Journal 5: Evocation of Azazel

Hello, all. Lucius again.

This morning I did my planned evocation of Azazel. Azazel desired that I’d log my experiences here for my future reference.

This ritual was already pre-planned by me and him right after I evoked Lucifer. Azazel desired to help me in training my astral senses further so that I may perceive the spirit world in a more vivid way.

I did the usual evocation procedure and called his name. I had a feeling that he was waiting on me, because I could already feel his presence even before the ritual began. So I proceeded to call upon his name. With Lucifer, i knew that he heard me because the room became cold and the candles were glowing brightly. It was different with Azazel. My ritual space is right beside a fence where my neighbor’s dog resides. Now usually, the dog is really quiet and chill. He has a very docile personality. However, upon calling Azazel for a few minutes, the dog completely freaked out and began to bark and growl repeatedly. It did this for at least fifteen minutes. Of course, dogs will be dogs, but it was so unlike him. In the 2 years I’ve lived by him he did not utter a word. Now upon the calling of Azazel, he seemed to become crazed. I took it as a sign of Azazel’s presence.

Azazel did not appear to me like he usually did, as the humanoid goat figure. Upon this ritual he decided to take a smaller approach and appear as a male human, who had a bald head, beautiful vibrant green eyes and a long beard, and he wore all black. In a way, he looked more like a teacher.

During the ritual, Azazel taught me new techniques that would improve my astral senses further. Before the training began, he requested if he could do something to my third eye. I had already verified that it was him, so I allowed it. “This may sting a bit”, he said. I soon felt a piercing sensation in my skull, right around my third eye and I twitched uncontrollably. The best way that I can describe it is that it was as if someone was “shocking my brain”. I panicked a little bit, but he told me to relax and let it happen. A few seconds later, the sensation ceased.

I now found that my astral senses became much more vibrant. I could hear, see, and feel Azazel’s presence in much greater detail than usual. My senses were so strong, in fact, that I began to pick up what Azazel called “Astral Chatter”. They sounded like bits and pieces of conversations, too fast for me to make out what they were saying. It was a bit overwhelming, so I asked Azazel what he did to me.
“I’ve enhanced your senses for our session today. This will make learning my techniques easier for you. It may seem like I just gave you Schizophrenia, but hearing these bits of voices is part of your development. Just allow the chatter for now. It will soon subside.”

It did, and he went on to show me techniques, all of which greatly enhanced my senses and showed me just how far they can be pushed. I could feel myself coming closer to the spirit world as he was training me. He was very patient, even when I messed up.

He knew of my unfortunate situation with Lilith, and told me that as long as I showed that I was at least trying to fix myself, she would then see my dedication and return. He thanked me for doing my best to change my habits so far, and for staying on schedule in evoking him, showing that I’m serious about this path.

After training, he gave me various exercises to do that would enhance my senses. He told me that he would like me to do these exercises daily, for at least 20 minutes, focusing on clairsentience first because it is my weakest sense. He also wants me to get into energy work because it will greatly enhance my senses as well. He said he would like me to evoke him again in two weeks in order to follow up on the progress that I have made. A sort of ‘test’, if you will. He himself would like to see if I took his teachings and applied them.

Overall, he was a very gentle spirit, and a very great teacher. He seems to desire to help me get my spirit companion back from Lilith and further my ascension. I will practice his exercises daily from now on and follow up in two weeks. Thanks for reading!


Wow you have came along long way I’m so happy for you