It’s that time again! Feeler thread for October Magickal Friends with Benefits!

I’d love to join another! :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Side conversation re 90 day rule

Count me in as well :slight_smile:

I would like to join the fun!

Is there still room? I would like to participate.

There is :slight_smile:

I am going to close this on next Saturday at 11:59 eastern time. So up until then we are taking sign ups :grinning:


Love to join to :slight_smile:

Excellent, I’m excited to help!

:smiley: Count me in as well!! :heart_eyes:

Can i joint to?

i would like to be in

I know I know I said I was going to keep this open until next Saturday but I was asked by Hecate to close it Monday. So last call to join in!


Im in please! Sorry to be late to the party, only just became aware of this now (been hectic busy and was sans internet for a bit and missed it)

Okay we have 15 people that have joined and have room for 5 more. If you saw this thread and were wondering to do it. This is your sign to join in!

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