Is it safe to work with Vishnu? Need an expert

I want to get his protection and learn how to meditate and calm my mind. What precautions should I take?


Yes, So Long As Your Intentions Are Right

First let’s get some disclaimers out of the way:

  1. I am a devotee of Shiva, while I appreciate Vishnu immensely there are other (probably mostly non-Tantric) experts to consult as well. I can still help you get started (my point in posting)
  2. The Hindu Gods care about your intentions, like a lot. If you are of pure intent and just feel called to Vishnu for spiritual advancement, wonderful they will treat you well and protect you on your journey. You want to enrich yourself, gain siddhis to show off or start a cult? Pick some other entities because these ones will be a wicked ride for you
  3. Hinduism is immense and extremely complex, there is no one way or one controlling interpretation. I will try to be as balanced as possible, believing that the myths and interpretations are best considered as a group, but for the average practioner, find a school/path/tradition and adhere to it fully as this is your path up the mountain so to speak.
  4. The Hindu Gods do not care about your ego and will teach you through some intense servings of humble pie and general ego-mortification. Think psychedelic induced ego death, but without the trippy visuals and lasts until you regrow a new ego or overcome the need for an ego and learn to use it as tool you can easily discard. Overcoming your ego is a big part of spiritual advancement in the Indian traditions, it is truly liberating once you get used to it but for the prideful, when it first comes off it tends to be more painful than all the baby teeth of a thousand lifetimes all at once. Persist through a few sheddings and you'll notice yourself becoming potent beyond your wildest dreams.

A little about Lord Vishnu

  • Member of the Trimurti (aka "Hindu Trinity") composed of Brahma(creation), Vishnu(preservation) & Shiva(destruction \m/ or more accurately dissolution). He presides over preservation of things manifest.
  • His Shakti (power embodied as a concubine, not a wife the difference is important) is Lady Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune/Wealth (in terms of heads of one's herd of steer)
  • His common name is from the Rig Veda, He is rare among its deities as still being commonly worshiped and highly esteemed.
  • He manifests Himself in 10 avatars per cycle of Yugas (the ages of mankind,we are in the final yuga where wickedness presides). These are His avatars, the most recent was Lord Krishna (from the Bhagavad Gita) and his tenth and final avatar comes at the end of this Yuga to smite the wicked and end the ages of man so whatever comes next can begin its own cycle. See the Kalki Purana for more on that!
  • Other popular avatars include Rama from the Ramayana (essentially what the Legend of Zelda was ripping off for its story), Narasimha (man-lion who pops out of a pillar to perform the ultimate God smackdown on a demon's candy ass), Krishna (friend of the main characters of the Mahabhratta, the Pandava brothers and their collective wife), Parashurama, who is still alive and will teach Kalki the martial arts needed for wickedness smiting, etc.

Your Best Bet is to Find Some Hare Krishnas

They see Vishnu as a form of Krishna, instead of the more common other way around, but still they provide a comprehensive series of sadhana (spiritual practices) that will advance one spiritually along the lines of Vaishnavist (Vishnu-centric) thought and are as close to what Westerners expect from a religion as Hinduism is inclined to offer. Their Main Website

And You Probably Should Read the Gita

As I said I am a Shiva devotee (I follow the Trika system aka Kashmiri Shavism), yet the Bhagavad Gita once I was fully immersed conceptually in Indian religious thought has had a profound and deeply positive impact on me and on my life. Its a section of the Mahabhratta where Vishnu avatar Krishna sings his friend Arjuna (one of the Pandavas who is about the best archer ever to live) a song when Arjuna starts to use ahimsa (religious non-violence) as an excuse for shaking his duty to fight for his brother’s throne. It took me a few years and a few readings to understand what in the sam hell was going on, what the significance of any of it was and all that, but its great and for a Vishnu-devotee it is as close to required reading as it comes in Indian religion. It truly distills the transcendental elements shared across Hinduism beautifully and comprehensively, plus free audio-recordings exist so you can listen to it in about 4 hours tops.

How to Get Started

  1. Research Hinduism in a broad sense academically first, for your own sanity. Encyclopedia entries, introductory and primer books, all that like you are writing an undergraduate research paper on the topic. You will thank me later
  2. Read a Purana or two related to the Vishnu traditions, they are way easier to read than anything from the Bible and a lot more insightful. They also will give you the missing context on how Vishnu is worshiped by contemporary Hindus.
  3. If you want to practice devotional worship, you will need to learn the puja ritual and offerings to Vishnu, buy a murti (icon), create a shrine for it, offer it puja, etc according to the rituals specific to Vishnu or which ever avatar of His pops out at you the most when you study them all
  4. MOST IMPORTANT AND EASIEST FIRST STEP: Learn a mantra related to Vishnu,get a mala (tulsi seeds are auspicious for Krishna worship, willing to bet this holds true of Vishnu in general) and say 108 repetitions of that mantra using the mala to keep count. Also acquire a fossilized seashell, these are also Vishnu specific and the exact type of shell you will have to look up yourself, keep it nearby when chanting or imagine sending energy to it. This will begin to accumulate energy in your mala, your shell & once you transcend the need for those symbols, in you. This potential energy, if you will, can be utilized in various ways (mostly of interest in the tantric traditions, one of which survives related to Vishnu) but also becomes the place of spiritual strength you can draw on for your spiritual advancement that is way more important than temporary selfish gains and way more worth your time saying all those 108 mantra repetitions (called a mantra jaap).
  5. A final introductory practice you may find useful is talking to Vishnu, privately so you don't look insane, but lay it on Him. He's a Deva, one known for protecting His devotees with man-lion fierceness even, so He won't use anything you say against you or be mean about what you say to Him. Often He won't say a word, but things will happen indicating He does listen and every so often, the Earth will seem about to shatter and He will respond, you just have to learn how to listen to Him but once you can you will find He and the other Deva are quite chatty and always present, it is you that becomes distant for they pervade everything all the time.

Best of Luck, Fellow Traveler

With that I will return to obscurity, which I tend to prefer anyways. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, since you felt compelled to post this, my assumption is that Vishnu’s calling will only magnify for you in time. Long ago something similar happened to me, along with a kundalini awakening and numerous other weird events I won’t bore you with. Strap in, its going to be a wild ride but ultimately the most worthy thing you ever could do with this life.

May the blessings of Vishnu and Lakshmi rain down upon us all and may our ancestors smile down upon our actions from Pitraloka as we continue forth with this life. Furthermore, may Narasimha protect you from that which would tempt you to stray from the path of spiritual evolution and may merciful Lord Ganesha remove any obstacles that might otherwise hinder you.

The Sri Vishnu Mantra

त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव ।
त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणम् त्वमेव त्वमेव सर्वम् मम देव देव ॥

Tvameva Maataa Ca Pitaa Tvameva Tvameva Bandhush-Ca Sakhaa Tvam-Ev

Tvameva Viidyaa Dravinnam Tvam-Eva Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva।।

translated: “O Lord you are my father and mother, you are also my friend and brother, your wealth and education itself, I see my hopes and Salvation in you”.

God as God. No, it won’t hurt you, the question is whether it will fulfill your desires or whether you will mindlessly worship God.
If you care about Vishnu, Avatar Narasimha would be the best one. Recite Narasimha Kavacha every morning. It works much better than just listening. I think it has some interesting potential, especially for self-control and maybe making things go smoothly. At least from what I noticed and experienced.

According to the Vedas, the practitioner should meditate on the figure of a half-man-god with the head and claws of a lion. He sits on a throne and is dressed in yellow robes.
I think he responds to this meditation, but either way it’s important to create a relationship with spirit.
This is the most important thing (apart from discipline and wise life, of course)

This is an avatar that requires purity of spirit, but how you conduct yourself is none of his business. From what I understand, it’s more about wisely directing sexual energies.
from what I have experienced, demons are afraid of him as if they were struck by lightning.
Maybe it was him or not. The fear was great. I felt it.

it aint that difficult to meditate on vishnu . the vishnu sahasranamam - the word sahasra means 1000 names is of the highest virtue. it can be recited at any time of the day … any situation … lord narayana is very powerful
also as mentioned previously lord narasimha - ahobilam is the holiest place for lord narasimha … i have been there… lord narasimha is in his nine avatars to cater to all signs . nothing more powerful than that …
most od the idols there are swayambuhu - meaning they were self created and born out of the soil.
Lord adi sankara recited the stotram called
Karavalamba stotram to defeat all the evils agains him
he was penancing and he had all the asuras fight against him and his fond disciple assumed the form of the ugra - meaning in sanskrit - anger . in all his wrath made ashes of all the destructive elements .
it is a very powerful mantra.
i recite it everyday .
the best script is in the site called
this is the original script of the 17 verse composition
it is like walking along the path holding his hand
and please recite the verse called lord narasimha pancharatnam stotram …
please let me know if u want anymore details
there is nothing safe or unsafe about lord vishnu … so pls have the faith and know that he is always there

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I’m probably the foremost expert in the Western world on Vishnu, and there is a literal massive cult surrounding the Hindu god Vishnu.

It should be understood that he is part of the light side. So in terms of demons, and angels/gods, he is on the light side, the angel side.

The concept of demons is not very well understood in the Hindu religion, whereas in the Christian religion it is very much elaborated. Goetia is rooted in the Christian worldview.

I’d highly recommend to avoid it and just do meditation, and try to attain the cosmic state of no-mind, no-ego. But then again that’s just me.

Maybe there was a translation error. I would love to read books on Hinduism and occultism written by you.
What should I enter into the Amazon Books search engine?
Many gurus who had been cultivating for decades moved west and established their ashrams and they just got old.
I’m just curious, you must have a life like paradise, excellent health, and your wishes have been fulfilled.
since you have achieved such a high level of understanding and practice of the Vedas.
Masters of mantras, Mantracs have millions of repetitions of Vedic mantras and that takes years.
Please share your talent on the forum.

Here’s what happened. I spent many years studying your Vishnu cult, deeply understanding the philosophy.

Then my kundalini awoke, and my very mind-ego self disappeared, and the eternal reality was witnessed.

What the real enlightenment is, fully contradicted all of the DOGMA and nonsense of the Vishnu cult and Hindu ideas. Of course you have Hindu philosophers such as Shankarayana who also promoted the idea of one-ness, but then again he was just copying Buddha. Just as Patanjali simply plagurized Buddhist meditations. Seems like the only thing Hindus can do is cheat, and plagurize other people’s ideas.

After enlightenment, I was fully free from all Hindu dogmas, Hindu ideas. I was finally free, and alive, a real human.

Hinduism is simply a waste of time. Let’s also not forget the mass child molestation that has taken place in various Hindu temples and Hindu cults.

Even more so, you can transmit new Vedas on paper from heaven and feed us with the secret wisdom of Brahma, the father of the universe and the knower of the Vedas and Vishnu Worshipper.
You can also give us secret mantras, e.g. for fulfilling wishes and the secrets of undefeated secret yoga.
Not only those we know, but transmitted directly from the source of all things.
Nobody cares about talk about theory and enlightenment.
No one will even feed their body with it. After a few years of life, such enlightenment is doomed to a painful decline. I know it.
I would like to ask from my heart for channeling from God secret mantras that only an expert in Hinduism can know.
Of course, I’m afraid that because you don’t care what others think about you and because you are enlightened, all this knowledge will remain hidden from us. But it’s as obvious as night and day.

the Vedas are man-made. The idea of “sanatan dharma”, an eternal religion, is an idea that was invented only about 100 years ago by a Hindu fundamentalist, to justify his extremism. There is no academic or scholarly or historical evidence to support the insane and outlandish claims of Hindu fundamentalists. This is why Hindus are considered as uneducated and uncivilized and are laughed at and mocked by educated scholars and academics.

I simply dont give a shit about the Vedas. They are not necessary.

All that is necessary, is to lose the “i” and then the cosmic full consciousness is automatically there. All reality already exists within you. You don’t need a Veda or a Bible or anything to awaken you.

Let’s not forget the horrible caste system, which has enslaved 100s of millions of people into lifelong slavery because their skin color is darker than the “higher castes”.

If there is a Supreme God who damns people to Hell, you can be certain that Hindu fundamentalists will be the first ones to be cast into Hell.

I do not hate religion, I actually have quite a lot of respect for Islam and Christianity, because both religions promote good moral concepts such as equality, charity, compassion. Hinduism is devoid of all of that.

Once westerners start learning the truth about how evil, and inhuman, the Hindu religion is, it’s all over for the Hindu gurus and their BUSINESS of scamming westerners.

eh, never mind. I won’t go offtopic. We wanted practical knowledge and magic, not lectures on Hindu fundamentalism which almost everyone in the Western world knows and condemns.
I thought that enlightenment was something different and tangible, like the term Become a living God that brought us all to this forum. I don’t want to continue this conversation.
back to the topic
As I wrote @Vasdam Narasimha will be the best choice. This is exactly the avatar who deals with the protection of practitioners and help fulfill wishes his bija-mantra Kshraum calms the mind. I don’t see a better choice.

Some believe that the great Saint Yogi Shirdi Sai Baba was the avatar of God. You really have to check what it was like for yourself.

Try his Gayatri Mantra

Many say that Shirdi Sai Baba never fails and many describe miracles with a frequency that I have never seen from any saint. I am slowly becoming convinced of his power. I don’t know him well, I only saw him a few times in my dreams. Seems helpful especially in getting enemies out of your way.
You have to try it yourself and be patient and attentive.

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