Is there a spell to prevent someone from committing suicide?

Close friend is suicidal. Can’t handle it anymore. Any spirit or spell to prevent suicide

Just gonna tell you what i would do. Id get aa Michaels sigil and enn or Raphael’s and ask him to help. Also i would visualize a white light healing aura around the person filled with love.


Thank you SO much!! Going to try this… Really appreciate your response…
I tried something I wanted to share, and hopefully it helps others too. :))
King Paimon influences peoples’ minds…I was in too much of a hazy state of mind to recall if I called upon another mind influencing spirit, but I called upon King Paimon out of desperation, I asked him to change my friend’s mind on committing suicide so he wouldn’t do it. Then called upon Archangel Michael, to protect him from himself anything that might influence him. I then envisioned a white and pink light surrounding and cleansing his aura, and draining any thoughts of suicide/triggers.

We were on the phone and I KID YOU NOT, I told him hold on because I really had to go to the restroom . Then I get back on the phone, and his entire energy/demeanor had changed… All of a sudden his voice changed and he said “I had a sudden change of heart. I have too much to live for.” Then he just went on like nothing had happened. Well we still talked about it, but he mentioned triggers, and what caused it and how he was going to manage it…

I told King Paimon I’d offer him a nice glass of red wine. I feel so blessed and emotional right now. I know it was the workings of these two spirits, and I hope this helps someone!!


Btw, I’m going to add in the other spirits in the ritual. Thank you again for your post and help :slight_smile:


I’m so glad you’re there helping your friend. Write down your ritual exactly as you did it if you haven’t already you know it works.

Follow up with some physical resources for your friend like a support group hotline self help book something

Also don’t forget to take care of yourself too

Lots of love and well wishes I hope this works out for the best Sounds like you’re on the right track


Thank you!!! <3

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No problem. Michael is very nice and likes to help anyone. I do not have any experience with King Paimon, but i feel and have heard he is also a very friendly deity. I am sure your friend will be fine. Much love to you.:heart:


:heart: same to you, and thank you once again!

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I would call a suicide hotline and get your friend hospitalized in the event the spell doesn’t work. Better safe than sorry.