Is there really any meaning in repeatedly seeing the same numbers (72, 11:11)

OK, so I’ve always thought that ascribing any kind of meaning to repeatedly seeing the same numbers was just something the woo-woo New-Agers went for(you know - along with three fold law and sageing things every 30 seconds) but I have been bombarded with 11:11’s (waking up at exactly that time at the weekend and seeing that time every day or that number of comments on a post online etc etc etc etc) and the number 72 is making me feel stalked by its frequency. This is all since I started working with the Goetia a few weeks ago.

Does anyone here set any store by that stuff or should I write it off as synchronicity and my probable weak, suggestible mind?


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11:11 says pay attention to you thoughts. You can easily manifest them (magick)

72 is a humanitarian number. Do you help or assist others in any way?
I don’t hear or even see that number often.

Both of them are activating numbers to. Spiritual Awaking (Goatia;-))


And it’s synchronization as you say. They talk in many manners objects (feathers, flowers, light bulbs)., numbers, signs, thoughts.


Repetition of numbers is often symbolic of angelic/demonic energies you could be in tune with.
Had a friend get into spirituality, mainly meditation and yoga, ended up seeing 444 everywhere. From what I can recall, 444 is an angelic number mainly relating to trust and synchronicity with your higher self. That kinda thing


444 Many Angels are surrounding you have a strong connection with them. You are encouraged to go ahead. And this way you can achieve your life goals. We support you and help you!


72 three more times is the last hour

Through these numbers the Demons and spirits we work with convey messages.
The numbers we see repeated are unique and personal to us, in other words, there is no set definition representing what they mean, as we all inhabit our own unique reality.

Try this. The next time you see one of these repeating numbers think for a second, “What was I just thinking of before I see 1111 or 72?” with that it will become clear why you are seeing them.



I think the 72 might be linked to me just starting working with the Goetia. I was at a concert last night and as the music made me feel intense emotion I got into a mild trance and offered it to the 72 demons as a gift. Four instances of seeing the number 72 in between end of gig at 9pm and bed at 1am suggests they did.


7+2=9 does 9 hold significance to you?

Yes! Fascinating point of view. I need to digest that.

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They were themselves, a sign. Your proof was in themselves. Once you believed you didn’t need them anymore…maybe. apologies if I’ve misunderstood

I understand you completely. You have voiced something I’ve been juggling around really beautifully. Thank you

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excuse my newbie ‘eureka’ moment at the possibilities of this, if harnessed

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interesting idea I see the numbers 7 4 and 13 a lot and of course the good old 666

in Asian culture 4 is death and 7 is an occult number we all know about unlucky 13 and 666 number of the beast I see 4 7 and 13 the most