Is there a way to take what you want from the spirits?

Hello fellow magicians!

So for those who know about the keys of Solomon the way of invoking the demons is by commanding them to do the task that you give them but thats a non respectful approach and also there are the dangers for you using that way.
I personally am working with the Cabbalistic way doing ceremonial magick but i have noticed that many times even though you get positive answers from the spirits while the invocation and the petition the results you asked never come. Because it’s up to the spirits if they will eventually help you.
But lets say you want definitely a specific outcome no matter what, for example a lover who is not good for you for long term.
So im wondering, Is there a way to convince the demons to make this task for you?

Thank you in advance.


I have used “Goetia Pathworking” and “Angels of onmipotence” methods with good results. Methods are simple, sigils, visualization.

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“i have noticed that many times even though you get positive answers from the spirits while the invocation and the petition the results you asked never come”… I’m not the only one :blush: lol


Thank you! I will make a research on those methods. Would you also like to share your experiences?

Thats tricky right… what is your experience so far? Could you write more?

I think it’s because of what I asked months before and was agreed to… Now when I’m invoking I’m getting a positive affirmation to my request but, the request does not align with my overall goals or desire where I want to be in the future. Could also be that I’m suppose to let go of negative traits/emotions or obsessions which are holding me back. My divination accuracy has also decided to call it quits so I’m flying blind…hope your mojo returns soon :pray:

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On my posts, I have written about some experiences. Obviously, now I have more experience, but last few months I have focused on improving my psychic senses, divination, and protection.


Yes you can as a superior being bind various spirits to your will and compel them to obey within limits of their powers and your own. Regardless of what methods you choose often times you are the bridge connecting their world to this one for them to operate so you have to be able to bridge that gap between spirit and matter or results can be highly delayed or too costly in effort for them to perform. Often if you want exactly what you want magick and spirits is not going to be what you use but rather psionics and direct psychic methods of manipulation that might use spirits as a carrier or power source.

Say you want a better job but don’t much care what the job is as long is it is better in general broad categories and delivered in a certain time. In this case general magick and spirits would be a good fit because of its broad and nonspecific nature. If you want a specific job however psychic means are better as you can directly control and influence the people involved in the decision. Sort of the difference between using an already made program that is generally good or making one directly by coding to exactly what you want.


That was a very helpful and specific answer. Maybe my magick needs to get in a higher level. I need to expand in more areas as psionics and other psychic methods. I wasnt aware that for more specific goals those methods are the most suitable.
Do you have any sites or books to recommend for me? I have homework asap :smiley:

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Here’s a fun experience -

I recently did a Pathworking to Vual (Uvall) in the goetia in order to try and aid reconciliation between a husband and wife. However I noticed something- he is also a master of time, and I had past life memories I needed verified, so I side-barred him and asked him to enter into my tarot cards and clarify whether I am daydreaming or delusional, or right on.

Not only did he clarify it with tarot meanings generally, but he pointed to landmarks in the Rider-Waite backgrounds indicating to look for certain features and I found those features in particular welsh landscapes. AND not only that, I did some backtracking astrologically to the night sky of the time of death of the previous life on the day I suspected- and sure enough, at the time of day I thought death had occurred, there were those exact particular astral phenomenon. For example I remember a full moon at the time of death- I looked up the date I thought death had occurred- full moon. Like from the year 455 ad. Accounting for alterations between calendars, Julian and Gregorian as well, AND with my ascendant sign (representing the physical body) in the descendant (setting on the horizon) with the moon in it.

Point being- Vual (Uvall) can help with past life memories, will go into intense detail, and will point you to external means of verification. Just in case you wonder about that.


That is an amazing story indeed. And eventually sid Vual managed to bring the reconciliation?
I was reading yesterday about pathworking method. So if im correctly, you visualize first of all a circle around you, with the 4 elements and afterwards you call the demon and you breath out to his sigil the Elemental breath, which is again the 4 elements one after another right…?
And after that you visualize what you want to.make it clear to the demon. If i have mistaken something please feel free to advice me :blush:

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General advice.

1- Wait for 1 to 3 months for results to show up. Do not redo a ritual the next day, that might give the message you don’t trust that spirit to do the job.

2- Sometimes the spell works but you don’t see the result. So a love spell might have worked but the person just doesn’t want to be with you even if they love you, judging by your example. You might need to cast more precise spells like “return back to me begging”. This happens frequently with targeted spells imo.

3- You might simply be asking the wrong questions, that’s why you get a yes.

“Did my spell work?” Sure, the spell you casted 5 years ago sure did back then. If you are also unfocused while doing the shuffling, a random and ambiguous answer is likely.
“Did the spell I did two days ago with Lilith to curse my enemy X work?” Now you will get a precise answer.

4- You might be dealing with impostor spirits.

5- You might be too desperate for results, whick blocks the magick.


It’s easier than that. The concept is using subliminal imaging to access the demons where THEY are instead of calling them to you. They are approached by YOU through the internal mental images which have a semi-hypnotic effect. You then ask them to make themselves present internally.

Raziel’s paths of power is a book on Angel Magick that is an excellent resource and it’s online for free by the author’s permission.

After you get some skill at it, you can convert a Pathworking to an evocation by externalizing the mental imagery and asking the demon if he is willing to step out of the scenery- that’s what I did with Vual. Worked like a literal charm.


Well i know he still does have feelings for me but he is irritated easily and misinderstands everything. And im still in love with him. He was more in love than me in the start but he is convinced that the relationship between us is not gonna work after so many fights… just to give you a general idea.
I did a love spell in August with no movement. And
Now a few days ago, past Friday i did an evocation + petition to Orias and dantalion to target his mind because all the issues start from his false beliefs about us. He avoids to see me anywhere outside because he knows he is gonna fall…
Also the same day i did a love spell with Astarte burning 2 red candles and used come to me powder and attraction oil. So i have to wait now but i still need to investiagate and i need to explore more more effective methods. I know his mind and opinion about me hasnt changed yet…

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Why don’t you try the Pomba Gira? Afaik they work really well for women.

Tried her in the 2nd fullmoon of August :smiling_face_with_tear:

It’s very likely your ancestors/guides etc. are intervening.

You either need to wait for some time or never get back with him at all within your path. Do divination to confirm.

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Sweetie im aware of that… probably the spirits dont agree to help and that is exactly the point of the post. To make them agree…( i dont want to use the solomonic method because its disrespectful to them…)

Have you called the spirits again and asked them why the results never happened? You can demand answers from those you summon.

Its quite difficult to understand if my subconscious is talking either them, but what i got was from dantalion a sense that i need to wait and that i need to perform more magick than just dropping some blood to theur sigil. So i saw this as a challenge to learn more around magick also…