Introduction - judge

Sorry, I tried to post an introduction in the original thread but I t wouldn’t let me. Hello! :blush:, My name is Judge (yes that’s my legal name lol) I’ve been studying and practcing energy manipulation for 7+ years. My practice has been somewhat on and off but the majority of my study has been in regards to direct energy manipulation or psionics or whatever that would happen to be called lol.
My main interest is in black magick at this moment and working with demons. I’ve studied a good deal on demonolatry and witchcraft in general but my resume of rituals is somewhat lacking. Clairsentience is the first ability I learned and the rest come and go in spurts but I’m strongly clairesentient. I’d like to learn more about communing with spirits. I’m pretty well versed in the mechanics of how moving storing and generating energy works and my main goal overall has been to make energy manipulation into a real science. I’m in Florida btw :blush:, in short I’m a witch by birth and a scientist by nature, as dubious as that sounds.


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Welcome to the forum.

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