Is it ok to put the seal of a spirit on the sour or sweet jar?

I am working on several jars and wanted to know if it is ok to put the sigil/seal of the spirit on a sour or sweet jar?

It’s fine to put it underneath the jar and then to light a white or pink candle (if it’s a sweet jar) on the lid of the jar.

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I really appreciate your response. I will do that.

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It’s ok, you can do anything you want to do.

I see this working as a layered spell, with the entity and the energy of the sour jar working together.

So I guess ideally what you want is a whole that is more than the sum of it’s parts, yes? or you’d probably just call the entity in a separate working. If you’re just slapping the sigil on and not charging or opening it, then it depends your relationship with the entity for whether it will notice.

I think you want to open the sigil on the jar and send your intent as you would with regular sigil magick, asking it to make the sour jar super effective, so its not just decoration.


Many thanks!!

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