Is it possible to make a deal with the Devil? If so, how?

I think the title made itself very clear. I was wondering if there were a way to make a pact with the devil and if so what steps to take.

First , I assume you mean Lucifer , second , get a piece of paper and write up an agreement and sign it .

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Here are 3 vids

Check also EA Koetting’s ones about pacts, soul selling, and his evocation of Azazel video.
The incantation “Alash tad al’ash tal ash’tu” starts or confirms pacts; you may repeat it to enter trance, then look at the sigil of the chosen spirit until you feel a connection, call that spirit and proceed with the pact itself.

Orlee’s leg it’s all I need to see :star_of_david:

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How would i know if he accepted?

Wow I highly appreciate this. Thank you so much i will definitely look into it.

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And what would that be?

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The green haired girl is Orlee, she has great legs

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Oh haha I didn’t know that

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If you cannot communicate with the spirit, then a pact is useless.

The whole point of a pact is to make a binding agreement between you and the demon/god/angel. If you can’t speak with the spirit, then you won’t know what it wants in exchange, or even if it is willing to do a pact with you, making anything you write up invalid. There has to be agreement between both parties. That is why pacts are not for beginners.


Depends , it would be best if you had someone to show you experiments who had experience , it depends on what you ask for tho

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@DarkestKnight how does one begin to communicate with the spirits, i talk to them but i dont know what theyre saying back. Lol and how do i change the name from cats 8123 to something else

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You work on developing the ability to do so through meditation, and trancework.

You call upon the might of the moderator, @Lady_Eva !


Ok thank you.

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As the noble @DarkestKnight says , I can indeed do that. :smiley:

Usernames need to start and end with a letter or number and the system can only do underscores or hyphens within the name, not spaces. You can check if the name you want is already taken by typing the @ symbol, then the name you want without a space between, it will autocomplete to that name if it’s already used.

Type it exactly as you want it because I will copy it and paste it in. :+1:


knightwalker. Thank you very much for your help.


I agree with @Knightwalker . How do you know if you communicated with a spirit especially Lucifer.

Done. :+1:

Thats what i call rapid service. Wow thank you @Lady_Eva

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