Is it true that the magical change starts with us?

ABSOLUTELY. In fact, I strongly believe there are very few people who can successfully begin doing magic unless there is internal changes and paradigm shifts. If these don’t happen, it means the person isn’t connecting with reality.

The dark side focuses strongly on reality. There is no fairytale land to aspire to, no escape mechanisms to run away from reality. If it’s real, it’s real, gods and angels be damned.

Furthermore, I learned from one magickal order that the fastest way to produce external change is to affect internal change (even if it’s just perception).

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I find Your comment fascinating, would you mind expanding on it just a little. I’m assuming that comes from personal experience?


I’ve been working with King Paimon to improve my leadership and get a promotion. I’ve started to see clues that it’s working and I think I’ll see results…

But, I also just got a ticket for driving - it was a stupid, minor offense that I see people do every day. And I’ve never gotten a ticket (one time 20 years ago for having a headlight out maybe).

The cop was just in a bad mood. But he literally says “you being too impatient “. Which is what I need to work on of course!

I 100% believe this was a message from the King, and due to my occult work. He was kind of saying “dude, you’re not listening” bc I knew I was too impatient already.

So my current belief is the change will first be attempted within you, but you’ll keep getting messages from the universe as long as you desire the result and you’re not changing.


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Yes, it does.

Magic is the leveraging of mystical connection to the transcendental noumenal for effect upon the phenomenally real. Said mystical connection however is bivalent; magic can leverage you to effect for its own “will” too.

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