms gave me a phantom touch. When I blinked, my shirt was button and it whispered to my ear Wake up and I did, it was morning.

Going back to the reading, she told me that there was 2 beings with me and the cards even showed a lot of twos, 2 of Wands and 2 of Pentacles. The word I got is DUALITY, I did some research about King Paimon and Archangel Michael, they are respectfully each other’s Obedient, King Paimon is Lucifer’s Most Obedient while Archangel Michael is God’s Most Obedient.

It was a wild ride, I offered them my thanks and offerings in my mental palace. President Valak has told me to do more shadow work while these new entities are with me. It’s pretty overwhelming, their energies are no joke dizzying. I wish I could offer more insight but I’m still baffled with what happened and how it happened.

Love, Light & Shadows.


Wonder why no one commented, nice story

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