Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

hi im cherelle im new to this form actually read up on some things and decided to join had alot of quistions

I would like for my name to remain unknown, just call me Angelology. I’m a Christian, was raised that way,(I know for a fact probably more than 90% of you don’t like my kind) but I am not here to start arguments about bla bla bla and etc. I’ve just always had a fascination with the supernatural and paranormal. That’s about it xd hopefully I can make some new friends c:


We have several Christian members on here, it’s all good so long as you can live and let live and not here to convert anyone :wink: and Christian mysticism is an ancient tradition. :+1:


Welcome to BALG ya all! Enjoy the ride. :wink: @Angelology I used to be Christian Lutheran and I was always curious about Magick, occultism and mysticism. Now currently pagan and happy about it. :slight_smile:

My name is Karan, I’m from a Hindu background. I’m spiritual but not very religious (I don’t visit temples regularly and perform rituals). I have just started my journey with magic. Im just another teenager curious about my purpose in life. I’ve been reading a lot especially about the goetia and Lucifer. I’ve been making Lucifer’s sigil on my hand for about a month and my luck has improved drastically. I want to work with Lucifer,the goetia entities and then the Hindu Gods starting from Shiva. I am not able to see,hear or speak to Lucifer but I can feel his presence,although I’m not able to sense much. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Totally unrelated,but I’m still mentioning it I’m doing a major in computer science.


Hello my name is Tejay and am trying to find my path. I wasn’t always a believer in magic and the metaphysical but back in 2015 I was drawn to a site that had the letter method to summon a succubus and felt compelled to attempt it. Surprisingly it worked and now I a more open to thoughts and possibilities, that prior to that event, I would never have believed. My main goals are to get better with developing my gifts. I do great at feeling spirits/entities physically and am fairly intuitive, and would like to be able to hear and see them as well. I think of the LHP not as evil but of freedom of thought, to be you and not become just a follower of someone else or organization to expand their influence or power. I am a novice when it comes to magic and will be looking for advise on the best ways to get started and am hoping to find knowledge and support here.


Hello, 40 years old married with two children. Love the outdoors and exercise. Mountain biking being my passion. My main and only interest is in sex magick .Intentions to raise My wife’s low libido is why I’ve been guided here I believe.


Thank you, and welcome to the BALG forum! Enjoy the ride down the rabbit hole!

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O! how I remember with pain Evelyn Underhill’s classic Mysticism.



The long journey begins…


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Yeah? You and how many other practitioners? It doesn’t bother me anymore. Welcome. Have fun!


I’m having problems period with getting a demon to pay attention I shelved my abilities cause of second ex husband and now I can’t even get my spells to work the thing is I had telepathy as well and can’t kick start it again I also didn’t need supplies when I using my abilities I don’t know if it’s cause my mom and grandma died is why I can’t or all the crap I have been going through


Could you please make a proper introduction? Not only your post is irrelevant but, honestly, doesn’t even make sense…

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Hello im don’t know what to write im rather stay anynomous lets say im savamsm i like foxes and i live on earth :smile:

@Savamsm Tell us a bit about your experiences in magic, what are your goals, your struggles… Something that would help us in the future to help you back…


I now want to have oobe and lucid dreams i was trying mainly oujia and evocations (idk nothing happened) and i tried third eye mantras

Hi my name is Paige!
I"m pretty new to well everything but have recently found myself drawn to LILITH and have been trying
to learn all I can about all I can.
My goals are to learn learn learn learn…to overcome all of the religious dogma I was brought up on…to conquer my fears…to accept myself (both the light and the dark)…to strengthen my spiritual awareness…and to pursue a stronger connection with LILITH.

Thanks for having me!


Hi everyone! Merry meet :purple_heart: my name is Kelly and I am an eclectic witch, exploring my dark side and can’t wait to learn with everyone!


Hi friends I’m Shoghi and a beginner on the path of Left hand path magick.


Buongiorno mi chiamo lara amo le religioni animiche africane voodoo dominicano,umbanda e quimbanda sanse espiritismo creolo…spero di poter dare un contributo ed imparare con voi…buona serata a tutti e grazie

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