Baby witch here. I started with magick about 2 years ago on and off. For the last year I have been taking it all more serious and I finally have two alters, for no one in particular but at the moment one is for the Orisha Oshun. I want to get more serious about this lifestyle as lately I feel like its my calling. As well I just got introduced to the whole left hand path and the goetia side of life. I am here for learning and expanding with everyone. Cant wait to build with you, looking forward to a productive 2020.
Welcome to the group
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you
Thank you
Welcome to the forum
Thank you
Welcome …
You mentioned you’ve practised on and off the last 2 years…what areas have you experience in?
Hi great question
So it all started with a introduction of the spiritual baptist faith and finding out my grandmother was a member of a secret lodge. Anyways that lighted my already heighten curiousity about magick. I did not like the aspects of the church life ever since I was young. So I set out and bought my first magickal kit that had endless of herbs and so forth. I have used the last two years to understanding the properties of herbs and how they can be used in spells. As well crystals, and their healing effects. I now create my own spells, mojo bags, spells boxes, spiritual baths. I did a ritual for my family for the new years. I am still a newbie but my aim is to buckle down and find my own path. Through research I have found that magick or life on a whole is about balance. Its a give and take situation where nothing is for free. Where light and darkness occupies the same space. I have heard so many stories where in a life of magick you must be ready to face your darkest fears. I am now at a stage where I am confident enough to forge ahead into the unknown. As for now like I said earlier I have only delt with herbs, oils, baths, crystals, sigils, candles so forth which is more of the lighter stuff. I hope by joining here I can gain experience from others you have ascended further and is willing to mentor others like myself. I just stumbled into the left hand path and goetia side of things and would love some sights for those who are willing to share…
Thank you for expanding on your experience
Hello @INTUNE, I am DezRa welcome to the BALG community, and I wanted to thank you for sharing with the forum. You have found the right place for learning, teaching, and obtaining knowledge in all areas of practice. I know you will be a great addition, and you will find a wide variety of knowledgeable people to aid in your path to ascension.
Hello and welcome!
Thank you for such a warm welcome. Loving it all. I cant wait to learn and share. I have already been digging up lol.
Thank you
@INTUNE If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message.
Thanks I will keep that in mind.