Just made a pact , i'm freaking out someone please help!

This is EXACTLY how medicine works, yes.
Edit: I don’t know if medicine works EXACTLY like that. I am not very clever.


Why you stalking me man? Always antagonizing me?

Secondly, the kind of man that dies from that is absolutely pathetic. I’ve had a knife in my lung, a screwdriver in my leg, been jumped and kicked in the head multiple times. Came out alive and perfectly healthy.

All I see is you trying to justify cowardice.

Well, I have to admit that I just fell in love with you. There. Its out.


I’m not going to reply to you again, because you’re deviating from the point of this post, and I’m not going to be a part of that. If you have something to say you can PM me, farewell.

You have good taste, now farewell.

Back to blood offering stuff: currently I am heavier involved in blood offerings than a few months ago. It gives everything a nice “zap”. Besides the classic diabetic lance (works perfectly fine on my ear lobes if a small drop suffices for the work) I also use disposable scalpels if it needs just “more”. I wouldn’t recommend it to beginners tho, since you are always at risk of cutting into tissues of your body that can’t be healed out again once its done.


Take a lancet to your forehead. It will bleed, with no effort. Problem solved.

Big boy. You want a sticker?


This is commendable.

Try again on a better day.
Why do you give up so easily?
Practise makes a master. We have to fail every now and then.


And sometimes failures turning into happy little accidents, anyway.


I want people to not take the easy route since you don’t learn any lessons that way.

I have never tried this, and I’m not sure about how much blood we’re talking about, probably not enough.

As I’ve stated, many currents believe in pain to be part of bloodletting and sacrifice. This was always my point, and your personal attacks on me suggesting an alternative goes to show how open-minded you really are.


I wonder if this is how medicine works. I wonder what they’d say if you told them about this practice. I see no reason why you had to make that post personal.

I’m sorry, I just don’t know how to deal with my deep feelings for you. I am a clumsy person,you know? So sometimes something just slips out.


We could always deal with it in person, if you ever feel like coming on a Safari.

Look, I fixed it.


Good girl.

Aside from the suggestions already offered (of which I personally advise using the diabetic lancet), a razor or sharp ritual knife along the eyebrow is a good optiotn. Cuts on the forehead/eyebrow area tend to bleed freely without risk of serious blood loss. This is one of the tricks professional wrestlers use to make ‘hardcore’ fights seem more brutal. Also, alcohol thins out the blood, so blood flows more freely even from a teensy cut.


So get drunk and cut yourself above the eyebrow? Damn that sounds efficient. Doesn’t weed also thin your blood? I heard it destroys your blood vessels?

I don’t think cutting on the forehead would be ideal, because that would leave a visible scar, which may make the OP a social pariah, but the eyebrow thing seems golden, I’ll try that sometime. Great input as always.

Glad to greet you, I will give you some thoughtful lines as to what you express in your writing:
The first thing we should look for in a relationship, whatever the purpose is, I mean, with the Gods, it is to fortify the perfect balance of physical, mental and spiritual consciousness. It will depend on that we channel ourselves properly with the essence, think and form of acting of the divinities. You claim that I have in fact already had encounters with them in the different needs that have led them to approach the power they carry, from the first moment you did it, having you with them, believe that part of their essence remains , he resides and his energy field is already known to them, by calling them either in evocation or invocation they perceive his voice, his intention, and even more his purpose, because already part of you is with them, in the energy field I mean, and wherever they are, even in their dwelling repose when you think of them. or in some of them, that wave of thought receives it, that is why it is said that when we think and project that call at the level of conscious THEY THINK ABOUT US, and much more if we have previously worked in their presence, or either they know us more than we could imagine.

Believe, your intention was known, and before processing it before them, you had to have planned and even commented on it, I would not worry if it was received, rather as they have expressed here call them and with thanksgiving certify that by your part as I have spoken has been done, I assure you that they will approve it, and will not be reserved if something does not agree with the protocol of your royalty to fulfill on your part what was requested in your intention. Yes, it is true that blood as a signal is a requirement … but blood is rather a link, it is your essence that you offer for a better harmony with them, but do not believe that with blood nothing else is signed, in each meeting of them with you, when you propose your intention of alliance for a commitment support and they saw your work projection, believe that your intention is naked and believe in the quality in treatment and relationship with those who have sought to have an alliance! Faithfulness and transparency is vital on both sides if there is no use … Keep the perfect balance of physical, mental and spiritual awareness.


The next time you need to draw blood even if for an offering or anything, try buying a diabetic pen, theyre cheap and come with needles and adjustment on how deep you want the draw of blood to be, plus they’re cheap and won’t put a hole in your wallet. That and it’s safer and less unsanitary.