Is it possible to follow the Sephiroth and the Qliphothic?

I’ve been studying the Kabalah for a bit now but I have an attraction towards the Qliphothic path.

Can I work with both? is it possible?


Hasn’t Asenath already covered this quite a bit?

Short answer: Yes, you can.

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you can’t have one without the other. “Qiphoth” is Hebrew for “shells”; they are the shells that contain the Sephiroth; like an egg shell contains the egg. I don’t know about you but I buy eggs for the nourishing and tasty contents and put the shells in the compost or feed them to my budgie! Still the shells are useful packaging.

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Long answer: It can actually benefit you if you know a little about both. But it isn’t necessary, Asenath Mason said that the left-hand path practioner doesn’t limit themselves to one side; they explore both sides to gain more knowledge (although that doesn’t mean you can’t prefer working with one side).