
Hello, my name is Akira.

I have not much experience with magic, I do have experience with deities, and with demons. More in an eastern context, through daoism, and buddhism.

I have been practising a form of Daoism wich involves deities, and practising with being guided by their energy.

My experience with demons is being literally at the throne of a demon, with curled horns going upward, and with, who I presume is Lucifer, in a kkk type of clothing, all in black, sitting on a throne.

I don’t really get involved in magic or cursing, but the reason I signed up is the following problem.
I live in a city in Belgium, and after a travel of one year in SE Asia am lodging in the appartment of my mother, sleeping on the couch.

The problem is this, I had a feel it was something like this, but today have the conformation that the people surrounding me (neighbours) are members of some Christian cult. Every single time I try to practise -or in this case was reading a book of Buddhism, the Tibetan Book of Death, my energy comes back and the glow, feel of my deity comes stronger, people around me are freaking out. This is not me thinking this, I confirmed it, people here think my practise is demonic, and buddhism, daoism, hinduism is also appearantly demonic.

Because of their interfering (white light forcing down my throat, robbing me of certain aspects like my cobra; kundalini, whatever one what call it -for me it manifests as an actual cobra - Naga serpent, warming my heart, and hovering/ being protective. They manage to freak out, interfere, the appartment starts smelling strange and the energy shifts, I see white lights, and I end up cold, devoid of my energy. The guy downstairs especially, is very vocal and open, and has threatened me now multiple times he would rob me blind and leave me not realizing anything.
At this point, whenever I shift back to normal, my mind goes stronger- in a nutshell, things bounce back to him.

I have always been a darker persona, into horror and monsters since very young, although not satanic, yet I have found myself at the feet of a demon with curled horns recently (who reinstalled everything and made me whole), and once a the feet of who I assume is Lucifer, being a giant god sitting also on a throne in all black wearing a pointy hat.

I have been here now for about 6 weeks, and the stress and interference, manipulation has become extreme, up to points of rage, where they also take advantage off and use against me.
I basically end up, eveyr single day, waking up with a white, ‘angelic?’, fluffy energy, almost female like, and very opposite of my normal energy body. A part of me actually runs off now, it became a fear thing, not knowing what and how, but today - I overheard them very clean and clear, and they were talking about my stuff being ‘demons’. It’s actually happeing right now. Outloud, in the open. Enough is enough. I haven’t harmed anybody here, minding my own business.

So my apologies for the long introduction, the point of me signing up is more to get a know - how on shielding me from such intrusive religious people.

Also on maybe getting a know-how on how to work with the demons in question they made me crash into.

It sound strange and crazy, but it’s eating me up at this point. It’s sounds like skizo babbeling, but I’m actually being projected at for ‘working with demons’.

I have other experiences to, but I will share these in some more appropiate threads.

Thanks for the read, and nice to meet you all.

Welcome @Akira64

How long have you practiced?

Do you follow a specific tradition?