Invocation and offerings? And third eye abilities and it’s awakening?

I want to invoke naamah for protection! And I don’t know if I can still use a old offering for protection!

Am offering was given to naamah but I never asked her for help! The offering was given to her by a buddy of mine! And I never contacted her! I wanted too but never actually did!

Also my third eye has been opening! And I have some questions about the third eye! Why do I have more energy now! And will I attract every spirit in my life just by walking around! And thinking? And I have been seeing lights flash in my third eye and instantly disappeared! What is that exactly? I know lights flashing is clairvoyance! But I don’t know what Is happening when I see those lights! Also I am starting to see spirits (peripheral vision)! And at first I would be afraid of spirits. But I have a spirit that is helping me to not fear the unknown! And I trust her to an extent! And I believe she will help me and continue to help me! Just as she has been doing ever since I have been receptive to receiving information!
Also I’ve been hearing a clicking noise on my third eye? And been feeling nauseous but it’s not a overactive third eye! What is the nausea caused by? Is that natural or does it mean I’m just having good meditation sessions!
Any books, website links, YouTube channels or pdf files you have. That you can source to me!

Your third eye isnt an ear, you won’t hear a clicking sound on your third eye, I think you have a mixed up idea on what the third eye does. Psychic sight isn’t just the third eye in the first place. When you work on your psychic senses it’s working on your entire energy body/energy, focusing on the third eye while can be a good placebo, isn’t how you gain psychic abilities despite already having them.

Just because you have your 3rd eye “open” doesn’t mean you will automatically attract things to you, the third eye is never closed to begin with so whether you think it was closed it still was never closed to begin with.