Introducing myself

Hello! My name is Ashley. I’ve been interested in all forms of magick ever since I was young. I never been really able to express it, since my family isn’t so welcoming of it. But now that I’m an adult and can do what I please I decided to become more in to my magickal side.
Can’t wait to get to know everyone.

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What form of magick are you most interested in?


Goetia for sure,I’ve studied voodoo also

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What experience do you have? You say you “studied voodoo” but that doesn’t tell us if you practice it.

What do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

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Well like I was saying, my family wasn’t very open to it, so I never practiced anything until recently. I do practice voodoo and Goetia and I’ve only been practicing for a short while. Since now I’m on my own.


Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience :slight_smile:

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