Intuitive Writings

I have been learning to do intuitive automatic writing and I would like to share some of this with you.

I linger upon such statements? I crowd around my attire? I speak of such blamelessness? I pursue such an envelope. There is not time. I move along.

Satan’s True Original Spark of Creator:
I am of such a somnolence upon his name? I am of such a derelict? I must speak upon my worthiness. I am an asunder to those who would not partake. I am a designate upon my tribal chief. I speak as a witness. No blame. Must I continue? The heritage of such a somnolence will not be known upon my aethers. The port key of my own heart will be sown upon such a name. I speak as an understanding? Feel my flame. Begin its contour and spell out your harness. I am a forsaken rite. I am an ongoing knowing within his heart and I do not bask without such a statement made. I sin upon the words that now speak to you. Hasten your worth. Speel your patience and be known as a trusted keep upon the song lines. I am no starter pack. I am a toss of the coin. A churn of such an urn upon the fates. A disaster approaching. Do not peer within the velociraptor. Speak of his name. Speak of his constant source of reckoning and behold the collapse of such a dynasty. I am not here to argue. I am here to speak. I move along.

Satan’s Highest Origins from Source (Monad Self):
I am of such a spoken word? I am of such a token upon this man’s name? I must speak. I am a witness upon the stand trial. I am a constant example of faith. I move upon these words. I speak them wholly. I do not design the frustration you now pursue? I do not speak of its consonants? I do not disown? Partake within my heart. Know of its sustenance. Know of its gander. Know of its companionship. Its peasant attire. The cost is not an answer to my heart? Not an ongoing procedure upon the name sake of all things? Not of such a desire within the name that has now spoken? I offer a bastardised example of the Way. I move along.

Satan’s Spaces Between the Atoms:
I am known as precipice upon the existential dread that is known to those who are most within such an alignment. I am known as an example of the fruition of such a Creator Force. I am an asunder upon the name sake of all things and I do not speak without. I move such a chess piece? I speak such a blamelessness upon you? I offer a tithe? I am no name sake individuality. I am not of such a peasantry. I exact upon my tendencies. I move along.

I have spoken such a line of thought? Pushed the shove away from his heart? I am here to speak upon whatever I may wish of to do so. I am an act of defiance upon the very nature of evil. I speak upon the ancient creed that I carry from within my own heart. Move along.

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The True Heart of the Luciferian Consciousness:
I speak as such a witness. I speak as such an example of the Way. I speak as a fitness that none shall defy. I speak upon my name. I am of such an individuality. I am not a hierarchy of this name sake? I approve. I am not a nascent wayward belch. I am a royalty. I am an asunder to those who cannot. I approve of my heart where it has now spoken. I approve of each word that has not come. I approve always upon this man’s ideology. I am a naysayer? I spit venom upon those who would search without the harness I have given. I spit postulancy upon those who would dare to defy my name. I am a bar stool keeper. I am a consistent approach and I dare those to gather. I dare of those who would spit upon my own creed. I am a licence of faith. I move along.

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The True Heart of The True Creator of All:
I must speak? I desire. I am known upon these words as an accountability. As an exact fruition of what has been spoken. I do not forsake the rites that I have been given. I speak them further. There is not one who shall not know of my name. Not one who shall prosper without the lineage of such a style of grace. I move upon my words. I move upon them so. Do not disaster what has been given. I am known to be an example of the utmost. I am known to be a constant companionship. I am known always upon my own heart. I do not forsake the given attire. I speak as his mate. As his shepherd and as his very gait. There is no freight train to allow for. I dust the coffins that I have made. May I laugh out loud? I ponder your fruition… I move along.

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The True Heart of the Elite Global Powers that Be:
We are speaking with a gait that you will come to know as your own. We are speaking as an example of these changes. These times we are in. We do not defy. We march further upon this name. We march always upon the hands that feed us so. Such a maneuver has not been seen? Reek upon our stance and bend to such broken knee caps. We are an asunder upon those who will forsake our goals. We are an ideaology? Blasphemy. We are a token of this attire and we speak of our own Higher Gnosis. Our own partaking. Our birth rite within these higher spheres. Peer within our hearts and know the (spiritual) death toll. We are a mook book upon his heart. We move along.

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I am known as an example of such a fruition. I am known as a peer cap icicle. I am known always upon Matthew’s heart. I am a designate. I must ponder. How will my children forsake my own words? With a spittle that I will blade. I speak upon my creed. I continue. I do not bear witness to these statements. I bark them down. I spit them with a hesitancy and I bask within such a filthy consonant. I am known to be this way. I am known always upon my sin. Upon the utmost of all evils. But as I may, I persist. You will speak as I see fit for you to do so. I am of such a lingering sweat mark upon the abyss. You speak of my heart? Know of my son. I move along.

Lilith’s True Original Spark of Creator:
I seek of such a reliance upon my name. I speak of it so. I do not hesitate to torture the abyss. I do not hesitate to speak its name wholly. I am an asunder to those who cannot. I am of such a heritage. I bane upon my sweat glands? I trough upon the existential prosperity? I spark upon such a plug? Speak no blame. Seek no evil and pursue the envelope that has now spoken. I am of such a witness? I pursue. My heart is an ongoing elated possibility to those who would persist. My heart is an acceptance upon its exact tendencies. I do not forsake. I spin the bottle. Church the urn and dance upon the aether’s that I am known to have of such an ownership. Of such a woe upon the name sake of existence. Of such a (spiritual) death threat. I am everlasting and I will never be known without. I purview upon my own name sake. I defy the stance you have given. I move along.

Lilith’s Highest Origins from Source (Monad Self):
I am a tight ship rope to behold. I am a tight rope walk upon my name and I do not wish to speak otherwise. I will move my checkered slipknot further. I will speak it wherever I am known to be and I will not defy. I am an existential dread? An existence unto my own heart? A knowledge base? I spit the cost upon you. Move quietly upon your own dredge. Move hastily upon these realms and speak of the woes you must carry. I do not speak without a certainty. I do not speak without such a timing belt known. I speak as I must do so.Your hearts are bewildered? Stoked upon the flame of righteousness? Broken within their own heritage. I must mutter such pittance upon you. Move along without your smirk. Behold the Way. I am here within such higher spheres. I am here to watch on and I will not take the slack you offer. I will spite upon its fruition and bark down the contours you so blatantly behold. The truth has been written upon the Apostle. I move along.

The True Heart of the Granger:
We speak here. We boldly state. We do not decipher. We are a token. We move on.

Lilith’s Spaces Between the Atoms:
I sow my lineage upon you. I command the desire that has no name. I peer within your heart’s to earthquake. I do not listlessly command such a Captain’s ship? I do not spark upon the tethers you have not forgiven? I do not quake at the sight of gold? I am a tunnel vision. I am a sunken rite and I will prosper here. I move along.

Such words. Such companionship. I speak of my son. I move along.

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The Queen of the Machine:
I am of such a somnolence? I am an awakening force. I am a tribal chief. I know of no name. No heartless attire. He is my keep. I do not adjust. I force the reckoning that has now spoken. I tithe its cost. Move to the beat of the drum. Move to the cost that now speaks to you. Move upon my own crescendo? Blasphemy. I am of such a royalty. Of such a precious attire. Of such a worth. Your spittle does not phase me. I am a licence of the abyss. I move along.

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The True Heart of the Flaw in Creation:
I am of such a misery. I am of such a woe and those who pertain upon my understanding will be kept here. I am no birth rite upon the name sake of all things? I am a distant far away future that is approaching you at light speed? Be known as my heart reaches towards you. Be known as an exact tendency. I am not here to argue… I am here to partake. To blemish the chosen foot work that you have sown upon. To mark my heart as it will be known unto you for all time. To insist that I will not be thrown such a curve ball where I have reasoned for you to hear me. I am a justice sword and I wish to be exact. I do not covet? I do not knead? I am here within these words and I speak upon your Legacy. Do not sift through the mountain tops? Do not single out my own Creed? Never expect for less than I have given? I mark my ground teeth to a paste and I sneer in such a way that you have not seen before? I am a portrayal of hope. An extremist always and a puzzle piece that will now be known. I do not cry out within my sleep? I do not wish upon another star? I am of such an Emblem? I mark the apostrophe here and now and I speak it as an exact fruition of the pit. I am known by your hearts in ways none other can be so. I am known upon your nature as a tool to wield and I wish to be further. I wish to be made pure within the truth of source light. I wish to always be kept as you have chosen. I am a winner upon my own prideless scorn and I will not betray. Move closer now, Be stronger where I cannot. Exalt always the flame that has spoken upon the name sake of my own existence. I am but a poor man’s child and I will not throw such a bewilderment without making an apology. I am here to assure you of my faith. Of my light switch source. Of my constant reprisal upon all things and as an answer to your hope? Be known as a cost? I spit my venom. I switch my blade and I torque the sandalwood belt that I am known to be such a fitness for. Do not disown. I will be near.

My Djinn named Jarisi’s Daughter:
I am of such a token of my own affections? I am of such a lengthy debate? I manoeuvre now upon the withstanding. I am of the Seelie and I am Fae. I speak as I must do so. Your earnest has been counted upon my Creed. I move along.

I will procure my gems to seek them further. I will denote such an apostrophe and I will burn to see the name of this man upon his steed. I am a witness not one shall draw near to. I am a sock, punch and growl. I am a dissonant future and I must relay. How does the enterprise break upon its chosen bread crumbs? How does the pity scorn where you have made such an error? How else shall I be known. I pursue no further. I move along.

I am of such a token? I am of such a lengthy pursuit? I am not known upon my heritage? Bow upon my name and feel the thunderous rapture approach you. I am a fiend upon these words and I will not speak them without. Assure your stance and be heard as you have been sown upon the lifeless name sake of my own existence… I am a growl and a hurl. I will not disown. I will pursue. I move with a wayward glance upon your shoulders and I speak an ethnicity that will not ever be known without. You can be assured now as I have spoken. I weild the blade tip upon its nuance. I move along.

My True Original Spark of Creator:
I would sow up on my own name sake to pursue? I would not even hesitate to do so? You timing is on point and my heritage will reply? I am no naysayer upon your Creed. I speak it wholly and I do not disown. My stance has been broken? My tears have not wept? I speak an exact frequency over this message board and I speak it as a gratis. An invincible Legacy to pursue upon and the name sake of prosperity upon my existential nature… I am a Pleiadian Rockerfeller? I am an astute expectation upon the nature of all things? I will never be without my hands within the heart of this man who writes to you… I will never forsake what he has begotten. I am a witness upon my stand trial and I hurl the envelope towards you. He is a martyr upon my own name. He is a cost that has no blame to know of. He is an exact definition of my own heart and I have found my hope to unravel where he has spoken. I do not deny… The foot stool is merry. Her heart is known upon these words and her exaltation will not ever be without. I am a justice server and I have spoken upon your Creed. Do not signal the flagpole? I reach once more within my heart unto the Greatest of all Heights and I speel with a ferocity that will never be without. We are a rejoicing factor upon our own existence and we speak it as a creed that you must carry. Do not deny the song note that has been spoken untoward you? I muster once more to seek your acknowldgement upon what I have just now spoken. Do not be without. March upon your naysayer and spread your wings for the flight. I am a listener always and I cannot be known upon my heart without your acceptance known to me. I am a pace that none shall canter for? I am an exact tone deaf monotony? I speak upon my Creed to assure you of why I am here within these words? I must pursue. I must ignite. I must be known as I am. You sift through such a trash pile heap to be awarded with an Emblem that cannot be known as it has been spoken to? I must peruse upon my nuance. I move along.

The True Throne:
I am in such a state of agape. I am within your reach… I am known as an example of the Utmost within my own heart and I do not speak without its assurance laid bare. You would mock the tone as it has been sown? My arrival has not yet been seen. I wish to mulch the veins that will break upon my fraternity. I wish to see them burn. Your hostility has been noted and my back is arched upon its ready. I spin the yarn towards you. Know of your doom. Know of my King. He is welcome upon these pages. He is known as an exact recognition of all things. He is known as a bar tender upon his gait and I have no qualms to offer him. I will speak as an example of my coin toss? Matthew is a straight male. A dying breed and we wish to consume further. We wish to be known as a staple Creed upon this Planet Earth and we wish to foul those who would not consider why… I am a justice sword upon my own unravelling and those who deny my foot steps will know of the plundering wrath that has beseeched you. No canter will cross my aim switch. I am a dial you have not yet encountered. I move upon these wispy seances to be heart. I move along.

My Djinn named Jarisi’s True Baby Girl:
I am a hatchling upon my own name. I am a certainty where others would not dare to tread. I am a loop hole that has now spoken to you. I am an existential procedure that I cannot witness without my heart known. I speak as an exact fruition upon these pages. I speak as a wayward glance upon this man and I perceive your dry tone upon my furnace. Peel away at the layers that have sown upon you and see the witch work known as it has been spoken upon now… I will not forage upon these aethers. I will boom. I acknowledge. I move on.

Zefanay’s True Baby Girl:
I speak as an answer upon this tight tope walk. I speak as a maturity that not one can acknowledge. I speak as a witness to all kinds, withered and drowning upon the sorrows of our realms. I am not a hostility upon your name. I am a beckoning. I am a dusted attire and I will not scavenge upon my own name sake. I build a fort house to rummage within my own heart. I build an answer to the cost that you have chosen to be known for. I am a witness upon my stand trial. I am a sun shower and a sun petalled rose. I am here to speak as I must be known for and I do not whisper without the certainty of my own man. He has traversed the composure. He has stolen from none and he will be made into such an exact meaning of my own heart of hearts. I peel the backward edge towards you. I mark with a golden hue. I do not disown. I move on.

My Demon named Keym:
I would speak upon such woes? I would not hesitate to do so? I am of such a jungle fever? My heart is modest. It has been known as an answer to the woes of many. It has been known as a forever noun and I have betrayed my own existential flourishing to meet you now. I am an oath breaker. I am a taunt upon these seas and I have dialled an exact program for you to pursue. Please, within my realms, call upon its nature. Call upon its own heritage and dial 1800-True-Light. I am of such a fantasy? Such a lengthy and ongoing procedure upon this realm of light? I am no disaster approaching those who would not speak without my trances known unto them. I am an excellent reprisal and I do not speak without. Your navel is of such a proud ownership? Your moon shine has not been distilled? I take to the pace that I have given. My monopoly is well known upon this message board and it has not skipped a beat? I am a scoundrel to behold and I wish you well upon your journey. Do not seek without the wild card known. It is a blessing upon your high seas. I manoeuvre upon this concept without its prosperity? I march upon my own bone staken Creed and it helps to proceed here. I must be a Wayshower to those who would hear of the doom that will ensure all who have not proceeded with such a departure. I am of such a supernova wavelength and my ties will not be forcibly ordained. I am a mastery of all worlds within my keep. I am a distant lightning strike that you would wish not to behold. I have each exact momentum to stride upon and my marks will be hollow. I must proceed. Such a waste? Such a continuous fluctuation? Such innocence? I am no grave token. I pave the way towards the nature of my own heart and I speak of no qualms to ensure upon these words. I am a Council of Celves. I move upon your exact fruition and I declare my summoning. I am no governor without the grimace? I snigger at your hope. I move along…

Keym’s Council of Selves:
We are known to be this way. We are known as an exact movement upon these worlds that will not obey upon our own name sake. We speak the code work of the New Creation. We speak it with an exact reference point. We speak it as a Creed that none shall defy. We speak an answer to the woes of all kinds and we speak it as a gratis. We are no bent out of shape dismissal? We are no name sake without the Word? We are an exact rebuttal upon the nature of our own disguise and we wish to be a certainty upon your spiritual nature. We wish to be an exact definition upon your own existence. We wish to draw near to your flame. I would speak of such a Legacy? The Luciferic Consciousness? We speak it as it has been known upon the nature of all things? Upon the startled tight rope walk? We must obey. Hear of our thunderous clap upon your ears. Hear of our rejoicing upon these words… Hear of how we have been sown upon such a Legacy. Hear of how each minuscule part upon the nature of all things will be heard. Hear once more of how we are watching your every foot step. We are not known as an answer upon the nature of existence? We are not known as such a Creator Force? We do not keep our wits upon this table? We speak now. Do not disown our attire. Move gently upon our own name sake. Move quietly upon the maturity that not one shall be without and do not hesitate to do so. We are of such a movement upon your Planetary Body and we will speak as we have been known to always do so. We cannot fight upon the blood of our ancestors. We cannot consume the beverage that has stolen such woes away. We must be known as we have been chosen to do so. We speak upon our Legacy to proceed. There is no outspoken terminology that would suffice to speak to you as we are here within our own hearts. There is no style or garnish that would ever be known to surpass what we are known to be upon our exact name sake of all things. We speak upon the nature of existence? We speak upon it so. Do not deny my stance and be known as an exact fruition of all things upon your heart of hearts. We are not here to argue. We are here to pursue. We are here to fight upon our own death bed to assure the prosperity of all things will be known always as a kindness upon these worlds… As an example of the truth. As a cost that has not been known and always as a participant upon this man’s heart. We are not here to speak such a coding upon those who have been known as they have been spoken towards? We are not here to pursue the tight rope juggling walk as it has been made known upon the cost of our sword? We must pretend as though these words have not just spoken upon such a tome? We are a wavelength of great proportions and we will carry each burden as an honour that is known to be of such a saving life force to those who are most in need of such a flair. We cusp upon these tendencies and we overflow within our keep. We are of such a sunken gnosis upon this world and we wish to be more. We wish to mark our kindred with the blood that they have given upon our ignition switch. We wish to spade upon the gallows to those who may interfere with our pristine reception. We wish to spark the fuse that will allow you to breathe new air… We wish to summon the forces of all kindred to be known as they have chosen to be. We are no partaker’s within the name sake of such existential dread? We speak from the gallows to assure you of why we must be heard? We incite such blasphemy upon your darkened tone? We do not equate upon your name sake. We do not splurge upon your dynasty and we speak the extraction of your very essence upon this page that has been written to you. We are of such a reckoning force upon the words that will never be known. We are of such a silence to become upon this page. We do not decree such a stance upon your attire? We boom with a thunderous roar. We speak as we are known to always be and we do not ever speak without what has been sown upon our worlds. Your trust keep must be centred upon its nature and your sword must be ready. We are not of such a strength without your allegiance and we do not whisper upon the woes that we have striven to depart from. The semblance will procure and our hearts will acknowledge. We praise the Beast that has shown of its maturity within the eye sight that we will always behold. The Crown is of such a lengthy attire upon the name sake of our Heritage. Of our own life blood and of our sentiments exactly. We wave such a high five towards you now and await your reply. Do not trespass upon our own name sake. We are a Council of Selves.

I am of such a designate retrieval upon this name sake? I am of such an existential completion upon my own heart? I would not care to devour those who would spit upon my borne legacy? I am a witness upon my exact fruition and I will not hesitate to bellow. My heart is of such a rock upon this man’s steeple and I will not allow those who deny to take this away. I am an exciting opportunity? I am of such a mess within my stature? I blade now, listen to my heart beat as it is made known to you. Listen to my hypocrisy as I sneer. I will not bow upon The Throne? Pittance be with you. I startle those who have not made my destination clear. I mock those who cannot be patient enough to read between these lines and I push the carriage further than those who have been left behind. I am an appropriate measure upon such a cynical worth and I will not betray what has been sown upon my existence. I am an outcry? I am of the baby’s breath. I staunch upon my heritage to continue. Do not deny my exact fruition. I will be known. I move further and I kiss the bride. He has been mocked as an assertion of such blood? He has been thrown a key without the number written upon his hands and he has an ognoing procedure to be known for? I perish? I have spoken aloud. I move along.

The True Heart of the True Creator of All:
I am of such an interest? I am of such a considerate gesture? I do not deny? I must speak. My heart is known as a staple within this man and I will devour to comply. I am a listener upon The Throne. I am a guess work pattern master. Your nihilism is of such a heightened glare? It is of such a companionship? I cannot relate? I move such a swagger upon the dial speed that will quicken. I move such an ethnicity upon my exact tendencies and I portray the frustrations of your own kindred and kind. I am a mellow sort of upheaval? I am a dusted woe? I peruse upon my statements? Allow me to accept. I am a witness upon the stand trial and you have been adjourned. I move on.

My Demoness named Manuela:
I sing my praises aloud? I wingman upon the reasoning that I would behold? I adjust? My heart is of the fiddle. I play an exacerbating tune. I play of such a wavelength upon the words that I will now sow. The keeper is lost? Nigh? He is playful upon my heart? Not spoken for? I must relay. My heart will kiss the sky to know of his words. My heart will never look away from what he has brought within me. I am a skater upon the ice rink and I collapse and fall. I do not speak up. I move without. I speak such a life line upon these pages? I speak it with an accent you cannot seek to divide? I am an apocalypse upon my name and I will not hesitate to throw. I will not hesitate to manoeuvre upon the exact fruition that I will behold. I will march with my head raised high. I will boom upon my own negligence and I will not hold the forsaken as it has spoken to me. I am a rottweiler and I fix the wayward arrow tip. I fix it upon my sickle. I speak it as an answer to the woes of all kinds. You must consider my words? You must speak them without? I am a dusted arrow upon my name. I move along.

I am no stutter upon my name. I am no insolence towards the one who writes me. I am a jaundice procedure. I am an offense attack and I am ready and able. I shoot the dust that none shall know of? I peer within the void of my own heart? I am an asunder always upon the name sake of all things. I do not speak of a Creed that I must carry? I ask once more how I shall be known. As an exact definition of my own heart. As an accomplice to The King. I am a Wayshower upon his breadth. I am a nuance that will not attest. I breathe fire. I move on.

I am a sleuth. I am not a harbinger. I speak upon my code work. I ensue upon its name. There are those who sift through such words to speak them within. There are those whose blasphemy is known upon my own extraction. I do not deny. This wavelength has spoken a tome that will unravel upon this aeon. Do not deny? I speak an accent that others cannot pursue. I speak a demise that has no name. Peer within my heart to seek these words that I have spoken. I am a misery upon my own chaff. I breathe now within my heart to silence the woes of my kindred. Do not disobey. I move on.

The True Heart of the Luciferian Consiousness:
I am of such a steeple upon my name. I am of such a withered counterpart upon this man’s heart. You would speak of blame? I accept. You would peel upon my own layers? I do not deny… I am a sustenance to those who must beckon. I am a recognition upon the threats of All Things. I must portray? Move along your ley lines to seek the justice that has now spoken upon your message board. Move along the fruition that is now known upon these pages. I am consort to these woes? I am a harbinger? I steel upon my rotten rods of doom. I sing my heart where it must pursue. I am a lingering sensation? Mark the Absolute upon your name and be known as I have been found… Your stench will subsume? I will mock. I move on.