
Hello I’m Zach & I’m a left hand practitioner.

Joined the occult at 13 with wicca, got out of wicca at 17 and explored a more dual purpose, & now at age 23, I have been on a path towards self mastery, exploring the darkest parts of the human psyche & soul, and familiarizing myself with old traditional methods of patchwork.

If I had to label myself, it would be a darker chaos mage/witch, but at some point I lost the labels & just stay true to my one path that’ll bring my soul home.

I’ve been in the craft for 10 years off & on, but just recently got into the darker aspects 4 years ago.
I’m Apache & blackfoot Indian mixed with heavy European so my methods of approaching traditional & ceremonial Magick would be unorthodox to say the least, but I’ve thrived off the chaos this far & seem to keep at it.

If there’s any questions for me, feel free to ask below. I’m terrible at introductions because the more I find out about myself, the more I realize I know less about who I really am.

So, feel free to follow me along my journey into the darkness of the abyss


Welcome @Zachary_Watson

Where are you from?

So what, exactly, do you practice?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

Raised in Louisiana.

I practice chaos Magick. I can’t pinpoint any specific path or tradition because I pull a little from everything.

I see a lot of deities as a mask of my own conscious so most of my relations with the divine are to learn more of my own self and build the attributes in my life that I would ‘invoke’ per say.

No coven experience.
Guess I’m open to finding a decent order as long as it can benefit me on my path.

As for experience, 4 years within wicca 13-17
17-20 I spent studying religions abroad and would have said I follow omnism.

Age 20 I started getting into the darker path as most of the deities I relate to were amongst the LHP.

Currently 23, working relatively with the qlipoth.

Main 2 demons I would say are around me consistently are Valefor & Stygal.

There’s honestly a lot I can touch base on, but I just don’t wanna talk out the ass giving my whole life story when I don’t know what exactly everyone would like to know.

But as for traditional path working, my grandfather was an elder in his community before he married my grandmother & moved off.

Most of my spiritual knowledge before getting involved with the craft came from him in a more shamanic way as he was big with journeying to the lower & upper world’s.

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum.

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Welcome man