IrisAthena's Journal

Started here, April 2nd, 2019.

Just to note, in that previous post, when I say things like, “She asked me to pull out a chair for her” – that’s mental communication/telepathy. I usually don’t physically see or hear her. I’ll either respond verbally or telepathically. (That sounds dumb, lol, I mean conversing in my mind.) I’ve noticed many younger people on here, new-ish to magick, that seem to be getting the impression that we’re all seeing & hearing the spirits physically, just like another person. I believe that’s not often the case, so I wanted to make that clear in my journal.

However, when I said, “I apologized & started crying at one point & she hugged me. I actually could physically feel the force of her head on mine, cause I tried to raise my head & end the hug, but she wouldn’t let me, lol. She said she wasn’t done loving on me.” I actually physically felt her head against mine & her force holding my head down & preventing me from raising it. This part here: “Then she kissed my cheek and it was strange feeling her teeth against my cheek, instead of lips, but not scary or anything. Just different.” was sort of a mix of physical & mental/spiritual/psychic/however you want to classify it. When I really concentrated, I could lightly physically feel it, but if I didn’t really focus on it, the physical feeling faded & just the knowledge of what was happening was there.

Two different times since then, I’ve briefly smelled roses in my room & I believe that was her. I should not be smelling roses in here – I chain-smoke with the doors closed often & my room reeks of cigarettes, drowning out any other scent. So, that would be what? Clairolfaction? Clairalience? Clairscent? (I’ve also experienced this recently with my grandma’s perfume.)

I did what I promised with my first offering to Santa Muerta. I dug a hole by my irises, poured the rum in, put the Hershey bar & single cigarette in there, then lit 3 good ones for her, let them burn for a bit, then buried them, as well. After doing this, I realized that I don’t have room to continue burying her offerings on my property, where they won’t be disturbed. So I’ve since been pouring them down the drain & throwing them in the garbage. That doesn’t feel magickal to me, but I figure they are used up by the time I dispose of them, so it doesn’t matter so much how I dispose of them. The magickal part was before the disposal.

My second offering was a bottle of water, 3 chocolate chip cookies, & 2 apricot kolachskis. I had a feeling to leave offerings for only 24 hours, but now I am going to leave them longer.

My third offering wasn’t anything consumable. I gave her some flowers I had made out of Play-Doh (lol) years ago: 3 roses & 1 other flower. She told me how pretty & well done they were & fawned over them like my grandma would’ve & that made me tear up. She did not want some of them that had more pointed petals & weren’t in the best shape, however. She’s not shy about telling you what she wants & doesn’t want! I also gave her a little frog keychain I have that croaks when you press a button. She either said it was “cute” or “pretty,” I don’t remember for sure. (She calls LOTS of things “pretty,” lol!) I had a thought she might make it croak (like I’d hear it croaking from upstairs) & that frightened me, lol! But I have asked her not to scare me & to be gentle with me & I believe she is.

I believe I have mostly been working with her White Robe aspect, since she’s contacted me recently. During my near-death experience, about 8 years ago, I saw her Black Robed aspect. In fact, her robe is all I saw. She did not have her scythe & I didn’t see any body parts. I suppose I should relay my NDE, now, & what she’s revealed to me about it.

Oh man, I really don’t want to relive this, so I’m not going to go into a lot of detail. One night, years ago, I had been to a doctor recently & had a procedure done. I was also trying to quit smoking, so I was wearing a nicotine patch. I was up late on FB & reading a post from a relative about a very serious disease they just found out they had. I started freaking out & chain-smoking. I have smoked on nicotine patches before & while it made me a bit sick, nothing serious happened.

Well, Idk if it had something to do with the procedure I had done recently or my smoking on the nicotine patch or what the medical reason was. But my heart started beating super fast & hard. It just kept speeding up & speeding up & the beats were starting to actually hurt my chest. It felt like I had a little motor in my chest that had started going out of control & was going to blow. I got light-headed & then anaphylaxis symptoms started. My throat started swelling shut & I noticed my fingernails & lips (as I walked past a mirror) were turning blue. I was having a great deal of trouble breathing & could just barely talk. I told my mom to take me to the ER & she started brushing her teeth! I was starting to lose consciousness. I couldn’t keep standing & yelled “Call 911!” with nearly all the air I had left. My throat was almost completely swollen shut. I slid to the floor & my dad got up & called an ambulance. I was having some sort of muscle spasms in my arms & then some in my legs. I somehow made it to my inhaler & used it as best I could. I think I also forced some pills down my throat with my finger (it’s hard to remember everything). I did not use my epipen.

Just before the paramedics arrived, I seemed to stabilize. My heartbeat quit increasing & started to slow down & my throat relaxed some so I could breathe a little better. But it still felt life-saving when they put oxygen on me. The paramedics checked me & said I was ok (?!), but your throat doesn’t fucking swell shut for no reason! They asked if I wanted to go to the hospital & I did. I’m in the back of the ambulance & the paramedics are saying it might’ve been a panic attack. I’ve had panic attacks in the past & didn’t think it was, but I’m starting to think just maybe it could’ve been & relaxing. Then I seized up, again. I think they injected me with benadryl. They gave me something by IV. This part is a bit fuzzy, but they radioed something about my QT wave to the hospital & told them to prepare.

I’m rushed into the ER & suddenly a bunch of people are around me & a doc has the paddles & is getting ready to shock me. Right before he is going to, though, I stabilize, again. Idk if it was the terror of seeing the paddles that shocked my heart back into the correct rhythm (I had some sort of arrhythmia, they said) or if he IV med they injected me with kicked in just then or what. So a paramedic stops the doc from shocking me & they look at my EKG for a bit & don’t shock me. I have a bunch of tests done, but they don’t know what’s wrong. I have one test done where they inject me with a dye I’m allergic to & I start spasming again & I’m afraid I’m going to die.

I’m left alone in a dark hallway & I can just feel death coming for me. I’ve been very sick before & I know what being close to death feels like. But this time… I can feel it like an entity. A being looking for me. As my time in the ER goes on, this sense gets stronger and stronger til I see a Hellhound in my mind’s eye, walking down hospital hallways (that intersect, like a crossroads) looking for me. Trying to smell me out or something. At first I just think I’m afraid & imagining it. But the feeling gets stronger & stronger (like when you can sense a ghost or shadow being) & I keep seeing flashes of this Hellhound in my mind’s eye unbidden. I can’t control when I’m seeing it. I am fucking TERRIFIED. I’ve never been more scared in my life. It’s looking for me, but it can’t find me. I gradually realize something is leading it away from me & confusing it. Idk if it was God or Death.

Then I start seeing in my mind’s eye… The Grim Reaper at the foot of my bed. Not right at the foot, but by the wall. And as time goes on… I start to see it partially in the real world, as well. I can’t explain the terror. I was so scared I couldn’t even talk; I was just crying & making incomprehensible noises. Three curious things, though, are 1) the Reaper doesn’t have his scythe 2) the Reaper is just standing there, waiting, & 3) I’m not getting an evil feeling from The Reaper, but a neutral one.

I realize The Reaper is waiting for God to tell him whether to take me or not. And something is still leading the Hellhound on a wild goose chase. Then, I feel the worst thing ever. I’m not sure I’ll be able to describe it as well as I’d like. Suddenly, I felt a part of me was gone from inside me. A very important & fundamental part of me. At the time, I felt The Holy Spirit was taken away from me. That the part of me that is also part of God was removed. And I never knew I could feel that way. I never felt that way before ever in my life. The separation from God, the isolation was so horrible. It was like I’d lost the most important thing ever. I thought it was the beginning of the end. I frantically prayed to Jesus to forgive me & reminded Him of his promise to never leave me & then I felt that piece given back. Slowly, The Reaper & Hellhound faded away.

Even after wearing a heart-monitor for a month, they never found out what caused my heart to act that way. Luckily, I haven’t had any other problems with my heart since then. They did find out some things that may have contributed to this attack. I had many (so many) more anaphylaxis episodes since then. Once during surgery, even (I so could’ve sued the hospital for that one).

So, since then, I’ve been so troubled by that night, by what it means. Cause I try so hard to be a good person & do what is right. I didn’t do so many things I could’ve, that I felt justified in doing, because they’re considered sins. I didn’t take revenge on people who deserved it. And the fact that a Hellhound was coming for me (to drag me to Hell, I assume), well… it pissed me off, quite frankly. Given how hard I’ve tried to be a good person, even with all that suffering & following the rules, I’m STILL damned to Hell?! WTF?! I was pissed & felt betrayed. I might as well had done the “horrible” things I wanted to do, if I’m going to be damned, anyway! I wondered if it was because I hadn’t been baptized, as my grandma always told me I’d go to Hell if I wasn’t before I died. So I got baptized after that. But I still feel like that’s bogus. You shouldn’t have to go through some rite for redemption. If you’re good enough & believe in Jesus, that’s supposed to be enough, isn’t it? I did it, anyway, just to be sure.

The thing I have wanted the most from Santa Muerte is to explain what happened to me that night & why. And she has. She was The Reaper, I believe. She said that the Hellhound, while real, was created by my fear & the false beliefs I have concerning Christianity. She’s going to help me tear down those false beliefs & get on the right track, psychologically & spiritually. I am so grateful to her for explaining this to me. My conscious & unconscious fears created the Hellhound. So what would the Hellhound be called? A thought-form? A tulpa?

I’m aggravated that I’m still locked into Christianity. I thought I was going to be free from it. But I guess this is the path I’m supposed to take, now. grumble grumble :angry: I guess I’ll see where it goes.

My last offerings were not consumable & Idk if that’s the reason why or if it’s just an effect of working with Santa Muerte, but I was totally drained of energy, yesterday & today. I slept all day & woke up exhausted. I read up on the amparo of St. Michael & I’m going to do that tomorrow, if I can.

Promised Future Offerings
Plant daffodils tomorrow
put penny in ground
paint coffin decor & put on altar
put red candle on altar
see what I have to make a dedicated altar just to Santa Muerte
paint a painting of her & put on altar
chocolate & hot cocoa
cigars (for amparo)
novena candle



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Another thing I want to thank Santa Muerte for is getting rid of the shadow beings in my house! They skedaddled when she showed up, hehe! Thank you, Mamá! :heart:


Santa Muerte’s appearance in my NDE


I just finished talking to Santa Muerte, for tonight. And, wow… I was beginning to believe I hadn’t really contacted her & was just making this all up in my head. Granted, that could still be true, but I don’t think so, after tonight. The conversation took a turn I really would not have steered it to.

But, first things first.

And, what I’ve given & promised to her, tonight:
pink fake roses
small rosewater(?) jar candle
short clear glass chalice for her water
red skinny coffee cup
Large tea lights (these are awesome, I should take a photo!)
Nag Champa incense (I don’t have any copal, yet)
pretty girly votive holder (Need SMALL white tealight for!)
good cigarette & shared a shot of Bacardi white rum with her

*paint coffin decor
*cigars for amparo
*paint painting of her for her altar
*black nightshade bookcase ok as her altar (set it up)
SMALL white tealight for pretty girly votive holder
sweet baked goods
make a statue of her with stuff I bought today
novena candle at a later date (draw or find pic for)
chocolate cross for Easter

Ok, so before I contacted her & the first two times I contacted her, I felt her presence more. Then I was overwhelmed with a feeling of being incredibly drained for 2 days. I slept all day one day & woke up exhausted. It was the type of sleep where you don’t move at all (& I toss & turn & thrash, even). Slept like the dead, lol. I had asked her to explain my NDE to me before that & was concentrating on her Black Robe aspect, without having done an amparo. (I still haven’t, eep!) So Idk if that’s why I felt that way or not. I believe it is. She asked me for my bottled water during that & I denied her. I said, “No, that’s mine.” And she praised me for setting boundaries & sticking up for my fundamental, physical needs & rights (I have problems with this). During the second day of extreme fatigue, I would wake up & want water & see it right by me, but I stubbornly wouldn’t drink it for some reason. I let myself get super parched. I’m not sure why I did this. But I felt like I was triumphing somehow. True, I am a masochist, but this was still out of the ordinary for me. Anyway, once she revealed the answers to my questions, the fatigue wore off. Then I read you must always have water on her altar for her to drink.

I purposely didn’t read or examine everything I found about her, before this, to see if something like this would happen. Her asking for my water & my extreme thirst during those 2 days of incredible fatigue & sleepiness makes me believe I am indeed in communication with her. I think maybe she wanted to share in my enjoyment of the water (though partial possession/invocation?), but I didn’t want to let her (I was annoyed she drained so much of my energy – so I was being a bit of a brat, in return). Would you all call that synchronicity? She also told me to get a novena candle for her, before I read that was a thing devotees do for her. Of course, I probably subconsciously knew a Catholic saint might have something to do with novenas. But that still bolsters my belief this isn’t just “all in my head.”

My third offering was after the 2 days of fatigue & besides the bottled water, it wasn’t consumable. I’ve felt her presence less since then. I actually was wondering if she left… perhaps to help me with my requests. I felt bad I couldn’t physically/psychically (I’m gonna have to look up what word describes what I’m trying to say here) sense her as much, anymore. Ok, according to this, the word I’m looking for just seems to be plain old “clairvoyance,” I think. It’s like you know where the spirit is, can sense a physical change in the “air” in that area & know when they move closer to you or touch you & you kinda know what they look like & what they’re doing. Is that “clairvoyance?”

So, anyway, next time I left her a little chocolate bar & hot cocoa. I do feel her a little more, now, but not as much as at the start. I’m not sure if there’s a correlation of offerings being consumable & how strongly her presence is felt. I’m thinking maybe there is, but I also asked her not to scare me & to be gentle with me. Perhaps since I was annoyed by the great fatigue, she’s manifesting less or something? I should’ve asked her. I will next time, if I remember.

I wanted to note 2 odd things. Sometimes when she kisses me, I feel lips & other times I feel teeth. I can even hear the “mwah!” noise in my mind. Does she sometimes take on a fleshy form? This confuses me & also makes me doubt actual contact, argh. Also… I always cry around her. She is very maternal. Although, what I’ve experienced most with her is a childlike glee & sometimes silly girliness, I’ve mostly been working with her White Robe aspect. But her maternal instincts are very strong. I don’t have a good relationship with my mother & while my grandma & I got along wonderfully, I am now just learning what a real mother/daughter relationship is supposed to be like. And it makes me cry, cause it reaches deep emotions. She told me a mother is someone you’re supposed to cling to, not for her to cling to you. Ok, getting emotional, again. I actually had to stop her, tonight, cause her maternal loving was too much. It overwhelmed me.

Tonight, I believe I worked with her Red Robed aspect… with only partially consciously meaning to. What I mean by that is, I have had generally in my mind that I would probably work with her White Robe, then Red Robe, then Black Robe, in that order. But it wasn’t something I was focused on & I sort of forgot. I went to buy her things today & while I just got things I thought she’d like, they ended up relating to her Red Robed aspect (pink roses & a rosy scented candle). When I got ready to go in the basement, it’s cold now, so I myself had to wear a robe. I chose my red robe because it’s less flammable (lol) & that’s when I consciously decided I was going to call on that aspect of her, tonight.

Something I forgot to mention before – she told me “Death is love.” I said I didn’t understand & she said I would. She also said, “Death is life,” which I understand more (the whole “circle of life,” decay feeds new life thing). She came upstairs one day when I was on here & I was reading a thread about sex (not sure if it was the sex with demons thread or just “That Moment When 3,” lol.) She asked what I was reading & I was vague & she asked me to read it to her. I was embarrassed, but I did. (Only embarrassed because I was working with her White Robed aspect, so it was like reading it to a child.) She enjoyed what I was reading & when I was surprised, she said something along the lines of, "Why do you think they call orgasms la petite mort?" She didn’t say the word “orgasms,” but that’s what she meant. A woman I really respect that follows Santa Muerte said she’s NEVER sexual, so I’m not sure if that was really her or not. I do think I may have an incubus/succubus, so maybe they were masquerading??

I’ve asked Santa Muerte to help me with my spirituality. I don’t like Christianity much currently & I’m annoyed/aggravated I’m still stuck in it with her. I long to be free of it. She told me to only think of the times I’ve personally experienced God, Jesus, & The Holy Spirit. How I do turn to Him when I think I’m in danger of dying & He has always answered. How guardian angels have saved me. That made me feel a bit better, but I had a really strong vision/recurring nightmare as a child of Jesus that terrified me (basically, it was a scene from Revelation, come to life). She said that was not from Him. That He would always be with me, but the other things in the vision did not come from Him. I’m not sure if I believe that or not. If true, that’s a huge relief. But if true, then who sent it? Who tormented me as a child with these horrific visions? Most of you say Lucifer & the demons want what’s best for us. Are there any beings that don’t? That just want to hurt & harm & mislead?

Anyway, since this is getting REALLY long, I asked Santa Muerte to help me get a good job. I’ve been unemployed for 3 months & I’m trying to break into a new field, without success. She said she wouldn’t do the work for me, but I feel she will help influence things (though maybe not as much as I’d like.) But then she wanted to concentrate on my love life (or lack thereof) & I’m fine with not having one. Too traumatized by past experiences to want to try again. But then she even went so far as to ask me don’t I want to become a mother? And… truth be told, though I’m a tomboy & always have said I never wanted kids… now that I’m almost 40… I’ve been reconsidering that position. Truth is that, yes, I would like to be a mother some day. But I think I’d be a terrible one. There are good reasons for me not to be one. But Santa Muerte has apparently taken it upon herself to find me a husband, LOL! Seriously. I did not have this in mind AT ALL! Hell, the last guy I was with almost killed me (why I had to have the crown put in – he broke a bunch of my teeth hitting me in the face with a remote control) & the one before that raped me repeatedly. I’m fine just chilling out with my vibrator & being safe. But she said she was going to bring me a good Mexican man. Seriously. She stressed “Mexican” a few times, lol. I’m fine with that – I do favor men with dark hair & eyes. But she’s talking like this dude is gonna marry me & I have babies & whoa. She’s all excited about it & I’m like in shock, lol. So, I’m ONLY mentioning all this cause… if she does bring me a good man – you all should know this is the real deal & magick works!!! I haven’t had a boyfriend in, God… 14 years? And I haven’t gotten laid in 11 years. (I know you’re doing the math there, lol.) If I just end up having a fling, I’ll have to put my “THIS SHIT IS AUTHENTIC” stamp on here. And this was NOT my idea! I don’t know if I even want to get married. Oy!

So, anyway, my grandma visited & hugged me before I said goodbye to Santa Muerte for tonight. We’ll see what happens.


I want to go through this list:

and note the ones I think I have.

  • Automatic writing – The ability to draw or write without conscious intent. (I could probably do this)

  • Clairaudience – The ability to acquire information by paranormal auditory means. (Has happened in the past to me & my mom.)

  • Claircognizance – The ability to acquire psychic knowledge by means of intrinsic knowledge ( just know ). (This happens quite a bit for me.)

  • Clairolfactance – The ability to access spiritual or mediumistic knowledge through smell. (This has happened to me a handful of times.)

  • Clairsentience – The ability to psychically feel, that is to receive messages from emotions and feelings. (Yeah.)

  • Clairvoyance – The ability to perceive people, objects, locations, or physical events via extrasensory perception. (This happens a lot.)

  • Divination – The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult means. (Yes, I’ve been quite good at this in the past.)

  • Energy manipulation or energy work – The ability to manipulate physical or non-physical energy with one’s mind. (possibly?)

  • Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one’s own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy. (possibly?)

  • Mediumship or channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits. (Yes, a lot.)

  • Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events. (Yes, a few times.)

  • Prophecy – The ability to predict the future. (How is this different from precognition?)

  • Psionics - Psionics is the study of paranormal phenomena in relation to the application of electronics. (Possibly, a few times.)

  • Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to manipulate objects with the mind. (Only in my dreams.)

  • Remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing – The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. (I believe so.)

  • Second sight – The ability to see future and past events or to perceive information that is not present to the physical senses, in the form of a vision (precognition or remote viewing, a seer). (Yes, often.)

  • Telepathy – The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally. (Yes, the most frequent.)

I also wanted to share a photo of a Santa Muerte necklace that I really feel shows her energy/attitude (White Robed aspect.)


Ok, I posted in here on April 11th, but it was all jumbled & shitty. Lemme edit it for clarity & repost it.

April 11th, 2019

The reason I listed the psychic abilities I believe I have is because I’ve sort of forgotten about them. Not completely, but I haven’t used some for years & in getting back into the mystical, I’m interested in exploring & developing them. I did ask Santa Muerte to help me with my spirituality. I was surprised, finding this forum, that a decent amount of members don’t seem to have too many psychic gifts or awareness. (No offense to those of you who do, I’m only referring to the others.) I’ve known I have more than most people in my life, but I just haven’t thought about it for years. Going through that list, I’m surprised how many I do have (at least a little bit). I guess I’m a bit more naturally inclined to magick & divination & communicating with spirits than I ever realized before. Interesting. I wonder if being born close to 3am on a full moon has anything to do with it?

Anyway, the last I spoke with Santa Muerte, all was well. Better than well. But perhaps I have been getting in my own way? [A bunch of paragraphs describing how I’ve been shooting myself in the foot, in regards to my job search. Summary: I’m a lazy dumbass.]

After talking to Santa Muerte about it & lighting a green candle for it (because that is the color I personally associate getting a job with), I felt very sure I would get an offer very soon.

I applied to a job near my house that sounded excellent. I wrote a great cover letter to go with it. I was confident I would get this job. And I felt that I should go downstairs and give her offerings to thank her for getting me this job. But, for some reason, I would not. I could feel her pull, her calling me to do so, but I was stubborn & lazy.

But, it was also because I’m still having a hard time with this type of spirituality. I used to be a witch. I’m used to manipulating circumstances by myself to get what I want. I wouldn’t do spells too often, but when I would, more often than not they would work & work well & quickly. I never was one big on either evocation or invocation. Partially because, yes, I was scared. But it was much more that I just didn’t feel a need to do it, if I can do whatever it is myself. Praying to & giving offerings to Santa Muerte, honestly, feels like a step backwards to me. I’ve had enough of begging & praying & bargaining with the Christian God to try to do things for me without success. While Santa Muerte has been better to me than He has, I still hate this feeling of disempowerment. I hate being at the mercy of another being, even if that being is benevolent to me. I guess I just feel more secure & comforted & in control when I’m self-reliant.

So, I saw yesterday that the job ad had expired. I knew I did not get the job. And I believed it was because I did not heed Santa Muerte’s call. I did an online tarot reading (at this site I found that’s really good), which confirmed that Santa Muerte is the one who will get me the good job that I want. I still did not speak with her or do anything in regards to her. And I was somewhat afraid she’d be angry with me for neglecting her. I believe I’m working with her Red Robed aspect, now & I feared passionate anger.

But, this morning, after not getting any emails for jobs, I decided to go down & see her. I wasn’t as afraid as before, but still nervous. I was going to start with giving her offerings, but she told me not to. She told me to sit down and talk to her & explain what is going on. I did not feel her presence as much as last time. At first I thought perhaps I was just imagining talking with her this time, but she touched my leg not long after I started talking with her & I knew she was indeed there.

We were both angry. She was holding back her anger more than I. I apologized for not coming downstairs to see her or give her offerings. She was more interested in knowing why. I was going to light a cigarette for her & give her other offerings & she said to wait until I’d talked with her. I explained that my thoughts and emotions are jumbled & confused. I also started going into my having second thoughts about all of this. How I don’t like having to pray & beg & bribe (I did say that word) beings to try to help me. That I’d rather do it myself. That the Christian God, while He has saved me in the past & I do believe angels have guarded me in the past (sometimes I didn’t heed, tho), He did not save me from the worst things that have happened to me. [I talked with her about some really personal, horrible, traumatic things that others have done to me.]

I DID believe in the Christian God & believe He was good, back then. So I hadn’t been baptized or didn’t belong to any of the little Christian “clubs” (church denominations), so what?! He should have protected me. But He didn’t. So fuck Him. That has been my feeling about this for decades. I actually did make a good bit of peace with it, for so many years, but that was probably just self-delusion. Santa Muerte touched my leg in a comforting manner when I was talking about this. Her demeanor changed to sympathetic.

Then she explained some about free will & how if God stopped everyone from doing bad things, He would just be controlling an elaborate puppet-show with no real meaning & humans would become even more pissed off at Him, etc. I grudgingly admitted understanding some of that, but not liking it. I don’t have to fucking like it. And, yes, of course I don’t want God to control me, but He kinda does, with how He punishes me for doing things He doesn’t like. Or in preventing opportunities, etc. Sigh. I hate it.

If I go against what I think God wants me to do (or do something I know He doesn’t want me to do), I get punished swiftly & severely. But these evil fuckers seem to get away with everything! I don’t know for sure that they don’t suffer at all, but it is definitely disproportionate. And that pisses me off. Santa Muerte said something like God only helps His own (& punishing is apparently a type of “helping”) & He doesn’t punish the evil in this life, because He has basically given up on them & they might as well enjoy their one human lifetime before they burn in Hell forever. Sigh. I hate this shit. I find it hard to believe Hell could be for eternity. If it is, NO ONE deserves to go there! Seriously. Take the worst person in history (many would say Hitler, but there could’ve been someone worse in the ancient past we don’t know about) – horrible punishment for 10,000 years? Sure. Done. ETERNAL UNENDING PUNISHMENT, uh, no.

Well, I could ramble on about my beliefs forever, probably. I don’t WANT to believe in Christianity, but apparently I do. But more in the way that I can never escape the Christian God & He’s not so happy with me. I believe in magick. I know it works. But when I was a Wiccan, I didn’t believe in The Horned God & Mother Goddess, either. I didn’t buy into the religious aspects of it, but just the practical magickal part of it. I truly WISH I COULD believe in something other than my personal ideas of Christianity, but I don’t. I haven’t been able to free myself from it’s control. I get bullied back into it by God. He browbeats me back into fearing Him & trying (often unsuccessfully) to placate Him. Is it just my beliefs, deeply psychologically sub-consciously engrained? I don’t know, maybe. But it does really seem that it is something outside of myself.

However, I have been realizing more & more than perception & perspective are everything. I know I give events in my life meaning. Attach spiritual meaning to events. And that can probably be undone. I was an Atheist for awhile. Just saw the world physically, without any spiritual influence. And that was the most depressed I’d ever been in my life. It seemed there was no point to anything. I’ve basically been living most of my life mainly concerned with my afterlife, not my life on Earth. And while I saw that as wise & righteous, perhaps it may be foolish. If, hypothetically, there really is no afterlife, then I’d be wasting the only existence I’m going to get.

I can see how being an Atheist means everything has meaning, instead of nothing. That every little thing has that much more importance because it’s all we get. Rationally, I understand that. But emotionally, I don’t feel it. I need to believe in something. And, yes, I can believe in myself. But I think I need to believe in something more powerful than myself. Sigh.

So, even though I’m kinda thinking about packing this all up & stopping my work with Santa Muerte, I’m going to keep at it for at least a while longer, just to see what happens. I know I am not powerless & that I have strengths, but I also have weaknesses where I am pretty helpless. Some of these weaknesses are just a fact of life. I guess that’s where cooperation with others comes in, whether they be human or spirit. But I have a hard time trusting & relying on others, be they human or spirit. Too many past experiences where those I trusted & relied on abandoned me & I suffered greatly because of it. I’ve long viewed trusting & relying on others as weakness. I see how it can be a strength, if those relied on are actually strong, reliable, & trustworthy. But I’ve rarely encountered that in my life. At least not in the degrees that I’ve needed it. Hmm.

Anyway, when I went to buy things for Santa Muerte the other day, the car next to mine had a sticker of a sugar skull on it. Synchronicity, if I choose to accept it that way. Also, when I went to Target, a boy was wearing a hoodie that said “Hail Satan! Worship doom” or something like that. I remember the “Hail Satan!” part accurately. I gave Santa Muerte cheesecake & coffee, refreshed her water & gave her a good cigarette. I asked about the offerings, “Why would you help me for piddly little things like this?” She said that wasn’t why she was helping me, that the offerings are just a sign of respect, like being polite. I asked why she didn’t help me before I started communicating with her (though that’s unfair, because I believe she may have been the one keeping my hellhound thoughtform from getting to me) & she asked if I would help another human without them personally asking me to? I might, but you’re even more likely to when asked directly. I conceded that point to her. When I asked for help in getting a job, I asked the job be something God would want me to have, too. That He would also guide me to it & approve. So I’m probably fucked, since I included Him in it. I asked Santa Muerte if I could perform magick to help myself get a job & to my surprise, she will allow it. I expected her to say no. She told me I must do most of the work, anyway, before this, but I thought she just meant in the mundane realm. So that’s cool. Need to buy some magickal supplies – my stock has gotten pretty low.

I also expressed to Santa Muerte my great displeasure that the dangerous violent people from my past wouldn’t bother me as much, if they just stayed in the fucking past! But the worst one has reemerged in my life & he’s so dangerous & powerful, that I’m honestly afraid to do anything about him, magickally or mundanely. If it backfired, I could easily end up being killed or worse. (I’m not being melodramatic here. The people I’m referring to are actual violent murderers of humans & rapists of children. Some are sadists & others are psychopaths or sociopaths.) I fear they may be protected by dark Gods or spirits. They probably practice magick themselves. Maybe even generationally so. My instinct tells me not to fuck with them. I told Santa Muerte I wished he (the worst one, that has reemerged in my life) would just leave me alone. (He has done some things recently that frighten me. Idk how much danger I’m in, but just being on his radar again is dangerous enough.) She smiled and said she’d see what she could do, lol. This comforts me. I doubt she’ll kill him (I should be so blessed), but if she did, honestly, I’d be overjoyed. I don’t even care that he has young children. They’d honestly be better off without him. Oh, Mama, please protect me.

I have the supplies to make my amparo, now, except for Holy Water. Can you buy Holy Water from a Catholic church? Should I just sneak in during Mass & steal a little? Lol. I kinda want to do that, but I’m afraid I’ll get caught. I’m wondering if I can use Florida Water, instead? I can buy that at Walgreens. I looked up instructions to make my own Holy Water. I have before, but I want to make sure I really do it right, this time. I found some instructions from a former Catholic priest. I didn’t know Holy Water has salt in it. Yeah, I’ll probably just make my own for the amparo & get some Florida Water for general cleaning. Later, y’all!


April 20th, 2019

Ok, before I forget – offerings I’ve promised:

  • *paint coffin decor
  • *paint painting of her for her altar
  • *black nightshade bookcase ok as her altar (set it up)
  • SMALL white tealight for pretty girly votive holder
  • make a statue of her with white stuff
  • novena candle at a later date (draw or find pic for)
  • chocolate cross for Easter

Ok, the last time I talked to Santa Muerte, I told her this hasn’t been working for me. I was afraid to tell her I don’t want to commit to her, at least at this time, but she was truly wonderful about it. I am grateful. I still have to make those offerings I’ve promised her, but I explained to her that I almost certainly am not going to be able to make offerings to her & talk with her everyday & I feel bad about that, because she does deserve that. So, since I know myself & I know I can not give her what she deserves, that I felt I should not work with her. Well, not devote myself to her, is more what I mean. She understood & was not offended, but actually seemed grateful for my honesty & for telling her, rather than just disappearing. (Can you “ghost” Death? Lol, no, I don’t think so.) I still have not made an amparo or even the holy water, because they are steeped in Christianity. I also told her that was a big reason of why I didn’t want to dedicate myself to her at this time, because I am negative & getting close to being antagonistic towards Christianity. I don’t want to & maybe even can’t, work within that belief system at the moment. I want to go back to a more Wiccan sort of worship. Not that I’ll be venerating the Horned God & Moon Goddess or anything, but empowering myself through magick. Relying on myself, more than others. And she understood & respected my decision & said she would still help me, even without daily offerings. Which honestly surprised me & I am very grateful for. She said she will always be here for me & I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for that. I love you, Mama! :heart::heart::heart:

Idk if the Christian God is the Creator of everything, though I doubt it some. (He seems like a much more destructive, than constructive god.) Idk if He is the “top God,” so to speak (though, if you go by numbers of worshippers, Allah would be the “top God.”) Idk why Death is subservient to the Christian God. Maybe it is just that Santa Muerte is? But she IS Death. So, I’m confused. Are other personifications of Death in other pantheons just other personas of her? Idk. It’s confusing to me.

I DO know that the Christian God has an immense hold on me. A mostly unwilling hold. I feel like a prisoner. I have much better feelings towards Jesus, but still have fears of Him, as well. And since He is supposed to be part of The Trinity of Christianity, I’m not sure what to make of that. I feel closest & least threatened by The Holy Spirit. Eh, anyway. Idk if this is all psychological or not. I know a great deal of it is, but the Christian God does seem to be an external force to me, as well. If The Father of the Old Testament is just a storm god, why does He seem so powerful to me? Is He really that powerful or does it just seem that way to me because of the religion/culture/psychology I’ve been raised in? I do not know. But I want to try to undo some of that damage & lessen at least some of his psychological hold over me. I am fearful of doing this. I may not do any of the magickal workings I am considering in regards to this. I may chicken out. But I think if I can push through & He (or my subconscious) doesn’t punish me severely for it, that it will help in my evolution. I still wonder if I’m on the “right” (as in “correct”) path. But all I really know for sure is I’m sick of the pain & don’t want to worship the Christian God anymore. Even if He is the “top God.” I don’t like Him. I definitely don’t respect Him, except out of fear. I’m fucking tired of all of it.

I really do think to be a “good Christian” that you have to be a gigantic masochist. I am masochistic, but not to that degree. I’ve gained enough self-worth & self-respect to not want to go that fucking far, anymore. Anyway, Santa Muerte told me that the Hellhound that was looking for me in my NDE was real, but something (thought-form, I guess) that I created through my fear. So… I kinda want to go to battle against this fucking Hellhound. But I’m not really clear on how I could do that. I’m still formulating my plans. It would probably involve evoking it, but I am scared to do that. Mostly cause Idk how I would fight it. Astral weapons??

I had another idea of a candle magick working I could do. I ordered the candle for it. It’s a reversible female figure candle. I debated whether to get a reversible female figure or a reversible skull. Thinking of trying to make the black wax represent the toxic thoughts & feelings I have of/from Christianity, so I can melt them off to get to the red, self-empowered wax inside. I’m still pondering how to do that, exactly. And I’ve never used a reversible candle before, but I doubt just the black wax is all gonna melt off leaving just a red figure. They both will melt at the same time, correct? So it’s like a dual-action. Hmmm. If anyone reads this & has any ideas, please comment!

Santa Muerte also said that Jesus didn’t send me that recurring nightmare I had as a child, but, honestly… I don’t really believe her. If it wasn’t Him, then it must’ve been my subconscious torturing itself. Which is entirely possible. Probable, even. But it truly felt like a powerful spirit communication. Hmph. Am I going to have to sword-fight Revelation Jesus, too? Argh.

Ok, so this is what my recurring childhood nightmare/message from Jesus was:

I was in my backyard, trying to fly a kite I had irl. It kept crashing & I swore, “God damn it!” Then the sun grew HUGE, behind the railroad tracks behind my house (a position it never would be in, cause that’s NE). It grows bigger & bigger (almost filling the whole horizon) & I’m getting scared & have a foreboding feeling. I see black sunspots on the surface & tongues of flaming plasma(?) coming off the edges. It is fucking HORRIFYING. Then, I notice one of the sunspots is in the shape of a man. As soon as I notice this, he zooms out of the Sun (very strange & like bad SFX-like), to appear life-size in my area, floating in the sky. He looks totally powerful & terrifying. A double-edged sword comes out of his mouth like a too long tongue & he swallows it down & says, “Don’t take my name in vain.” I fall on my face because I’m terrified & sure he’s going to utterly destroy me & send me to Hell for sinning. I hear Him say, “Don’t be afraid,” & if I wasn’t so terrorized, I would’ve laughed, like, “Yeah, right!” He tells me to get up & I do. He’s still scary, but not as much as before. His eyes might have been glowing yellow like the surface of the Sun (I can’t remember for sure). He tells me not to swear & He’ll always be with me. I almost feel like it’s a threat, though it’s supposed to be comforting. Then He zooms back away into the Sun & I wake up screaming in uncontrollable terror. Repeat every single night for a couple of years.

I found the verses in Revelation that this vision parallels: 1:16-17 & 19:15. I’ve often wondered if I just read these verses in my grandma’s Bible & my subconscious conjured this up from that & the Catholic guilt instilled into me. As I read this now, I’m thinking that’s more likely than what I used to believe. It was a dream unlike any other, though, in it’s intensity & feel & imagery. It truly feels like a Divine communication. Idk. I probably just freaked myself the fuck out as a child. :confused:

Well, in related info, the difference between “precognition” & “prophecy,” which I asked before, is that “prophecy” is given by a god. There is an interesting list, on the prophecy Wikipedia page, outlining 12 “modes of prophecy.” I always thought this dream was number 7: “Audiovisual dream revelations/Divine speaker,” but maybe it was Number 3: “Allegorical dream revelations”? Or maybe it wasn’t either, but just my subconscious. But, does it really matter? It’s about the Christian God & I don’t want to worship him anymore, so maybe I should just try to forget about it? Idk. I feel like I should fight it or tear it down, somehow. Hmmm.

ANYWAY, in other news, I placed a giant order at an occult shop & can’t wait for it to arrive!!! :smiley: I’m especially looking forward to the 2 Tarot decks (Robin Wood & The Witches’ Tarot) & a HUGE ASS Tarot book! The book is called “Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach To Using Tarot For Personal Growth” by Benebell Wen & it’s 896 pages, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I also found that the author has companion courses with PDFs & videos on her website for free, yay! I watched video 7 & I like this broad. I feel a kindred connection with her. Can’t wait to get my goodies, hehehe! :smiley: I’m happy!

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Mood music


@IrisAthena I am loving your journal.
I never had any experience with Santa Muerte. Never felt the call, and personally never thought we would be compatible. Still, I find your journal very instructive and interesting, as you are letting all your readers know a bit more about this beautiful entity, and show a bit more of light about her demeanor.
Thank you, and feeling so proud of your relationship with her! Please keep writing!

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Awwwww! Thank you so much, @anon48532061! I really appreciate you telling me so & I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! I often fear that if anyone reads this, they’re probably rolling their eyes at me & annoyed, lol! I’m going to write some more entries in the future, focusing more on Santa Muerte herself. I will include photos of the art I create for her. Thanks again!

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No one is rolling their eyes. I find it so interesting and motivating!

Entities really listen to us. Keep going, you will always have me reading you in here ^^.

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@IrisAthena “throat swollen shut …” the no explanation where you stop breathing you cannot inhale oxygen only exhale. Yes i have had that in the past and theres been clue or even medical proof. Know exactly what that feels like.

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I’m so sorry. It’s so terrible. Big hugs!



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Ok, I just want to briefly note this, cause it made me laugh & because of the synchronicity. I don’t think I’ve mentioned often enough how much Santa Muerte makes me laugh. She has a great sense of humor.

So I went down to talk with her & give her the chocolate cross I promised her for Easter. I also wanted to gather some of my old witchcraft books from the basement & bring them upstairs. I grabbed a bunch & she told me I could read them while sitting with her. So, I found an old kid’s book I must’ve bought from a library? I know I read the book decades ago, but honestly didn’t know I owned it. So I’m flipping through it & see a chapter about Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. I think to myself, “Oh, Agrippa.” Then Santa Muerte says to me, “I knew him, you know.” And before I can even finish asking what he was like, she continues with, “He was a fool.” LMAO! I’m not 100% sure if “fool” is the word she used, but that was what she meant. I started laughing, wondering why she thought that. Then I read the chapter about Agrippa & could see why she might say that. It highlighted some of his screw-ups, lol. So after spending time with Santa Muerte & coming back upstairs, I’m going through my other old books. I find a page with magickal alphabets & see the “Malachim” alphabet. I decide I want to learn about where it came from (I was thinking along the lines of John Dee), so I search Google & see this as the first result: “Malachim was an alphabet published by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th century.” LOL. Well, alrighty then! Should I not use it for my spellwork, because he was a fool, according to Santa Muerte? Lol.


April 25th, 2019

Before I forget, the day Santa Muerte & I were both angry, when I got upset & started crying, she said, “Now, now” through my mouth. I channeled! I’ve never done that before! It was cool, but kinda scary, cause I wasn’t in control. (I discovered in my teens that I’m a control-freak.) The words just came out of my mouth, while she was comforting me. :open_mouth:

Anyways, here’s what my altar has been looking like:


BUT, I got my stuff I ordered!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! So, I will be making Santa Muerte her own altar on this bookcase I painted, years ago:



So I can have my main altar back for other work. Eeeeeeeeeeeee! :smiley: YAY! So, I’ll be back after I do that, with updated photos. :smiley:


I love your journal and it has inspired me to make the first step with Sanata Muerte. Thank you


I am so glad! I feel bad you left the forum. :disappointed_relieved: I hope you come back one day.

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April 27th, 2019

Ok, before I forget:

  • *black nightshade bookcase ok as her altar (set it up)
  • *paint coffin decor
  • ~make a statue of her with white stuff
  • *paint painting of her for her altar
  • novena candle at a later date (draw pic for)

Other things I forgot to mention before. Santa Muerte said I didn’t get that job I thought I was going to because it wasn’t right for me, not bc I didn’t give her offerings after I submitted my resume & cover letter. She also asked me how I liked the cockatoo in my dream – she did send it. She said she didn’t send the green parrot, though. Idk if she’s joking or not!

So… I should probably talk about Glasya-Labolas. I was in between sleep and waking & my semi-formed thoughts were about the two dangerous men from my past that I asked Santa Muerte to protect me from. I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think Santa Muerte can (or maybe it’s “will”) kill them without an ok by a higher spiritual authority. When she came to me in her Black Robed aspect, during my NDE, she was just waiting… and I felt like she was waiting for God to tell her whether to kill me or not. But she didn’t have her scythe with her, that I could see. I also read that she kills who God tells her to. So I’ve been worried that maybe she can’t or won’t protect me as much as I need her to. Maybe that thought/fear drew Glasya-Labolas to me?

So, as I said, I was in-between sleep & awake. And I got the mental image of… well, it looked very much like the white dragon thing from The Neverending Story, but a bit more dog-like. I’ve never seen that movie or even parts of it or read the book or anything. So somewhere between dreaming & psychic sensing or whatever, I imagine this long, cream-colored, swirly-haired, dog-dragon wrap itself around my body. And the weird thing is, he had his head on top of my head & his tongue was lolling out & the back of his tongue was in front of my eyeball. And I could faintly feel the heat of his tongue & his breath. It was very goofy & weird, but funny, too. Light-hearted.

So, in my mind, I’m like, “Uh, Glasya? Is that you?” And he say yes in a somewhat deep voice & asks me if I want him to kill those two guys? And I’m not completely awake, so I instantly am like, “Yes, that would be awesome!” And he’s like, “You got it,” all pleased & almost giddy-like, lol. Then some other things happened between us that I don’t think I’m gonna record in here.

Later in the day, Santa Muerte came to me in my room & asked, “I thought we agreed I was going to take care of them?” I was a little afraid she may be angry, but I apologized & she said, “It’s ok, Glasya & I will work together to take care of them.” And I was so shocked! Here I’ve been chafing at the Catholicism & Christianity involved with dealing with her & she’s cool with the demon of murder? Hey, I’m grateful! Just surprised & shocked is all! Another day, she said that Glasya is one of the more “good” & pleasant demons. That surprised me, too. He has been pretty “light,” so to speak, but I still have that underlying dread/fear of his “author of murder & manslaughter” rep. He’s nice, but I fear like he could snap & become extremely violent at any second. So I’m usually a bit nervous around him.

So, after talking to Santa Muerte, I went out & gave Glasya some offerings as a thank you. It was sunny & I was on my patio facing the sun. I looked up his correspondences & grabbed what I had on hand that I thought he might like. I got a gold necklace (& found something I’ve been looking for for years, when I got that!) & a silver ring with a tiger’s eye in it. I know he likes gold, but I thought he might like the tiger’s eye, too. It felt like it was related. I got some rosemary & a cigar & some water in a bowl & a yellow citrusy candle. I dropped the ring on the way to the patio & he said not to worry about it.

I couldn’t really get the rosemary to light, but he didn’t seem to care. I put the gold (just in color, I think) necklace around the water bowl on the ground (just felt like the thing to do – funny enough, it’s a necklace for a male). I lit the cigar & candle for him. He told me to smooth out the top of the candle, so I did. He also wanted some of my tiny daffodils, so I gave him 3. Put them in a shiny gold coffee cup with water. In my mind’s eye, I could see him flying around in the sky like an Asian dragon. He had no wings, but could fly. He was happy.

Some impressions I got, idk if they are accurate or not, was I think he likes children & nature. He feels connected to nature & the Earth, to me. He really seems like a quite pleasant, fun, and even gentle being. A cute little bold jumping spider walked right up to me on the patio table, between the candle & incense, then stopped right at the edge of the table & looked up at my face like, “Hi!” I’m arachnophobic, so this scared me & I jumped out of my seat. But the little thing was pretty cute. Here’s some pix I found online of what it looked like:

(I didn’t have my phone with me at the time to take photos myself.)

So I’m talking to the little guy & it’s looking at me like it’s listening to me, lol. And Glasya is doing this running commentary in my head, “He likes you. He wants to be friends with you. He likes your shoes.” My shoes have iridescence on them in the same color green as it’s palyps. “Actually, it’s a she. Let her walk on your finger.” At first, I was like, “Haha, no.” But Glasya was like, “Come on, conquer your fear. It’s just a little spider. She’s more scared of you than you are of her.” So I was like, “Fine.” & put my finger on the table near her.

First she looked like she was gonna walk away, but I talked to her gently & she put a little foot on my fingernail & sat there for awhile. After a bit, she crawled onto my nail all the way & Glasya was like, “See, you did it! And you can’t even feel her. See, it’s not so bad!” I was between proud & freaked out, lol. She climbed back onto the table & Glasya says, “She’s gonna jump on you soon, just letting you know.” And I didn’t want that. He’s trying to convince me it would be a good thing & I’m like, “Yeah, I know, it’d help me get over my fear more, but no, I’m not ready.” So the spider tries to jump on me & I bolt out of my chair & see her dangling by a web & feel bad, cause that was such a huge leap of faith for such a little spider & I’m huge compared to her & then I felt bad. She crawled back up to the table, but hid under the lip of it & wouldn’t come out again. Glasya was disappointed in me & I was in myself & he was like, “Yeah, get rid of all these offerings. We’re done here, now.” in a dismissive tone. He was disappointed & done for that day.

I felt bad. I disposed of the offerings & was worried I’d upset Glasya… while still wondering if I had really talked to him at all or if I was just doing a grown-up version of make-believe. But I went back inside & researched the spider online. I didn’t know it was called a bold jumping spider. And given its size & some other things, that one was a female, like Glasya said. And it did jump soon after he said it would. AND, at one point, the spider was crawling up the candle holder & if it got to the top, it was gonna get set on fire or at least get coated in hot wax. I was like, “Oh no!” but it was moving too quick for me to stop it in time. A little wind gust blew just right there & blew out the candle & knocked the spider back onto the table. I think Glasya saved the spider.

The more I thought about Glasya killing my enemies, the more worried I got. I asked him to make sure not to kill the one guy’s wife & kids – they’ve suffered enough just being that close to him. He agreed. But I forgot to mention to please not kill any innocents. Then, given how Glasya was disappointed in me & also how my enemies are, I started fearing that he would like them more than me & take their side. THEN I had the horrible thought that if he killed them, they might haunt me after death. I may have made things gone from not too bad to really bad. I can deal with spirits better than humans, but it still was a big worry. (I’ll continue this in another post – gettin too long.)