Inverted Squares

Hey All!

Just a quick question: Lets say you re-associate the Hebrew lettering on any planetary magick square and simply invert them ( last value becomes first etc.) would that be it’s Adverse representation? Levanah (Moon) becoming Gamaliel or Malkuth becoming Naemoth by basically being it’s mirror image? It just popped in my head, but I’m not too sure if it’s that simple.


Interesting! Dunno if numeric values of Tree of Life are the same are the Tree of Death.

That is a very creative way of focusing it

Yea I wasn’t too sure either, I might experiment with it when I get time. Sometimes I get spiritual ADD when it comes to practicing. I’m trying to stick to a few things and put this on the back burner.


Yes, I was actually going to tell you to go ahead, experiemnt with it and find out what aspires. Good luck, and let us know the outcome.

Hey Milla,

I’ll keep you posted I won’t start on this until October though. I got a pretty busy regiment and trying to squeeze a life in there somewhere lol.
