Invoking Omnipotence

Mr. Bonelli All you have to do is open up your imagination when in the temple.

Man, Iā€™m trying to decide whether or not Iā€™m tough enough to completely contradict myself in this thread and walk away with little or no shame :stuck_out_tongue: hehe
as Iā€™m thinking about this though - Iā€™m not sure itā€™s a contradiction - just a different way to look at it all.
hmmm ā€¦
Iā€™ll do this. Iā€™m going to finish doing what I was doing before I got so utterly distracted with BALG, and if I remember about this, then Iā€™ll post my contradiction - and if Iā€™m really feeling bonkers, Iā€™ll try to fabricate some sort of nonsensical excuse as to why itā€™s not a contradiction :stuck_out_tongue:

Run with it, DKM! Be shameless!!! You might like it. :wink: Z

well ā€¦ hokay, here goes ā€“ Zoeā€™s making me do it! 0.o hehe, nah ā€¦ I canā€™t blame anything on Zoe :wink: Here goes ā€¦
And honestly, the more I think about this, the more I really am just letting it all happen as forced as it may sound. But I do also adhere to the ideal of opening the channels, and directing the energy instead of trying to force it. With this, I guess there is a bit of force, but Iā€™ve been doing it for so long that itā€™s more of a flow now and comes quite naturally - and increases in power every time I do it. So ā€¦ contradiction or not, this is my personal method of invoking omnipotence before I do an evocation:

This is my body-breathing method for invoking omnipotence. Half EAā€™s method, and half Bardonā€™s method.
During the body breathing, Iā€™ve always noticed that itā€™s pretty hard for me to get a good solid buzz of divinity going. Even when I was heavily studying the Bardon material. He suggests doing several body breaths of different energies and the divine light by imagining that you breath in the entire universe, and breathing it back out. This was always really hard for me, and I couldnā€™t really hold the concept long enough to really get the intensity of it.
Then I tried EAā€™s method, where you just breath in the light in the room youā€™re in. Opposite problem here. I could really get the intensity of it, and had a good solid feel for all of the energy around me being pulled into my body but I wasnā€™t getting the immensity of the stuff.
So I met them both half way. I got to know my neighborhood well. What each street looks like up to three blocks in each direction. Just enough so I could see it all in my mind at once and no more.
Then I would really vividly picture the surrounding area, watch it all burst aflame with the white, cool divine light. Homes with brilliant essence wafting from the rooftops, light slithering like smoke across the streets, trees absolutely ablaze with brilliant white light combined with that of everything in my room. When it reached a climax, I slowly started breathing in, listening as the fires roared like an iron smith raising the temperature of his furnace with his billows, all blowing toward me as I began to slowly slowly pull it in. Let it accumulate until about half breath at which point everything is rushing at you with increasing force as it condenses as the diameter around me closes in. When itā€™s close enough that you can feel it vibrating all around you, finish the breath off with a final climactic surge and feel the force from each direction slamming and colliding as the energy completely fills your entire being, forcing every single last drop into the perimeter the surface of your skin provides.
Hold your breath ā€¦ while your holding your breath repeat this in a mini-exercise form 7 more times without breathing. I find doing the ā€œmotionā€ of the breath helps make the ā€œholding breathsā€ much more vivid.
Then breath it all out - as you cleanse your body, mind, and soul from all the doubt, fear, and stress, as the blackness leaves through your exhale - imagine this as leaving nothing behind but fresh fuel for the newly acquired divine flame and literally feel it as the blazing white light consumes the fresh fuel and your entire being bursts into nothing but pure divinity.
I repeat this seven more times.
By the end of this cycle, I can guarantee you - you WILL be God. The absolute sense of glowing with glory from the inside out puts all doubt aside and instills into your conscious mind that you are the Dreamer, and that all that there is is YOUR dream, and you may alter it as you see fit.
The first time I had my wife try this, and sheā€™s just a dabbler at this point, she was awestruck at the immense power it produced. In fact, she started with a sort of dark maniacal laugh half way through and exclaimed something to the effect that she knew she was then god, feeling the power of divinity throughout ā€¦ or some such nonsense :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway - thatā€™s my personal method - I find it to be ridiculously effective.

walks away - completely without shame :stuck_out_tongue: heh