Is it disrespectful to evoke a day demon during the night

Is it disrespectful to perform an evocation of a day demon during the night and a night demon during the day due to your work schedule?

I would say no. I’ve never had a problem doing that


Unless you are practicing traditional Solomon magick, where such things are considered very important, then no, it is not disrespectful. Most modern systems do not bother with the whole day and night demon thing.


90% of my workings are done between midnight and 4 am…and Marbas is one of entities I work with most often. Haven’t had problems


Thank you for the reply, I’m beginning my workings with Azazel and have read he doesn’t mess around, doesn’t like games or time wasting therefore I was concerned he would have an issue with my contacting him during the dark hours as I’ve read he is a day demon. The last thing I want to do is disrespect Azazel.

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I’ve called him at night with no problems, so it shouldn’t be an issue. :slight_smile:

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After I made my reply to you I was chanting his Enn Itz Rel Itz Rel Azazel, without thinking much about it as I seem to do a lot when teach out to a new demon and all of the sudden I heard “relax I’m your patron demon”.

Does that sound normal for Azazel to you? I’ve always had a strong connection with Lucifer but have recently have had a strong attraction to Azazel.

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There’s no way for me to definitively say. However, many people claim Azazel as a patron so it is certainly not out of the realm of possibility. It will be up to you to confirm it through your work with him though.

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Marbas is great, and fairly easy to work with. What a wonderful personality. It took awhile to make contact, but I can do it all hours of the day, very knowledgeable.

I generally call King Belial between 9am-1pm
This is the only time I have to be completely alone.
Roommate at work, son at school.


To me, it really doesn’t matter a time or day/night preference. I’ve used different entities all throughout the day/night and has never affected anything.

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Unless the entity personally tells you it is than it’s not. The day and night stuff in my opinion was just created to make it sound more authentic as with any occult book. Things like that when given importance makes it all the more appealing.


I believe the day/night stuff does make a difference, but only for newbies and people trying to contact a specific demon for the first time. I don’t think it matters so much if you already have a strong connection.