Is there any validity to the law of attraction?

I was thinking about it lately. My friend was talking about how much it could manifest like lottery tickets but I always thought it was a scam.


The way I see it is like a pendulum. You are always the controller. If you push it too far one way it will have to come back equally the other but if you push it in smaller increments it will balance out and you can gain.
You have to know what you’re doing.


With the best will in the world is SEARCH not working? There is so much stuff out there and here.

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Yes, loads of validity but less so for lotteries and more like shitty things tend to happen more often to shitty people, and on a deeper levels, it’s the Principles of Vibration, and Cause & Effect, mentioned in this short booklet which is the source of the concept:

The Kybalion PDF, archived link.


Law of Attraction is a dumbed down version of the state of theta-gamma-sync outside of the ritual. Yes, it works for the same reason that rituals do.

Law of Attraction is very close to “Direct Magick”.


Yes it works, it says “like attracts like”, it’s one of the manifestation techniques. But results depends upon the person, it says you don’t attract what you want but you do attract what you are. It’s all about law of vibration and other hermetic principles
But Loa strong believers have turned into something different these days, it gives faster results than this.
That is quantum manifestation.


Go tell that to all the happy clappy Xians out there - dare you!


Can it manifest fears? Like if you were afraid of getting hit by a car are you more likely to get hit by a car?

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It seems to work more powerfully for good stuff but yeah, what people have hangups about, or soul-loss/PTSD/bad past events seems to keep happening.

If you were afraid of cars and certain you’re going to get hit you’ll act slightly weirder crossing roads and that’s just the mundane aspect.


No, not really. Not in the sense most people think. Thought has influence on reality and energy that is the basis of both psionics and magick however most people even practitioners have very weak discordant thoughts so very little is accomplished without the pomp and show of ritual or intense focus and effort of other methods. Add to this the turbulent sea of thoughts and desires from the masses and you get something that in its current state is unworkable.
What this breaks down to and usually ends up being is less law of attraction and more unconscious energy work with thought where you end up programming your subconscious into creating a thoughtform for a desire but anyone who has made one consciously knows that muddied and weak thought make poor thoughtforms and so it usually takes an extended amount of time to where you are better off directly applying yourself. For those things that seem to happen instantly it is usually a single unconscious burst of effort fueled by intense emotion or strong thought usually manifesting through someone particularly weak and mentally vulnerable to manipulation. You put out such a strong signal you hijack the weaker broadcasts nearby.
You are better off directly applying yourself and increasing your force of will and thought along with clarity to add a passive boost to your active workings. It does work well for fucking yourself up though or others. Implanting a negative thought in the subconscious to grow and manifest usually ends up doing the person in with enough repetitions. Tell someone’s mind they have cancer and will die enough times with enough force and their body will manifest the cancer. Similar to people dying when a fortune teller predicts their death. They forget about it but it made enough impact in the moment to be embedded in the subconscious and a year later they drive off a cliff in a self-fulfilling prophecy.


LoA is a Newager re-imagining of a much older concept, put in such ways by the old masters as “You Reap What You Sow” “All light casts shadow”, “As within, so without”, “Stay inside after dark kids, mountain lions pick off the f*cking stragglers”, etc. etc.


It’s watered down Hermeticism. Yes it works, and no not to the extent that Rhonda Byrne said it does. It demonstrates 2 of the 7 Hermetic axioms. Still, manifestation begins with thought, but there is also will, intent, emotion, vibration, and action to name a few other factors. You’re better off doing Hermetic magick than doing The Secret.
Fears manifest in the sense that your subconscious emits a vibration and attracts things that vibrate at the same frequency. It’s impossible to explain the whole idea in a single post but that’s the gist of it. Read The Kybalion, which was shared above.


You raise a very important point.

The nature of what passes for ‘prayer’ these days has changed dramatically. Many people get led into believing in the power of modern Christian prayer, but it seems they are intentionally taught to pray in a way that just does not work. In other words, they are led to believe in a version of the law of attraction (as @Lady_Eva pointed out the melding of cause and effect and vibration), while being completely denied the knowledge of the key factors that could make their prayer effective.

It makes them feel better, so I suppose that counts for something, lol.


I think “law of attraction” is more of "the cause of happiness " than “magical karma”, that wins you lotteries , correct me if I’m wrong, ( that’s my experience anyway…)


Lol it will never win you the lotto jack pot without troubles… it’s just too hard a push in one direction to balance out fast enough.
Smaller amounts are possible.


This is pretty much how I feel about it: God Doesn't Care - Mystery School Lesson 149 - YouTube

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The law of attraction isnt a scam. For example. My boyfriend literally ALWAYS has negative thoughts about everything. And guess what? It’s so negative that whenever he says something isnt going to work. It doesnt. Ever. Hes always right when hes negative which boosts his beliefs that hes always right.

Just imagine if that much negative energy was made positive? Instead of “you’re not going to get that high paying job” and you dont. It would be change to “I KNOW you’ll get that job!” And you do.


For me, focus of intention like “The Secret” talks about works some of the time. Rather, it’s usually like sigil magick, the moment my mind is cleared of attachment to my want or intention, it manifests. I will also say that if you have any underlying doubts, things won’t work out. It’s like Kierkegaard’s leap of faith, you have to be all in or nothing and for many the feeling of being vulnerable holds them back.

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For me many times the opposite of my intention will happen. Some of the time, if I imagine multiple scenarios, the one that I didn’t expect happens. Same thing when I start rooting for a team, they start doing bad :stuck_out_tongue: Thankfully these things don’t happen all of the time.


You sure it’s not because in your subconscious in the back of your mind you know/believe that affect will occur? :slight_smile:

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