Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

hello I’m isley … I’m an apprentice of magic I’m 24 years old 5 years ago I was starting to read practice and I know it’s even more lacking …
I like to find this forum since this is a lonely road … but it is always good to help and cooperate with our fellow … I hope to get along with everyone and share about the infinite power of magic …lml

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Hi, I’m William

I’ve mostly practiced hoodoo, syncretic folk magic passed down in my dad’s side of the family, and a bit of ceremonial magick, with a focus on love, domination, success, and curse work (my strongest suit with domination in a close second). I’ve always had an interest in all that you find in this forum, but I didn’t put much thought about getting into it though until seeing Andras’ sigil, which spoke to me in a different way any other that I’ve seen. After doing some research, my current theory for why I feel drawn to Andras is that the other side of my family has generations of and possibly ancient connections to Zoroastrianism, and Andras originated as a Zoroastrian daeva. I’ve since developed a goal of getting in touch with that side/the daevas and beginning to work with other non-Zoroastrian Goetic demons like King Paimon, Dra’Talon, and Dantalion. I’d say my main struggle is that I’m not educated or skilled enough in this kind of magick to go all in with complete confidence and safety just yet, but I hope to get there soon.


Welcome to the forum, @YMH, @Isley_magik, @anon451302, @Jollix, @beetle, and @anon88243269 ! Enjoy your trip down the rabbit hole that is BALG!


Thank you!

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I’m Lahjar, though I introduce myself using my nickname “Li”.

To encourage you all to visit my profile at your leisure, I’ll leave the basics here.

Interests: Astral, Chaos, Black, and Afro based practices such as Quimbanda. Also, anything that calls for the use of candles, incense, and other materials such as bones, dirt, etc.

I’ve recently decided to fully devote my life to music and the occult (with a fixation on befriending demons, and exploring the astral realm). I aim to embrace the Heretic I know I am, and go forth both into this mundane world, and the unknown with the intensity that I exude.

My current struggles are connecting with others with an interest in magic, especially of the natures I’ve mentioned above. I think all sorts of magics are neat, but they are the ones I am most attracted to. This brings me to my next vice; there are so many areas to study that I often find myself caught in a stasis, not knowing where to start or end, or which establishments are most reputable and resourceful!. Lastly, and most certainly not least, my inabilities to focus is most definitely my biggest vice. I’m always thinking of the past, or what I need or should do next. If that is not happening, then there is music playing in my head. Something I’ve heard before or have been listening to as of late.

Glad to be here!



hi me name is gintautas (it’s in Lithuanian lang.)

i wanted to start in black magick but don’t know form which direction I should start
and im open on suggestions

Welcome to the forum Morgana, well done on your brilliant efforts.:metal:

I’m Andrew. I’m most experienced in direct magic, most interested in evocation, invocation, maybe a bit of provocation if it comes down to it :yum:

My biggest hurdle at the moment is that I don’t know what direction to take my practice. I’ve been practicing for eleven years, started to hit a wall in my progress a long time ago, eked out some advances here and then since, but I haven’t really felt like I’ve grown much in a long time.

I think a large part of it is that I came to magic from a very direct approach. Basically New Thought, I didn’t even acknowledge that magic was a thing for several years after I started practicing. Even then I was pretty leery about a lot of the more ritual stuff as I took it to be either more optional or a crutch. Then I entered into actual magic through the Chaos system, which is still pretty unstructured and lacks a lot of direction. While dealing with spirits and systematic traditions did provide some seriously impressive results, they weren’t the sort of things that I really cared about so they took a backseat till now. It’s only now that I’m really taking them all that seriously, but I don’t quite know what to do, and I don’t want to spread myself too thin by going after everything. One of the bigger challenges is that sometimes I will have achieved one of the more advanced goals without having met the lower rungs of a system’s advancement, which I guess means I need to work on my fundamentals, but also that the impetus and motivation for it is kind of lacking.

You have lots of power you wield.


A very warm welcome to the forum KittyKat, i hope you will have great success with Duke Sallos.:rose::black_heart:

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Hi guys,

My name is Karl and I am from Canada, I am new in practicing magick, on and off I have been practicing wiccac but really became interested in the left hand path.

I am interested in knowing more about what working with demonic forces, having a healthy working relationship to help with my needs and the people I care about, and to help restore balance in this world.

So excited in joining this group.


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That means a lot to me… But how do you see that? I was going to say “how do you know”, but it didn’t seem right… Please. I’d like to know your thoughts.


Greetings everyone.
I am not new here. I joined almost a year ago. But I have returned after a long and much needed grounding period. I am now ready to continue my works.


Welcome back @Pariah and welcome to all new people! Enjoy the ride! :wink:


It’s very clear in your energy field. Your words, your photo.


Thank you… The only thing apparent to me is the Chaos affinity.

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I can see that. But if you harness that great energy and give it focus it will do great things for you, Lijen.


I agree with Samnu. If Li can focus their energy, great things can happen, greater than what can be seen now.


Hello my name is Taylor.
I recently finished up my time in herbal medicine school and am practicing botanical communication.
Definitely walking the right hand path, although I have done my research into the left hand path and am certainly not opposed to it.
Meditation is a big part of my life. Same with blood magick, spell casting (w/ major use of herbs) sigil magick and, invoking.
I spend a lot of time with death and am learning from a death doula in a sort of mentorship. As well as creating a relationship with the god Pan.

current struggle has been with astral projection and entering the jinn state… Despite my many and best efforts.

Hi everyone, may this will be a sufficient introduction. May we commune at some point :slight_smile:


Welcome to Wonderland everybody! Enjoy the ride! :wink:

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