Is evocation just smoke and mirrors?

Hi, ive been working through " questing after visions" . I’ve had a lot of great success. When doing evocation I’ve read of using the black mirror and also the incense smoke as the medium of manifesting entities. I decided to work with Bune, so I scryed into his/ her sigil there by entering into tgs and hearing him speak and seeing a vision of him. Now my question is, was this a form of invocation or a type of evoocation?

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There is a level of overlap. Evocation involves having the Spirit in you to a certain extent as well.


From my own experience, pure communication separate from evocation and invocation altogether. Communication is a method of bringing external ideas into the internal space, but it has nothing to do with occupying the same space


I see evocation is the entity occupying your outer space and invocation your inward space. At least for me i can see or here spirits just during my every day because they come to communicate with me. I dont consider that evocation unless i call on them on purpose.

so id say what you did was evocation because in my experience invocation is the first step towards possession. You FEEl the spirit within you effecting you in your life. You have thoughts and feeling that you can distinctly make out as other or alien. You feel like if you released your self and gave them control they would have control of your body. And it goes the other way they can see your life. This is how they begin to help us change our lives because they can look and see where they feel changes are needed to meet our goals.


I will agree, this is MOST similar to evocation, if we’re choosing one or the other. Well spoken


Yes I like how you put it. Thanks for your input.