Journal - The O.A.A from the 1st to the 18th flame

Amaymon’s lesson to me :ok_hand:


Amaymon is such a wise and powerful spirit and that’s a really advice and it’s nice to see someone else work with him as well. :slight_smile:


Totally agree I love him his lessons are priceless
I aslo saw your amaymon journal I got to say that’s amazing!
Amaymon has plans for me, but he says that we must work upon my self and I totally agree
We are rebuilting my self and destroying weakness and creating power
Amazing spiritual indeed
And aslo best of luck to your workings brother
Wishing you the best :ok_hand:


Same to you, Belial is next step before returning to Amaymon, it’s now time to finish what I statrted so long ago. See you on the other side brother. :+1:

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Exercise 2: this was a different exeperience for sure, a quick thing I should mention - I met the baron assigned to me in this ritual I am about to talk about, but I should tell you that I won’t disclose their magickal name, so from here on out he will be known as Reptilian Swashbuckler.

You see when you reach the fifth flame and you are beginning to work with the 6th you get a baron assigned to you, likely by E.A himself. The baron will then guide and protect you all the way you reach the level of Baron yourself. In the first exercise you learn how to contact the Sworn Knights, and then your get the meet the Baron which is what this exercise is about.

You got to construct a circle and a triangle - in my case I was lucky I already had the universal circle I had a feeling that it would work for this. And I also constructed a triangle by using ribbons, placing a large red block candle at each corner and thereby resulting in a triangle with its top pointing towards the circle and me in the circle. I had prepared the circle so that I had two more candles one purple and one black to light the seal of the sworn knights, which was brought inside the circle with me. I then performed the invocation of divinity - the meditation you did before the innitiation of the last flame. I was suprised that I didn’t feel rusty, I was sitting cross legged with with my back against the south and then performed the invocation, the sensations where just as tangible as last time I did, I was sort of suprised by that in hindsight, once I had reachd the final step where the light cascades down on you and you hit that sweet seerene spot of mental peace and you bask in that with the upper chakras buzzing it’s a fantastic sensation I would love to be able to eqaute it with an orgasm that not what it is. It’s just something close euphoria to be honest. Why I didn’t describe the sensations in terms of invoking divinity is because it was just as intense as the last time before the innitiation.

Now as that was completed I had to scry into the sigil and consecrate it once more like I had done previously. First I had to call the flames in the same manner I have done previously, but I was sure to create the circle of indigo fire frst, and then scry into the sigil meaning I had to lightly gaze and not force like I am concentrating on an essay, the bes way I know how is relaxing your eyes and allow your gaze to fall into the sigil and eventually it will start flashing. I must say that it really helped with the candles and circle, in terms of immersion into the process. It didn’t take long before the symbol before me start to flash and the lines started to dissappear first one then some and eventually all of them, reppearing in blue or rather white blue static. I then concentrated on me being one of the sworn knights, the same visualization as before, however this time with my eyes open I am not super skilled at open eyed visualization but the intent was there and I had to imagine myself in that room, in that strange cloak and pretty quickly as I held my hand over it the flames rose inside of me and I channeled them through my arm with nice slow breaths and honestly I did breathing as habit I really didn’t need to do anything at all, the flames went through and out my hand into the seal of the Sworn Knights. Once I couldn’t remember what I had visualized I said:

Sworn Knights, I (my magickal name), sworn knight of the fifth flame have called you near and have opened the power of your seal to join your ranks. So it is. Eternal.

I then proceeded to scry into the seal, the lines kept flashing but nothing substantial happened at first until I realized I was tensing up and strained my neck. Once I straightened my back and relaxed my eyes my body relaxed more my gaze in flashes were back at that strange place I have described earlier, that dark room instead of the other people there was just one person there, I noticed a shift in the air around me and I could feel there were others watching me but I couldn’t see them. The man stepped forward and cmae and closer, until I felt I should pull back my gaze and his prescence solidfied in the room, now internally I knew he had just risen from the seal of the Sworn Knights I had drawn that after I had consecrated it, had placed in the triangle.

The astral composition of this person was just that a person in robes, yet there was somethig very powerful about his aura, it was massive and radiating in a way I have never experienced before. Internally seemed to real but was nowhere to be seen physically, it was he was there but I couldn’t seem, but I had a feeling if I had made a solid manifestation base he nearly could been with me physically. I felt like I had to break the silence so I said:

Me: Hi there. I guess this is a formal introduction and that we should introduce ourselves, however you were not at all what I was expecting.

Reptilian Swashbuckler" Oh?" - He said and removed the hood to reveal a hideous reptilian monstrous face, the face came to me in a flash - it wasn’t unlike the face of the predeator but not quite, it was more like this:


But without any lips and long sharp teeth was visible in its mouth. He had a neck shield like a triceratops and it was shaped in the same way it ended in small horns that popped out at the top if the neck shield. The skin were closer to indigo blue bordering to black, with red eyes witha slit like a cat and more reptilian in looks. “I am Reptilian Swashbuckler, what is your name?”

Me: “I am (my magickal name). It’s a pleasure to meet you. I tried to gauge his strengths and weaknesses and the only thing I really got was his strengths which I felt were, evocation, contraints, bindings and pacts and shapeshifting. Which I told him I was sensing to which he replied by saying.”

Reptilian Swashbuckler: “You are skilled at energy work, a solid intuition and you are pretty skilled at divination which is your main strength as well all operations that require using sensory input. But lack in other crucial areas which you need to move on further.”

Me: “Do you have any suggestions for me that I could do to improve before moving on to the next exercise?”

Reptilian Swashbuckler: “Remove the sporadic consumption of junk food from your diet. I also suggest you remove all mind altering drinks like Coffe and tea along with that, you should actually drink more water, along with doing physical exercise, it will help you in the long run. That’s the first steps you need become aware of and complete before moving on any further. As future operations require you to push a lot of power and thereby demands a lot of energy, which you lackt as of right now.”

Me. “Thank you for letting me know I will begin implementing this as soon as we are done.” The baron seemingly looked at me almost amused but also he was studying some sort of lab rat. I could sense that the conversation was sort over for now so I thanked him for coming, to which replied we would meet soon again. And the strange pressure I had felt in the room all the while dissappeared and I had to clean up my mess.

As of right now I am still detoxing, meaning I’ve quit coffe completely and I instead have tea, I guess I’ll have to give up that too and replace it with water. The next exercise, namely exercise 3 deals with calling earth bound spirits, which is sort of my forte meaning my strongest astral sense is feeling spirits not seeing them. I really am looking forward to that exercise but first trying to get rid of caffeine…

All the best and I hope it’s still a plesant read, I have a feeling that people don’t believe I am actually doing the work required of me, well it would hard to write somewhat detailed posts about the experiences with the system if I haven’t done the exercises before hand now would it?

At any rate I’ll stand by what I wrote in the beginning I am going to go through this all the way, and as it has been said before ascent is a lonely path and this pathworking I have vowed to finish and I shall. I wish you well in your ascent.

I must say I really enjoy this forum and I thank all the people who I’ve come to know through this place, who has assisted me when I’ve asked something, in addition to the readers of my nutty journals, thank you all.




Exercise 2.1: Detox - Day 1

I fell for the temptation of coffe I had two cups but I haven’t touched tea, which I should commend myself for as of today I’ve made up my mind and I won’t have junk food this weekend as I don’t think a few days in the week won’t matter as I won’t pretend I am any saint at all. Sometimes you should allow yourself but not as frequent as once or twice. As for coffe and tea in the right direction but I plan to cut them out, it’s going to be hard to be able to function without any caffeine in my system whatsoever. I’ll attempt to cut it out tomorrow and see how I feel I don’t look forward to the enjoyment of withdrawal symptoms. shudders


Exercise 2.1: Detox - Day 2

I’ve haven’t tea however coffe but I won’t have any junk food and drinking water instead of tea, is suprisingly refreshing. I know a lucky bastard as I love in a country with excellent tap water. I even like to boil water and let it cool off and then drink it that is to kill of potential bacteria at any rate I am slowly surely getting there. To be honest I think I should move on to exercise 3 where you call earthbound spirits to see the results as I follow the suggestions of Reptilian Swashbuckler to see if they hold any water. :wink:




Exercise 3: of the fifth flame has quite a few parts, you will have to invoke ominpotence through a meditation with many steps, once done you will have to call upon earthbound spirits to come to you, is has a few crucial steps. Before doing calling the spirits, first all light have to be shut out from the temple, second the meditation have to be experienced fully or the spirits likely won’t come in the best case scenario, or if they do come they are not going to view you as an omnipotent being and what’s likely then is they will reflect your insecurity by perhaps taking control or in a way scare you, yo you will likely won’t continue practicing, but that’s where you need to push through and know the steps so that when you call them, they will come. Thirdly this state is really easy to zone out in as a result of the your brian being confronted with something that’s “beyond” yourself. Technically this is supposed to be a sample of what awaits you at the end of the journey, it doesn’t say that in the curriculum explicitly but it hints at that according to me when you read about the invocation in - Evoking Eternity.

Fun fact I’ve not had a sneak peek at the other excercises that comes after this, as I feel for some reason it take away the excitement of the next exercise, it’s silly but it helps me to keep my interest on the process that’s the exercise I am dealing with in the present.

To be honest I’ve only completed half of this exercise as in I’ve invoked omnipotence through a meditation found in Evoking Eternity for the last week, slowly unlocking this state as something that’s not only possible but pretty addictive. I should let you know I can’t give you the exact steps, I can however describe my experience within each step. But I suggest if you want to reenact this meditation, get the book. Unless you want to attempt the meditation but use my expereince as a base, not recommended. I can only convey so much, plus a lot will be lost in translation so to speak, also I have so far done halft of the exercise 3, to ensure I got the the invocation down before calling the spirits. So without further ado let’s begin.

  1. After relaxing and just noticing my breath as the air entered my nose and flowed into my chest and abodment, it grounded most of my stress for exams and such slowly but surely went away. The part was still following your breath but you held it for a bit and then released it. It didn’t bring any fascination for me but instead made me feel more present or rather anchored where I sat, once that particular state of mind was reached then came the imaginaitve part. Meaning:

  2. I attempted to imagine particles of light, at first the room where I sat was covered in a neon blue type of light pretty much like this:

there were particles of dust or at least what appeared as such riding on a beam of light, like the one you can see with the curatians are closed but light simmers through the small crevase you’ve forgotten about. But instead of being vertical it was horisontal. The particles themselves where like super small spots that wa sonly visible by the light. Note that this was done a night time, so it was a really interesting thing that happened. Anyway, the attracted more light and seeemingly started to grow a bit in size, I attmpted to reach and connect with these small light particles and the more I did the more I could feel a prescence around me, from all sides. This was more tactile than visual I should add. As I am more of a tactile than visual person. Once I felt I had a good feel of the particles around me I opened my eyes - which is recommended in this step.

  1. I imagined them being all around me burning brightly, the way to describe this, is I attmepted to visualize this with my eyes open, I guess I’d say I was in part successful. I could at times for a duration of a flash see particles around me, but I could however constantly feel them. With each inhalation and exhalation that had become increasingly slower and deeper, connecting with them on a deper level. At this point I imagined them (the particles of light) enter me nose and into my chest holding my breath for a moment before releasing negative feeling and emotions, which in terms of visualization took the form of brown smoke exiting my mouth, the expansion of the torso while holding my breath before releasing eventually produced something that’s aking to a minor electric sensation around the lower half of my ribcage. I repeated this several times, before imagining the particles entering my nose and filling me up, like I was an empty pitcher that was being filled with these particles. On the inhale pulling them in, with the exhale solidifying them at the point they had stopped for the time being. And repeated the process, I was suprised at how warm this made me feel in the area the particles occupied., no only that it was a slight electric buzz in that area along with the warmth, along with the senstaions that that something warm had wrapped around that area. I continued to imagining this until it had reached the top of my head.

  2. This part is where you close your eyes, once more imagining the particles enliven each and every cell, I saw myself seemingly glowing golden internally, like I had been converted into a statue made out of gold. that just beyond my skin had some bright flaming aura, the parricles seemingly sepped through my skin making this happen eventually after expanding for a bit while leaving me I felt as my aura was quite literally on fire. Once I felt that I started to focus on my breath feeling this energy growing, it’s pretty strange you feel like you are a funnel for something endless, at least I did and still do. The energy surge in your hands and esepcially your face is not only warm but it’s very, very thick. I’ll expain, I noticed in my hands they were really highly electrically charged, while producing a lot of heat, my face wasn’t as warm but around the eyes, cheeks and temples along with third eye there was some very noticeable electric activity, almost to the point where I want to scratch that area, but I had to resist. Focusing on the exercise on my breath specifically it eventually felt like a beam had suddenly entered me from seemingly nowhere, it ran along the top of my head and down through my spine, I never noticed when it enetered, I only noticed it was there. It’s like a thick mass that occupies a large portion of your internal hemisphere, that’s feels really dense, it’s the best way to describe it, it’s neither hot or cold it just is. Once that poitn was reached I let my hands fall to the side and felt the nergy continue to surge through my hands like they had become channels for warm pillars themselves. I felt powerful but I never really felt the desire to do something with this, I just basked in this instead, once I felt I had enough of this state. I let my head fall back and imagined the all of the energy condense and compress into a ball in the middle of the chest area, before exhaling, thus making it leave me, I repeated this two more times.

The feeling afterwards, was a sense of emtpiness and coldness, similar to what you can experience after a dismissal of a spirit. Plus the feeling of that much power leaves a mark on you, at least it does for me, I long for the moment for the next time I can sit down and do this again. The exercise gives me warmth, comfort, thrilling amounts of power which in the moment when it leaves you, you release how great it felt, not while you are experiencing this particular state.

I’ll be the first to admit, that this is in many ways the most tangible exercise I’ve tried thus far, however there were a few things that I simply haven’t been able to pin point with the exercise. Like the feeling of endless love, the intense overhwleming flow of energy from your heart centre. The sense of humiliation you are supposed to be feel, at times I’ve zoned out, just like the E.A warned against that you shouldn’t do, however I am getting this exercise, one step at a time.

For the duration of the exercise I just felt like I was a vechicle for something beyond words, but nothing else. This exercise i feel is very important to get down, every step counts, before moving on with the rest of the exercise.


Exercise 3: in terms of the first half of the exercise - me doing the above I’ve decided to not report for every session. I’ll report on the complete exercise as it’s obvious that the interest is bigger when I talk about the full exercise - including steps than just the experience alone.

As for the session I’ll talk about below, it was completed two days ago. I still have 15 more days with this exercise until I likely can say that I am ready to do the whole thing. Without further ado:

  1. I slowly inhaled through my nose instead of the mouth. I find the air is nicer and warmer and helps me relax more than if I inhale through the mouth, which is recommended in the instructions of the Invocation of Omnipotence, which is the first part of this exercise before calling the earthbound spirits.

As I inhaled I held my breath for a moment before releasing, feeling the abdomen and in particular the lower rib cage being held in this expanded way for a few seconds before slowly but gently exhaling through the mouth. This sensation is indeed one of fascination of the physiological phenomenon that happens when you do this. I however would like to describe it as a gentle slope that through your breath ease into, riding a wave into deeper into your consciousness. The world around, the place became something that started to fade into the background, it was really subtle yet also something that’s noticeable, odd? I know…

  1. After this state was reached my attention to immediate environment behind my closed eyelids imagining the walls and everything else around, not necessarily focusing on anything but simply observing. As disecribed earlier the room had a color like this:

But more along the lines of being neon blue. The particles of light came to life in my inner imagination. Looking like super small points that rode the a vertical ray of light along the wall close to where I sat, the particles looked close like this picture:

As I watched these and observes the more the tiny things merged with each other eventually smaller, larger and lager balls until basically my internal vision was filled with about a fist sized balls that look like minature suns composed of white light that was akin to that emitted by a star. After connecting with these particles at a deep level, I opened my eyes continuing with the exercise.

  1. My eyes where I now had to imagine the particles being there despite not being able to feel these, I knew they were there. They could be felt in the form of intense spiritual pressure around me it wasn’t just felt at certain parts but all over, the energy itself was very warm, I’d like to say the fusion of fire and electricity. I had to they were there and for a brief moment in flashes I could almost see these miniature suns, ina clear image in front of me, however this happened so fast it was something that I still don’t think was really legit, it wasn’t astral image it was just the imagination of how I perceived it in my mind for a brief flash manifested before my eyes. I then exhaled and felt a more solid connection with these balls of light, focusing on the sensation they made me feel.

I inhaled and imagined streams of white light containing the particles enter my nostrils, filling my lungs with particles. Holding my breath for a brief moment once more before releasing negativity, worries, doubts, stress as a stream of black smoke from my mouth. The particles wasn’t soiled at all, I continued to do this until I felt I was completely clean from the emotional garbage. The lungs eventually started to feel as if they were filled buzzing activity near the lower part of the rib cage. I then inhaled and filled my lungs with the particles of light, then the rest of my body, pulling the particles down into my toes and filling my feet, legs, thighs, etc. filling these with the particles on the inhale and solidifying their prescence in the body at the exhale, filling me all the way up until the top of my head. I had to use a combination of tactile imagination and visualization.

  1. I then closed my eyes imagining these particles inside my body from the outside of myself, enlivening every cell,eventually making my body glow in a deep golden color and then the light exited through my skin expanding about an arms length from my skin in white light light that seemingly reflected of the surface of my skin. Providing a flaming white and golden color to the aura as well what then happened is that I inhaled and then exhales feeling the particles going further and further out from me. And I eventually nothing like I had it was like without any effort on my part I was a pillar, that something like a pillar extended from the “base of the spine” all the way to the top of my head and beyond. It was felt as something very large rounded extended upwards from the inside.

  2. Once the sensation was felt I then relaxed my hands and let them fall to the side, my hands feeling very warm and along with that buzzing with activity. So much so that it felt like minor vortexes rose from my palms along with heat.

In my face around my eyes and cheeks there was some serious, electrical activity especially in the temples. Remember that feeling you can feel when your arm fall asleep, that creep crawly feel? Imagine that but in almost like it was branching out around from around the corner of the eyes. I felt pretty powerful, almost euphoroc even. I know where I was, but it was like I was no longer the same person that began the exercise, it’s like I literally become something or someone else when I undergo this meditation. Then I inhaled and imagined the energy contained inside me gathering in my chest, into a solid ball of extremely bright light:


And tilted my headback, now facing the feeling and exhaled. The ball of light leaving through my mouth. I repeated the process two more times. Once the final time had been completed I noticed how weak I felt in comparison. Powerless even. It’s not a pretty feeling, in a way it’s like a drug to me, I really, really like feeling this way. During this exercise I truly feel powerful, close to the ideal I imagine how a god would feel in terms of raw power, like nothing is really out of my reach.

This concludes the exercise. I have been more descriptive than time, however I’ve left a few stuff, as I feel the above summarize the experience in a good, without breaking copy right.

Ascend and I’ll see you in the other side.

Forever becoming

All the best

After a long time I am back in the game of this particular pathworking. I was guided back to some other exercises which I put to the side previously because I thought myself to be done with them, like for example I stopped working with the path of Smoke for a while, it was too intense, I wasn’t ready at the time, it was my own fault, I did a bit of skipping ahead, not recommended. I started to take up energy and chakra work once again along with the blue light meditation. Let’s just say I needed it. It was refreshing in that I am coming to the O.A.A curriculum more prepared in my mind, body and spirit to be able to continue this journey.


Exercise 3: Anyways after doing the above meditation. The effects were pretty much the same since the other two times, the only real difference is that in some parts I noticed my visuals ability had improved this deepening the experience. One such example was when the particles of light enter your nostrils and into the lungs, I could not only feel the particles gaining mass and vibrate in there, I could also feel them more or less dissolving a knot, of anxiety I had in there. One more moment that stood out was when I exhaled the impurities out, the smoke was brown at first then I imagined it to black but as I exhaled all negative emotions while inhaling the particles of light around me, eventually the smoke started to turn gray, then silvery grey and eventually pure white, like steam.

At any rate once, this invocation of omnipotence was done, I did a little miss - while in this state I lit the candles, I maintained it sure, but you want to have everything prepared before hand. I did it because I didn’t want to waste the white candles. I had written down the calling you use for this on a note, which I had taped up on the wall so it was easy to read. I then sat on the floor in seiza (sitting on the heels basically), and then focusing the energy I had invoked, which was experienced as a mix between golden and white light, radiating from me, physically it was experiences as heat coming of from me along with electrical tingling all over me, especially around the eyes. My attention was focused on the throat and a pressure started to build in there as the invoked energy started to gather there. I then gave the call, in a slow but authorative manner. Then it took a little bit by what happened was really interesting.

The room pretty rapidly was filled with a density, which was pretty immense, and it intensified. At first at was as if one spirit had entered the room. You could just feel a slight shift in the air, as if someone was watching and standing behind you. Then it was as of the same energy scratches out all over the room, as if someone had opened up a tap and the pressure flooded the room. The pressure was the most intense around the chest and upper body and the head for me. Which I have come to learn is a good sign that a spirit is in the room with you.

In my minds eye, I noticed a few different spirit, one that looked like a shade:

Not as cartoony, and you could see the bones bit more as they appear when they become older, yellow. In the face, hands and arms, although the smoke like appearance matches up pretty well except that it was black.

Another one looked like an ogre from dragon age origins, yes you read that right. Although it appeared to be more ghost like, it appeared to beard out of light blue energy. And it’s face had a skull like appearance. Otherwise it matches up pretty well, most of the other were silhouettes to me. All of them were earthbound spirits that you just observe, feel out and take notes on. I forgot to mentioned I had my eyes closed for this part, I shouldn’t have done that, I instead should have focused on the area in the middle of the lot candles and kept my eyes open after giving the call, which I didn’t - something to keep in mind for the next session.

Note in the book it is said if you are doing it indoors, you should shut all light from temple before undertaking this. I didn’t think this was really necessary if you are feeling this out. It’s more important when learning to see spirits, because it takes away distractions, and also from my view works as sensory deprivation to help the visuals along.

I’ll try again later today and see how it goes.

Forever becoming.

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How is it going?