Jumped into a pact with Azazel. Not knowing what the FUCK I was doing

Interfacing with azazel. I’ll keep you guys updated. I’m sure if I learn to respect and honor his power I can maybe get on his better side.

I look at azazel not as something to be feared. But something to be revered. This ended quite positively. It sounded alot more like a calm collected azazel, not one looking to harm me. He was mad that I wasn’t using the power that I had, although its difficult to remember the whole conversation, I do remember him saying: “let’s not get on each other bad sides” ig azazel just wanted me to see that he’s more than someone to fear, As I’ve seen in the past, but it’s been awhile since I’ve messed with demons on this level.

If you need help with this feel really to send me a DM.

Random thought, but humans are evolutionarily developed to be distance and stamina runners. We may get sprinted down by a cheetah, but we could also track it and hunt it for days on end.

What im trying to say is Azazel might be a good sprinter, but you should be able to win through endurance.

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I entered into a pact with an entity while I was manic and for a goal that was going to be horrible for me. I simply called the spirit and explained I had made a mistake and would like to edit the pact details.

I suggest this, just call on (the real) Azazel and explain to him you’d like to expand you pact goals instead of it being on a small goal like one woman maybe expand it to becoming a seductive and charming guy in general and explain you will work with him and do magick to fullfill that goal. In my experience the entities care less about what kind of magick you do or if it’s even with them as long as you are doing magick and are growing.

Ultimately they will have power in your life because of the pact but your job is to worship yourself and become the best version of yourself any serious deity will accept that in a pact.


How did u make the pact?