Jinns, sihr and failed sihr

So, I woke up this morning with large weird looking orange-brown stains on the palm of my left hand (and some tiny ones on the right one). The stains seem to originate from my fingernails. I was really creeped out (I’m HIV+ on a ARV treatment and was like the fuck happened now) so I started to do some Google and find some curious stuff. For starters, people on several forums that detailed the exact same stains on their hands as they woke up, looking for answers, just like me. And one reply got my attention: that appereantly these stains are the result of a Djinn who tried to cast sihr, or black magic, on someone but failed. Either that or that the Jinn is targeting that someone as a potential victim.
So I remembered this community and thought of seeking information, if not guidance, on to if Im really being targeted by someone. My knowledge on magic per se is kinda limited; I only know Djinns are entities that can be summoned to do harm on others. What worries me is that this is in fact a failed attempt of sihr, I doubt this person whoever is will stop.
Of course there is the posibility these stains are not supernatural at all: I read on a science/religion-logic oriented forum that these stains are caused by a malfunction in the immune system, some kind of vitamin absorbtion gone wrong. I mean I do have HIV so I guess this could be related to that, but I really dont know. This is the first time I experienced an overnight physical change on my body.
As I write this its afternoon already, the stains are slowly fading away. Im not scared, but rather curious and Id like to know if any of you guys can enlight me in these matters (and maybe how to defend myself).
Hugs and kisses :slight_smile:


Yeah, might pass on that one…
Anyway, I’ve never heard of this before but there was a thread a while back where someone found some kind of strange stain on a bottle in their fridge. Don’t think they ever said what it was ( it was established pretty early that it wasn’t just appalling hygiene ). Could always give that a read.
On the bright side, your hand stands did remind me of this:


If you believe that the Jinn are responsible, here are several duas for casting out/protecting you from Jinn.

I’d find an exorcist though, maybe a local mosque has more info on how you can find an exorcist.


Thank you so much! This is what I was aiming for. Do you happen to know how the transliterations are pronounced? like as they are written, in english vowels?

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It’s a but off topic, but you can’t catch HIV from kissing someone, unless you both have open sores in your mouths and the blood of the infected individual enters one of your sores and thus enters your bloodstream.

So, as a rule of thumb, don’t kiss anyone who has open sores in their mouth, and if you have open sores abstain from kissing anyone until they heal.


If you are being harrassed by jinn, you can ask the Archangel Michael (Mikhail), Chief of the Armies of Heaven, to protect you and he will.

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I’ve got 5 mins free to scan you for spiritual activity, if you want ?

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There seems to be two patches of negative energy: a blackened green just right and down from the heart chakra, and there’s a second blob of negative energy just up from the solar plexus. Seems to me these could be blockages or the effects of an outside force. General coldness and almost watered down energy around you. All in all, you don’t feel particularly spiritual healthy.
I’m not feeling any jinn, just some astral parasites hanging around your room ( tends to happen when we become spiritually sick or weakened ).
I recommend you meditate in your chakra, establish a healthy energy flow through your body and clear the blockages.
You don’t need any magical knowledge to do this. You can learn to meditate on your chakra, establish healthy energy flow and keep yourself blockage free within a few weeks.
( Was going to wait for a reply, but something came up so I just went ahead )


Hey Biffa! I just read that, please let me know if you happen to have another free time to do that spiritual scan, that be awesome


Thanks for the advice! How do I do that? Like a regular prayer? Or do I need a sort of specific chant?

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I just realize you already did it hehe. Thank you so much I dunno how you did it but it’s a relief knowing it’s not an attack of sorts


There’s a common prayer to the Archangel Michael in the Catholic Church, but you can do whatever you feel will work. If you know how, you could even evoke him and ask for his help that way.

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I recite duas and surahs with an Arabic accent, it sounds nothing like my Iraqi Friend, but it passes.

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I think it’s too early to make assumptions that it’s black magic or a fail attempt of sihr.
Usually when a jinn takes part in sihr there’s many symptoms you need to look out for even if it’s fail attempt, but one of them is bruises and scars to distract
or make you feel weak harmed so you doubt the level of your protection shield.
Like @StewardofSophia said I suggest asking archangel to protect and watch over you.


Well, to me that sounds exactly like proper expierience and how magick actually works.

For your healing:
For your defense:
Michael, Abbadon.
(to shield you against both light and Dark Magick which may have been aimed at you.)

For Divination:
Well, Thoth or Hecate come to mind but i’m not sure how aligned you are,
so @Selkie - what do you think?
What might be a good source for him to start with his Divination in this case?
-In specific regards seeking out who see’s him as potential Danger to them,
and tries to get rid of him?
I think he needs to identify that to get away from those people and seperate their encounters,
so the curses don’t just keep coming up.

For advanced healing (regarding your HIV+, and further information on the Djinn Attack based orange brown stains): Marbas.
Definately work with Marbas,
he may help you in the Divination process aswell,
just not sure how much he want’s to as this looks a little bit like the kind of work he enjoys all to well.

But i kind of guess it’s been one of his familiars who caused that hit on you anyways.

  • note, i didn’t include Sigils, so you have to get them seperately.
    Maybe someone is as nice to post them for you,
    but all mentioned Entities are well findable using “google - sprit name - Sigil - Pictures”
    This Guideline is supposed to get you out of that specific case,
    i do not adress to any circumstances around it.
    Since someone actually, halfway successfully casting a spell against you,
    indicates there’s a bigger Picture which i’m not aware of yet.



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yepp, that sounds like asking for help amongst us has already started defending you.

In that case, i’d start my conversation with Raphael or Marbas first hand.

The Blockage cleaning advice from Biffa_Bacon seems quite good and accurate,
stick to that if you’re more atheist and see how that works for the beginning.
you can draw Energy from a lightsource (Sun, Candle, i wouldn’t suggest lamp as electric light needs some practice before it works…, or directly from Raphael for that.)



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Thank you so much for your guidance! I’ll start doing research on how to invoke these entities for my protection. Regarding Divination, what do you mean how aligned am I? Like if Im into the left path or right path? Cause that would be right path, for sure hehe

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Guys thank you so much for all your help! I really appreciate all the info you’ve passed on me, as your opinions on this matter (and, Buff, thanks again for that scan!!) I still dunno what caused this, its super weird. The stains are fading away, in my ignorance I think it’s safe to at least assume they didnt come from the inside, I mean out of my skin. I’m almost certain they are from an external source. Again, I didnt have them when I went to sleep, I didnt touch anything weird or anything. They just appeared overnight. But I am calmed and confident that whatever it is it wont affect my will to be and feel good. Whatever was, I am now aware of those chakra blockages! I’ll start working on that, as well as how to invoke Archangels and other entities for further protection and getting in touch with my spiritual self. I’m a newbie in all this so, again, if you have any more advices or suggestions on how to initiate at these matters I’m all ears.

You all rock :heart:


no, by alignement i ment how likely they want to support you,
or, may have conflicting view and prefer your attacker over you.

I normally don’t have to point this out so clearly,
but since you came here having deflected a curse already,
it seemed to be a reasonable concern.

the best and easiest way of course, is to engage conversation with them.
I just wanted you to be well before approaching them,
so you don’t leave the door hanging wide open for new attack to hit.




i just noticed a similarity i haven’t thought of:

After for a while where i had practiced meditation to recover me from sleep deprivation,
(well, i had learned how to absorb the bliss energy from waking up,
and caused that energy to rise artificially, moving it conciously throughout my complete body,)
i had started getting side effects from it later on.

I got the sensation of sweating out a blue, sour, substance, which felt like my body was producing a poison within it’s muscles.

i felt like this was a side effect of not really sleeping,
but instead, overpowering my body constantly,
and using meditation to crack just throgh the sleep effect,
without really regenerating the body.

i later started getting little white bubbles in my skin,
quite randomly,
and while it would have made sense to be an allergic reaction,
i knew it wasn’t allergy becouse i knew i had made specific Energy work without proper guidiance.

(well, that happens when you have to teach and guide yourself, without a reliable outside source to ask. - no offense, balg :stuck_out_tongue: )

now these little white dot’s sometimes had that blue sour smell,
and come up even years after i processed forwards from that.

a specific form of vitamin supplement mixture,
seemed to cause the effect come increasingly.

So that is why manipulation of vitamin processing seemed so reasonable for me.

(theoretically i’m an expert on the food stuff, but lacking some of the medical understanding.)

So, i hope you get well,
and also find ways to get rid of the affect.



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