Is this all real?

One can take this as a result or not. I was planning on a trip and i really wanted a beautiful beach towel. I was going to buy one but none was available. Out of nowhere while biking BAM! I see this colorful mass near a firehydrant (edge or rural almost in toen). I pass it and say i’ll investigate it after i get some cat food.

One the way back i look at it and… its a big beach towel of Hawaii.

Had a similar thing happen but more as a welcome back home gift. On the road in a is this mint tiger blanket with bengal and white tigers.

I also sneeze when spirits are about. That could be a mental trigger but it can happen out of nowhere. I try not to think of various spirits at times. Sneezing can be annoying.

There are other results but usually they just are … off. Most the time the only whispers are to relax and enjoy life. Seems i fight that often. I do try to search for that AWE and WONDER but a lot of times i don’t feel it.

Getting what you want often leads to meh. The journey there seems more interesting.

I never know what people want and tbh, I don’t care. I’m selfish not selfless in regards to humans. I care far more for animals and plants and the earth sun and moon. When the world appears more vile and polluted by leaders and greed I just don’t care about the masses. Seems humans are a real issue. Can’t be overly glad to be one but maybe humanity can change…you never know.

@Newbie3, may I ask you which is the book of Damon Brand that you worked with? I checked 72 Angels of magick and couldn’t find that angel you mentioned. TIA.
P.s. Actually, there is one who is called Poiel, not sure if he is the same, just with a slightly different pronunciation. He can help in obtaining any desire, increasing fame and fortune and bringing fame through talent.


@zzzzzzz Ding, ding, ding. That’s the one. I misspelled his name. Not sure if you read the experience I had but if anyone here doubts what I wrote, I actually have proof. As crazy as that may sound.

Yes, I read about your experience. It cannot be a coincidence. Very interesting. Manifestation of energy.

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@zzzzzzz What’s crazy (and Damon touches on this in his books), angels will come to you where you are—no props needed. And some of the greatest manifestations from angels occur to people who are destitute or, for lack of better terminology, people who are in the gutter. I evoked Poiel in the subway on my way to work and I had the results that I had. Since then, I now have a ritual room, candles, scrying mirror, etc and I have not had the level of results that I had when I evoked Poiel on my way to work. I have had impressive results with an Archangel when I embodied one of the qualities associated with the Archangel I evoked.

Without going on a tangent, I had this project for work that was very, very technical and completely outside my area of expertise. I had to review a mountain of documentation in order to close the gap and learn what I needed to learn to succeed in the project. I followed Damon’s method for evocation of the Archangel and while I did not see or hear the Archangel, I did embody one of the virtues associated with the Archangel. I was able to learn what I needed to learn for the project with ease; not only did I learn the material, at the end of the project, I knew more than those who were considered experts in the beginning of the project. I learned what I learned so well and so fast that people on the project thought that someone from the outside was feeding me information.

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I see your point and I agree, the magick works best when you are busy with something else after it. You were on the subway, did the ritual and moved on to your daily tasks. Your attention was somewhere else already.

I’ll share my experience later.

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Take me for instance - full of shit! I make stuff up as I go a long and I do it because my life is so bankrupt.

Do you reckon you can learn to play piano in a few months?
That said, I read The ABC of Witchcraft one morning plus gave The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage a quick glance through in the afternoon - before coffee - and fuck me if I wasn’t an ‘Ipsissimus’ in no time! But that’s not to suggest that you or anyone else is an intellectually gifted as me. Just because I did it in a day or two doesn’t mean anyone can.



Which Ipsissimus you were?

As an Ipsissimus I notice things that other, lesser people don’t. For example; have you ever noticed that every time there’s a Reichstag election it’s always in Germany? Or the fact that frozen peas are all the same size? Same with frozen corn, yet none dare call it a conspiracy! But until I just spelt it out to you, you had no idea, did you? See what I mean?



You forgot to mention that the plastic tip on the end of a shoelace is called an aglet, and its true purpose is sinister. :shushing_face:

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That’s because shoelace are there to tie you up. lol

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I can’t tell if you’re trolling this thread or, if you have actually have a point of intellectually significance to make. Here, I’m going to assume the latter. The issue with the point you’re trying to make is twofold: timeframe and extrapolation. First, notwithstanding the fact that I initially posed the question, “Is this all real?”; my posts of late have consistently said that despite my experiences on the subject this is real. Second, your point about reading a bunch of witchcraft-related books and the next day expecting to be an expert is a wild extrapolation. I read several materials on evocation and after reading them, guess what? I didn’t consider myself an expert. I only question the success in my practice in demolatry after roughly two years of practice and and no results. So your point is a complete extrapolation not based on the facts.

I cannot tell if you are trying to present yourself as a pseudo-intellectual or you are actually too lazy to explain that extrapolation means a prediction based on prior data or experience?

Either way, this forum contains more “normal” thinkers than intellectuals, so if you wish for the greatest number of people to offer feedback, hold awareness of this.


Browsing around, I figured I would offer my experiences for you to consider. I have also struggled to determine if this is all real or imagination from time to time, so I can relate to your original position on the topic. It does seem that your position has changed a bit since your original post, so I don’t know where your mind or experiences are at. I am keeping that in mind that you may already know most of this! Also, I am in no means an expert in any of this and just a guy who has had a few experiences to offer. Ok, here we go with the few tips I can think of to hopefully help:

*Mental State - What a lot of people have said is true about your mental state needing to be in just the right place to get the magic to work. It took me forever to understand this one, as I like details and most of what people could give me was vague steps that were not overly helpful. I understand it best by comparing the state to how an athlete or musician describes what is it like for them when say they get in the zone. It is a particular mental arena where you are focused, not thinking about anything besides just doing the task, and they don’t worry about anything while doing the task. Same situation as when you get injured while really focused and don’t realize how much you are hurt until you return to a normal mental state.

*Lusting for Results - This concept is a bit confusing to think around, but essentially if you focus on a result positive or negative too much then it can impact the results by either making nothing happen, lessen them, or in some cases make it happen faster. I believe you mentioned you looked into the gallery of magick works, and they have a good description of this technique. Essentially, do the magic, expect that you were heard and the result is coming, and go back to your regular day. I like to think of the process in a practical way like ordering online from a place like Amazon. You figure out what you want (in this case an item), identify what can get you what you want (a lovely steak knife to cut up and eat meaty goodness), identify the magic process needed (find the price, condition, and delivery for the knife), work the magic by following the process (buy it, select shipping details etc.), and then let go knowing that your item is coming to you and don’t think or worry about it. After that, you just need to pay attention to see when the result happens (the delivery date). Magic seems to be more subtle than this example as the result is more of a known, but the main point is you trust the system to give you what you want, don’t worry about the details of how it gets to you, but pay attention so you know when it arrives.

*Blocks - Ok this one is going to be long. Blocks are common, and often we don’t realize that we have them and what we are doing to ourselves. You mentioned that you think the creator has said no to your contact, but I don’t really think so. The whole component of free will is just that…free. It isn’t conditional on you can be free but only when you are not doing this or that, etc. I know a lot of Judeo-Christian history and teachings is focused around that concept, but remember that people have a tendency to attach a lot of their own baggage to topics important to them. Especially in history. Humans can only relate and interpret what they can understand, and humans have written these papers/scrolls/books. It could be channeled information, but the information is still coming via a filter which is the person writing. Now the Jewish records might be more consistent with the lack of translations, but even some of the methods of behavior are similar to other cultures and ideas. From my understanding, what the creative force is (God, Great Sprit, An, Gaia, etc.) as a being is something that really none of us are able to comprehend. We try to do so, attach our labels and a few basic descriptions, but it goes far beyond anything our minds can process. Look into near death stories and you will start to see this phenomenon at work. People sometimes can’t describe their experience because there are no words to do so to relate what happened.

When you are looking at blocks, you have to really look at everything in your life as a potential source that impacted you in some way. It is too easy to say well that didn’t work, the higher power must say otherwise. That is giving to much responsibility to the creative energy which is the opposite of what it really gives to people. You need to look into your past thoughts and actions, feelings, and things people have said that may be stuck in there. Were you scared by something or what someone said as a kid? Did you have a negative experience that at the time you didn’t want again? Did your parents or community have a specific view they passed to you? Then go further, were you brought up to believe that the creator is a harsh punisher if you disobey? If so look and see what fear is there? Are you thinking deep down that you know working with demons is wrong (even though you are called to experience one) therefore your mind refuses to see anything that would make that statement true?

The subconscious part and its relation to the conscious mind is a bitch and controls what we perceive. The mind’s selective filtering capacity is not to be underestimated, and we only pay attention to a tiny fraction of the information we receive every second. Concepts like NLP (neuro linguistic programming) exist because people think that the subconscious mind is programmed by experiences, so we should be able to reprogram them. Magic is a big factor that is influenced by culture and society and what we think and experience. I imagine a lot of people are like me and the topic was taboo for the longest time, and it took awhile to break down those barriers to actually start getting results.

I will give you an example on how blocks work from my own life. Over the years, I have had a ton of trouble with getting mystical stuff working, and when I would start to think that I was getting success and results, things would to almost reverse and the opposite would happen or nothing happens. This led to frustration that what I was doing was a load of crap and I would quit. This happened a lot, but sometimes something would happen like a streetlight would go out every time I walked under it not paying attention and just being with friends enough times to get my attention again. I had vague memories as a kid of weird stuff happening, but nothing that would really freak me out. Yet, I couldn’t shake the weird stuff that would happen, and I just knew that as a kid I did remember having strange occurrences happen all the time.

Lets fast forward 30 years to about a year or so ago, I was playing around with channeling and doing everything I could to connect to a higher sprit. In this instance, I was focused on Athena and Zeus of the Greek pantheon as I have always loved those stories. For the channeling advice, I read about an exercise where you channel your higher self to ask yourself questions if you run into trouble. Well, I wasn’t getting reliable information that I believed I should be (same thing as I always do) from these external entities, so I gave it a shot. I emptied the mind, focused on talking to me but not me, and I asked myself the question of what is blocking me and why isn’t this working over and over with pauses between. After a few tries, I got the word “fear” and I just knew when I heard it that it was my fear.

This surprised the hell out of me, as this is not what I was expecting in the back of my mind. I didn’t think I was afraid of anything enough to be blocking myself. This might be no surprise, but I also thought that I was being blocked by an external negative entity that wanted to keep me controlled. When I dived further into what fear meant, I came across a memory of where I was sitting on the living room floor (maybe 6 or 7), and I was playing with Legos. My dad was passed out on the living room floor, and I remembered looking over and wanting to help him. The palms of my hands slowly became burning hot and I remember trying to push my palms together because they were feeling weird. I couldn’t do it because it felt like I was pushing against a physical object between them. I tried a few times, and when I still couldn’t do it, I freaked out and ran into another room thinking my hands are broken. As that fear took hold, the burning stopped and my hands were normal again. No issues pushing them together, so I calmed down and went back to playing.

That experience is but one that has impacted this type of work all of my life, and once I went back into that memory and experienced it and accepted it, I started to see more results. This is probably a more extreme example of a block, but I like this one because it shows just how far back in our lives we will need to look to make changes for today.

*Results can be Subtle - I will end this by saying you will need to really pay attention and ask the entities you are working with to help you by providing confirmations that they heard you. Now you will need to try to remain aware, but when you make contact they will do something for you if you really need it and it is impacting your desire to keep going. I have noticed that they will stop once you know better and don’t need any other convincing because inside you know already until the situation changes again.

If it helps, also begin collecting evidence like a scientist and looking at indirect signs of your work especially when evocating because they do show up. Here is an example related to your desired contact with a demon to illustrate this. I was using the Demons of Magick book from the gallery to try and evocate the demon Valac because I wanted help with money because I have debt up to the eyeballs taking care of a disabled spouse. The need was there, but I was nervous and had a bit of fear working with demons due to all of the horror movies I watched in my life. But, I worked myself up to it and did it on a bright and sunny morning because it made me more at ease.

I went through the steps beforehand of using the 3 phrases to increase your sensitivity for the demon energy, I followed the ritual, closed it out, and nothing happened. No sensory input or feelings happened, no demon showed up I could feel or sense, and I did not seem to get any results. Except for 1 thing. And funny enough, this point proved to me that I did actually get the demon there and it was completely unrelated to the entire ritual. I was sitting in a recliner doing the ritual, and my little dog was asleep in front of it. When I called that demon into the room, she woke up and stared straight ahead at the exact spot where I wanted the demon to be standing. She didn’t move, she just stared at it the whole time the same way she would watch something like an animal she was unsure of. This dog did not waver her gaze or move the entire time until I ended the ritual and asked the demon to go. Only then did that dog go back to sleep which is bizarre behavior for the dog inside who never did anything like that before.

Apologies that this is so long, but I am hoping the extra detail helps either you or someone else that may be struggling. Have Fun Magicking!


How have you been doing? I do have one suggestion for you @Newbie3 . 3 years ago I was a full Christian (I know you are Jew but bare with me here). Nothing was working for me in my life, I wasn’t happy at all so one day I just chose to throw all my believes away and made a petition to Lucifer to help me change my life thus beginning a Pathworking with him. I did not know believe nor disbelieve it worked and just kind of forgot about it. My life for 2 and a half years after that was completely turned upside down and destroyed and who I was as a person up to that point had been eradicated. I even found myself contemplating suicide very very often. Then Lucifer showed up and said: “You survived, good. Now let us begin!”. Now I know so much more than what I ever knew before and the more I live the more I learn. My point is: abandon everything you know and believe in (just for one whole day at least) go completely blank and accept all and nothing less. You will be free from the blockages, even those put in place by your G-d at least for a moment (that’s where you will receive your revelation, a peak into infinity). Then go from there, either return to your G-d or become one and work alongside your G-d and many others.

Best of luck to you

Some people are cursed with knowledge about such things, wisdom and knowledge sometimes can come at a heavy cost with our deepest desires. Some people can see what isn’t there, and other’s can’t. All I can say is keep trying, and watch out for any important dreams, as they are the one way of communicating.

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So much good information in this thread. This subject is vast, there are so many questions, and approaches. My advice to you is: Learn, and stick to a system of evocation that has been widely used. I suggest EA Koetting’s course “Mastering Evocation”. I am shilling, and I don’t care. The reason I suggest this, is because he walks you through every single step of a widely used system, and you don’t need expensive tools.

Once you have learned what he does. You must simply practice it, dedicate yourself for a period of time to learning the system.

I have, and many others here have reached the point in practice where it is no longer an exercise in imagination, but a utilization of the keys; that when properly focused through the mind, interact with portals or “secret doors” which appear to be part of the fabric of reality. If you practice diligently, I think you will see what I mean.

One thing I’ve learned is it takes time and patience. Also you need to work on yourself first. I’ve been working on connecting with demons and although I have not heard them I do feel them and will get images and thoughts. I’ve been trying to connect with Marbas lately and I know he is with me. Recently I had a friend pass away and in a dream he came to me put his arm around me and let me rest my head on his chest to comfort me.
Listen to what the people have to say on here. I myself have learned so much from them. I don’t think I would have come as far as I have without them. Thanks guys and gals. Take your time, open your Chakras and believe in yourself and the demons you are summoning.

Enjoyed reading this thread over coffee and i can say i was delighted w the discussion - discourse and replies. Read most in the beginning then jumped to the last in the end. I may have missed some points and turns in the convo, but would like to share my 2 cents with the hope of adding value.

@Newbie3 your questions and wondering is very much valid and common, id say, to many newbies, including myself. Have tried A LOT and even without knowing much, i was one of those ignorant newbies who brazenly evoked Goetic powerhouses even before I got my 1st grimoire and learned about protection. Was I heard? I guess not. I then bought books and followed rituals to the letter. Could i sense them, no. Results, id say 20%. So this is where Im coming from…

You were able to evoke Poiel and see successful results - if that is 1 success out of 100 youve done, even with that 1 success - why is there still a question of is this ALL real?

Ive had more misses than hits, and til now, im unable to sense them. One newbie thought/question that came to mind was - I know it works for many, but maybe it doesnt work for me? And yes i have been frustrated and disappointed many times to say F-ck all this, forget it, Im done trying. This forum though, with so many successes from hundreds at all levels (beginner to experienced) helps put my head back on. Will this make me stop trying? I dont think so. Pause, rest, get my mojo back, perhaps. And most probably, Itll make me try better, try harder. That i cant sense them isnt their fault - its on me and the many things i have yet to know, learn, practice, understand and work on. Im taking it slow.

An adept (who will never say hes one) member magician on here recently told me, its a good thing the Goetic demons didnt listen to me so much, bec at my level, so many things couldve gone wrong. I couldve been a tasty human they can play around with. When before that was a cause of frustration, i see it now as a good thing. I mustve dodged many bullets that couldve killed me, and realize now that I was actually being protected. Archangel Michael surfaced strongly.

Your belief that G-d is blocking things can actually be protection for your own good. He allowed one to come through - Poiel - and thats an avenue you can further explore and develop to work with - the class of angels, the ritual structure you did, etc.

Like with any religion - believers are unable to physically see, hear, touch the gods and deities they call on to, yet their faith keeps them believing bec “prayers” are answered in ways that manifest in their 3D reality.

That to me, makes all this real. Magick.

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Well put I completely agree!:racehorse::tophat: