Tutorial: Kindraathe's Bulletproof Preparatory Immersion for Results

This. We never really know how much they’re doing behind the scenes and it’s human to get angry or doubtful but the Spirits do put in a lot of effort.

Ahhh shit. I don’t medidate longer than a few minutes due to been busy but I might try this.


I actually did some of this with my first evocation of Prince Orobas 20 years ago. For about two weeks I fixated on him, his legends, stories, offices, seal, everything. I didn’t mediate but I spent a great deal of time and energy focused on the spirit.

I am 100% this prepping made a huge difference in my ceremony. My technique was ignorant, the ceremony, farcial with all the mistakes I made. Yet and still I had a stunning success with the goal of the evocation.

@Kindraathe I think your method of prep immersion is something many students, beginner and intermediate alike could benefit greatly from.

Great post, awesome content.

Bookmarking this :sunglasses:


Yes it happens as a series of coincidences which when looked back on connects to form a story. Fascinating. These are ofcourse spotted sporadically with some awe inspiring events that carry the Spirit’s signature. The hardest is not lusting for results.

This is why your comment stood out for me, it ties everything in very nicely.

I highly recommend it been doing it for years. For me it made the development of Astral senses much faster, since I can easily quiet my mind (not always).

I also had ADD (not too severe) which is totally under control and I credit that to meditation.


Reading now. Was up to step 13. Last night.


Yes this!! Fixated is the correct term for this. That’s the word I should’ve used.

Thanks a lot for the kind words, means a lot coming from someone with your experience and success rate.


Awesome! Hope this helps.

Let me know how this works out for you for your next Evocation.

Good luck @Nightside


Three days later and I notice 14, to focus on the spirit. This means for three days Ive been listening to youtube and stuff instead of focusing on the spirit. Moving forward …

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Bookmarking this as I need to work with several spirits but just havent had the time and I really don’t want to waste time second guessing myself any more. I’ll be practicing this method for a while. It seems very interesting and I too have done some work with demons without seeing them or without a circle. It’s just harder to believe anything will happen until it does, I try to let go of the results and I find my current methods are like 40/60 when I would rather it at least be 50/50. Also, currently, my method includes a sort of pathwalking where I “go” to them. I always imagine a door with the demon’s sigil on it and knock. Sometimes I see them in their rooms sometimes nothing appears. I guess for me the biggest block is self-doubt in whether or not I actually reached the demon or if my request was heard and accepted. Thanks for posting this, I’ll update with any results I get over the next few weeks.


@Nightside I would suggest reading the list in its entirety and then focussing on only one entity and no other magickal work until you evoke the said entity.

Now if you have any magickal workings lined up which cannot be moved or must be done then go ahead but I would limit other stuff to a minimal.

Now this needs to be done until you get a hang of this and you start seeing changes in your Evocation.

Wish you luck!


Thank you :slight_smile:


Very good advice @Nightside


Awesome, man. Bumping this for others to see. My only question is why can’t I see this post in tutorials? It definitely needs to be there!


Tried to follow this to the letter for my most recent petition. Thank you!!!


I think the mods decide that. I’m glad you like it :grinning::grinning:


I’m glad you liked it. Also happy to see your recent transformation and impressive progress man. Keep it coming!!


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Question, immersing for evocation of Shem Angels, would the enn be replaced with a mantra, such as repetition of their Psalm stanza?


I’ve never used this with Angels, but I don’t see why It can’t be used.

Just replace the enn with their appropriate call.

This in essence can be used with any Spirit. The purpose is to attune you with their energies. The spirits also know about you before you evoke them. They see the effort you put in and the more often than not will reach out to you before a formal evocation/invocation.

This can also be used even if you do not want to evoke them but just to imbibe their energies and align with the spirit.



Thanks alot.

For the RHP practitioners(like myself),what is the substitute for listening to enn?

@Kindraathe hello friend, I am an Indian practitioner too. Is it ok for me to PM you for guidance? TIA

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