Journal into the unknown

Entry 17
Everything keeps pointing to the same conclusion. Some kind of internal struggle holding me back. Shadow work just brought this to the surface. I think asking Belial for his guidance was the right thing to do. I asked him if I was ready for his help and he pretty much just asked if I thought I was ready. I told him that I know that we’ll work together one day but for now I just want guidance with my current struggle. He seemed to understand and be willing to help. Hopefully this will be a turning point.

Entry 18
Good news today. Not only does my new book work, not only did I perform two evocations in a day but I found my Patron Demon. And here I thought I wouldn’t get anything done today.

Entry 19
Performed a ritual to empower my abilities last night. Also invoked my patron which caused a ton of pressure in my third eye while trying to meditate.