
Hello, I am not much of a talker, so truth be told I have been dreading an introduction, but I have read the rules and know if I would like to post in the future this must be done. Luckily I had a dream about writing it last might which helped boost me.

I’m new to magic, but I have already had great results. I was into meditation before magic found me. I never expected to use magic how I have, but after the legal system failing me I knew it was time to take karma into my own hands. I’ve learned the importance of grey over white or black In my journey, and I am interested to see where my journey takes me. Thank you for having me and sharing your wisdom for us to see.

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Wish you success in your magical search.

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How long have you practiced?

What areas of magick are you interested in?

Just from the start of this year, I’ve been doing meditation and simple tarot stuff for years, but finally got the push to look further into it. I don’t know what area I am exactly interested in let alone what all the options are. Would it be appropriate to say I am an eclectic learner right now? I started with a hoodoo spell that I tweaked for my own means. I’m a slow learner (unfortunately my autism doesn’t make me a super genius), but I stick to what I care about.

I was one of those people only interested in white magic, but the world taught me I need to be stronger than that and take charge for myself when necessary.

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I guess to add to it, I remember looking at Wicca pages in the past. (Wasn’t for me) though there was a lot of mention of a patron god/goddess that would become known to them to work with. In my case I keep having Belial come up, but I don’t yet know much about him. I wish I could talk as someone more knowledgeable, but this is the truth of where I am.

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Welcome on the path of self mastery if you utilize the search box we have forms, and forms on Belial if you are interested in just reading.

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welcome to the forum