[quote=“defectron, post:6, topic:1701”][quote=“Magus shadow, post:5, topic:1701”]Each of us are Sorcerers/magicians because a part of us remembers when we were “gods” or we would not be so.
I’m not sure if its a recognized concept, I assume much at times.the information came from asking the right being at the right time, the right question.
YOUR ALPHA INCARNATION is that “you” which first stepped into the material realm.Without doubt, he is a MASTER at sorcery,because at that time he was yet what mankind terms "a god"IF you can invoke him/her/it, they can teach you things which only work for you, but will work well!Not to sound arrogant, but once this is done, you will be living a “MY will be done moment”. HOWEVER,
There is ALWAYS that fucking however.
BE damn sure you can handle the energy which will flow through your being, once you have built up your aura and trained your body to properly
Chanel it, the sky is the limit, but you will get bored fast with nothing else to challenge you.IF you do not build yourself up to your full potential, your career as a Sorcerer could be over in a flash!the LEAST you could expect is to shred your aura, if you damage your aura badly enough, you can no longer interact with the universe.no aura= no magic other than plying demons and fallen to do things for you, and THAT will most likely be severely weakened![/quote]
I’m a bit skeptical about the alpha incarnation concept as it is presented here. I mean you could be right, but is this a concept that you have personally investigated? I’m not entirely sure how beings first begin to incarnate in the physical, but so far I don’t know of anything to indicate that the first incarnation will be any more or less potent then the ones after it. Well this will be something for me to investigate in the near future when some stuff happens if I remember to do so.[/quote]
I like the idea of it, although for the reason you stated, I would also choose an evocation rather than invocation. I am not quite sure I buy the idea that you can “permanently damage” your aura, a lot of that sounds like scare tactics or backlashes that people place on themselves. Not sounding arrogant, but I have done a pretty decent deal of activity that I had “no business doing,” exciting kundalini and things like that. I have to say that many of these reactions, going insane and things of that nature, come from a lack of mental awareness of what might be going on, and fear.
I’ve got diabetes, and according to these spiritual disciplines like qigong and yoga, this is certainly due to energetic blockages, which should certainly bar me from trying to excite kundalini energy. When I was working with Microcosmic Orbit and certain kriyas, things did initially start feeling overwhlmming, but once I calmed down and stopped being afraid, stuff wasn’t bad at all. Again, you aren’t talking to an adept here, so this is based on what I would consider a small amount of experience. BUt I don’t know how you could permanently cut off your magic power, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be long for this world if that happened.