Is Jesus an Aspect of Horus

[quote=“the1gza, post:15, topic:1778”]History is quite a thing to study, because despite what people say, unless it was about 200 year ago, no one in their right mind has a clue what was the “real” history. As time is a play thing in the grand scheme of things, I’d like to propose that the past is something that is created simultaneously with everything else, rather than a stuck occurrence. Maybe Jesus was just some dude who had some cool ideas at first, but now he is a certified God. Like any other God, some people think he is full of shit, and some people will worship his nuts, while others can literally smoke a few bongs with him and travel to different dimensions. The important thing is not what he meant to others, the trail of human history with these deities is so far lame to the power of lame.

I find it weird that as magicians, people still find the need to try and validate what they are believing, like the fact that others believe it makes it more real. I feel we are outside of the need for that, but as I am talking about it, I am guilty of doing the same thing. Honestly, these questions will wind up sprouting debates with no clear or “right” conclusion. This is why I feel the forums should be centered around practice, and that theory is best left for a person to make true or relinquish upon their own discovery.

No one’s gonna be able to give you a right answer, simply because the right answer is gonna be an answer you choose. History, time, reality… it’s all a game. Just play the bitch; no one is sitting at the PS3 acting like the shit is the be all of the world (well, at least most people). This shit is no different, play the bitch, have some fun, and quit sweatin’ or worrying about the technical shit. Yes he is an aspect of Horus, and no he most certainly not an aspect of Horus.[/quote]

I hear what you’re saying, what I am saying though, is that there are real, tangible, historical evidences that this MAN existed as a Bloodline Royal of Egyptian/Hebrew decent.

I’m not venerating him as a God, I don’t know how anyone could, simply because I have no idea what his TRUE teachings were, because as I’ve noted they were ultimately perverted by Saul, Vespian & The Romans. (They turned it into SUN worship for crying out loud!, see my post earlier in this topic on the astrological references,. This is where the relationship to ‘Horus’ comes in as Horus was also a SUN God.)

What I’m saying is, from the TRUE historical record, I.E. the Talmudic record, Life, Roman records, etc, the MAN would have been exiled from Judea and lived out his life to an old age exiled on the outskirts of England. He was in fact a rebel King who went up against Rome.

The ‘religion’ that popped up around him(the trinity idiocy, ripped off of Egypt, Greco-Rome, etc…etc…!) is pure silliness and based on prior cultures veneration of the SUN.

Now of course we can get into the ‘alternative reality’ ‘choose your own adventure’ ‘time-space-continuum’ arguments, but I’m simply going by historical records. I was able to toss out my ‘belief’ system by studying the occult records of humanity, by analyzing things like this in a serious nature going in with certain ‘beliefs’. Really only then was I able ascertain that everything I ‘believed’ was pure bullshit and start with a clean slate. Face it, most people will cling until they discover through logic & reason that they are simply…well, wrong.

IMO, if you’re still holding to ‘beliefs’ of any kind and you’re summoning spirits…you’re in the wrong business, that’s just me. We probably agree on that.

Of course I’ve noted before on this forum that humanity itself can ‘breathe’ the life into these stories, thus egegores can and are created ultimately by the consciousness of mankind. So doubtless these thought forms ultimately can ‘become’ something real. I’m just saying the ‘original wax’ untouched that the egregore sprang from was most likely something very different than the final product. So yes, in that regard, it probably is a very smart thing to philosophize on the origins of a system.

[quote=“bodomite, post:17, topic:1778”][quote=“Orismen, post:16, topic:1778”]The first being I ever tried to contact after I left the Mormon Church was Jesus Christ. I wanted to know who he really was. How can so many people claim to have his personal number and everyone claim that he stood for something different. I wanted to know the TRUE Jesus so I could throw it back in the face of my old beliefs.

His response to my question is one that I carry with me today and is my answer to anyone who asks me what my religion is. “I’m just me. If you want to get to know me spend time with me.”

It was a simple yet sublime answer. And from that day I was open to the possibility of anything being possible. Cause shit, Heacte is just Herself, want to get to know Her spend time with Her. Belial is just himself …etc.[/quote]

Interesting bro! Gonna have to play around with this one. My family are Jehovahs Witnesses… ICK… let me tell you its enough to turn you off of ALOT of stuff! HAHAHA[/quote]

I was JW for 24 years, in that times they called the “Satan of the JW” because of my critic spirit and my own descriptions of the seven times and many other stuff. Despite of what Jesus was on earth, the history, the elements or whatever, the role of Logos of Chockmah in Tiphareth ( replacing the Demiurgan God like the past Logos of earth ) just open the door to who wanna walk up and return to the side of Ain Soph wich wanted to create which is expressed in the creation of the “window” of Kether into Chockmah, we can consider Jesus as a gateway to the absolute for whom wanna go there and return to the source. But anyone who wants to keep here and further down, is a devil by definition. It means, our autodetermination to create our own realities here, and further in the next antitransmigration cycles ( I expect that many of us here wanna this if not keep the same body for a long time, or clone ourselves when some proper empires rises from here ) are by default “adversaries” TO WHAT? , to go back to the source and become a source by ourselves.

the only attitude to opposite the source is not enough or even though “convenient” what makes us adversaries is to create new things, destroying something before, of course, yes, sure…but keep on creating below…( when dont really know yet if the Kether of now is the Lucifer from a previous kether and so on…remember the Breathing of Bhrama, we dont know in which version of the universe we are living right now…)

anyway…Jesus exists but the individualization that the Archons gave to him, differs sor far from the original bright logos. We are talking always about the AntiChrist, but if we turn the tables, we can talk about the “AntiLucifer” dont you think? …

What is below or above after all? …

Thas why this planet and this existence is the Pinnacle of creation. Man is the size of everything. Azazel gives some interestings excerpts about this in the Book of Azazel…

We are the mystery…

We are the size of everything…

Im too much philosophical tonight :slight_smile:

Since we have the 25th coming up, I figured my christmas activity would be to try and evoke him. Seeing how on that day, so much attention and energy is devoted to him, I figure it shouldnt be too difficult. If he does not disappoint, the next step will be to try and evoke the christ essence alone.

you might want to read , The Bible Fraud : An Untold Story of Jesus Christ by Tony Bushby, also The Secret In The Bible’ by Tony Bushby

You will get a whole new meaning to just who Jesus Christ is and was living in his time and place.

As “Gnosis” said Jesus was a man not a god, son of god, or any more holy than you or me , he was aware & awake in himself .

[quote=“Gnosis, post:11, topic:1778”]I’ve finally wrapped up ‘King Jesus’ and some other work by Ralph Ellis. (It took me a while, I’ m spreading myself between 3 different studies lately).

I am totally blown away! This man finally bridges the gap between the lacuna of information that the ‘scholars’ have put out to date, who say he(Jesus) couldn’t have possibly existed in that time era due to the plethora of forgeries and lack of information.

The reason is simple, Jesus existed under different names in different texts. E.g. the Talmud refers to him as Iza, (Izaz), Josephus writes of him as Jesus of Gamala instead of Jesus of Nazareth. (Gee I wonder why the scholars didn’t put that one together, it’s because they are all much later than 33.A.D. and that would expose the lie).

The people looking in 33.A.D. records aren’t going to find much, because that wasn’t the era of his activity. That person would have been the era of John the Baptist, who was likely crucified after his disparaging comment about the King’s marriage.

The real Jesus-Justus of Gamala(a royal of an Egyptian bloodline), would have pissed off just about everyone in Judao-Syria at more the A.D. 60-70 era. He was fomenting a revolt against the Roman imperials, and at the same time restructuring Judaism to bring it in line with the Egyptian/Gnostic teachings. Essentially bringing the mystery schools out into the open. His sister/wife, Mary Magdaline…the ‘poor prostitute’, uh no, she was the richest royal woman in the Middle East, a real Queen.

Well, obviously the Jews weren’t having his teachings, so he pissed alot of them off, and this ultimately split the Jewish revolts into two factions, the Esseen and the Galileans, and cost them their freedom.

The Esseen had another prominent member, you’ll never guess who it was: Paul/Saul. Yup, guess who Paul’s other REAL name is? Lol, yup it’s Josephus! That little worm was working for the Romans, playing the Jews, playing Jesus, playing all of them! The proof is undeniable, Saul IS Josephus! He was actually Jesus’s arch-rival when you examine it.

This guy Josephus has rewritten history, turned Jesus into a God, incorporated parts of his life into his, etc…etc…etc…preached nonsense in his name. This vile little man single handedly perverted a good thing and set humanity back 2,000 years.

Lol, it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

Later, it appears that once Vespian & Titus did ‘crucify’ Jesus, but he survived at the beckoning of Josuphus(playing both sides). He was ultimately exiled to England, at the borders of the empire. (Apparently it’s easier to exile a hero war-king than to murder him and piss off alot of people).

It was there he would have had a hand in building the Dewa Fortress in Chester, England. If you remember Jesus was an Egyptian Gnostic royal, so likely trained as an architect/mason/astrologer, etc.

The fortress was designed as a Vesica Piscis, a representation of the constellation of Pisces(the fisher of men!). The Dewi dragon symbolism of the Welsh flag has the same etymological foundations as Dewa, and thus has a very likely connection to the ‘Lion of Judah’. (Since it is said King Jesus would have been of David’s bloodline’).

Note: This is most likely where the Grail & King Author legends come from. (12 apostles, 12 knights of the round table…etc) They writers of the legends just changed 100A.D. to 500A.D. so they wouldn’t get hung by the Romans.

This is fascinating stuff! So here we have a real Noble King of Egyptian/Syrian/Judaic blood, trying to amalgamate and reform the existing ‘religions’ into a Gnostic school of knowledge, and of course he loses, and the victors write the history.

Ellis makes some points that he may have been castrated before his exile, since they would fear a man like this having children. I imagine if he did, this bloodline is being preserved, and perhaps the conspiracy theories of the ‘Heirophant King’ that is to rule the Earth being preserved by secret societies are true…will he be of this bloodline? Perhaps. Hell the Jews, the Christians, even the Mohamadeans are expecting a King of Davids line.

I have alot more theories now as to the true origins of the Templar Knights…much to look into. I suspect at the very least this is why Nero had no problem killing off the Gnostic sets of Christians (There were many different cults with many different teachings) while Rome tried to bring them all together under the tomb of Paul’s ‘Simple Judaism’, a.k.a. Roman Christianity, which had it’s big kick in 315A.D. by Constantine. (It was likely here they finalized the religion into a phaux sun-worship festival…a combination of Mythrism, the Zodiac, Druidism, and other Egyptian & Pagan beliefs).

So, while Caesar lost control of Rome, his second in command, the Pope(The first of whom WAS Saul/Josephus, despite the Catholic records) was grabbing up and washing the minds of the people left & right. Hey, who needs a military empire when you’ve created a world religion to do your bidding? Since the days of Babylon the priest class have always been the real rulers anyway, haven’t they?

The rest…my friends…is history. 2,000 years of Sauline Christian oppression. This is only the BEGINNING of my journey in true biblical study…and I figure it’s going to get even more wild from here.

The truth shall set ye free!



First, in terms of the main question, Jesus and his group of disciples were mentioned in the works of Tacitus and Livy. I’m sure tehre could have been more, but there were several disasters in Rome including the line of emperors.
Second, I can only speak on what I’d read.
Third, a friend of mine got me to watch Zeitgeist. I don’t buy it 100%. I do however see the logic in the zodiacal ages. A lot of early magic was celestially inspired in my opinion.
Fourth, regarding the Essenes, the first that Jesus encountered was not Paul but John the Baptist. Zealots were more along the line of the fundies you find in the bible belt and outside planned parenthood centers, along with pharisees, sadduces I know nothing on them really.
Fifth, Jesus to escape death under King Herod was sent to Egypt, where he studied with priests, same as when he returned as a teen to attend meetings with rabbis. In the old testament, a few others were similarly sent to egypt and learned from the magicians and priests. In old testament days, and to a fair extent of the new testament, unless you were royalty or a priest or a magician, you were illiterate and believed whatever you were told and did as you were told. Ur, a large city of Babylon, had accounts similar to the Hebrew Genesis. How? Mostly oral tradition amongst the literate. So these stories came the way of the Jews. Were they replicated in Israel? I’ve no idea. There is a book called Christianity: An Egyptian Religion.
Finally, these are simply my opinions and not debating or correcting anyone, just my interpretations from reading over the years.

Happy Holy Days everyone :slight_smile:

I did not say John was not a member of the Essene, but that Saul had climbed/infiltrated his way to the top of the ranks as a double agent for Rome.

Yes, there are certainly records of Jesus of Gamalla in Tacitus, albeit as I said, later than the 33AD era when the ‘Bible apologists’ would put him.

For ZeitGeist: I watched it, it was ok, truth mixed with bullshit, like every other thing on video. The main reason for the interest in Pisces, according to Ellis, would have been Jesus Justus(of Gamalla)'s training as an Egyptian/Gnostic King…well versed in the Astrological mystery schools. Anyway I read books, historical records, congressional records, treaties, etc…fuck Movies & T.V. Society is in the shape it is in…because of Movies & T.V.

Lol peace…happy solstice

Seriously, read Ralph Ellis, best Biblical Historian I’ve ever read, hands down. You seem like an interested party, check it out!

Jesus: King of Edessa | The TRUE origins of JESUS CHRIST

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Fixed for accuracy.

Even tho, can Jesus be an emmanation of a sun deity just like the Dalai Lamas are supposed to be emmanations from Avalokiteshvara?

Also, has someone Evoked SantaClaus/Sinterklass/ViejoPascuero/PapaNoel/BabboNatale/StNicolas/longetcetera ?

[quote=“Enlightener_Illuminator, post:9, topic:1778”]This professor has an interesting view on Jesus:

Some people believe the stories of one or two men were utilized in order to create the mythos of Jesus.[/quote]

E.I. I just wanted to say thanks for putting me onto Ra Imhotep, the professor, the man is on fire.

BTW I just realized he has a Youtube channel as well:


I check him out often, his teachings are golden.