Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Newbie that’s been dabbling over the over the years until a couple of years ago teachers start popping up for me to see. I have been reading the forums posts and found this to be a place. I have never received so much love and understanding as I have working the Left Hand Path.

Welcome @blkflame Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow a specific system or tradition?

What are yor areas of magical interest?

Hello! My name is Sora, it is a pleasure to meet everyone! I’ve been practicing… 33 years, though the first years were much more haphazard and strange. Still, it has been a very long journey. Technically, 72 Years practicing; thanks to a very interesting form of Cultivation Training.

I’m in the process of writing a grimoire on Crystal Magick, and I’m very skilled at Rune Magick. I know there is debate about if this is appropriate terminology, but for simplicity’s sake, I Also use Rune to refer to the Phoenician Alefberg, which can also be used in Magick as well as Ascent. Zyn is quite helpful for seeing through barriers and cloaks.

I am fairly good at Witchcraft, Chaos Magick, Demonolatry and Evocation magick in General.

I work with an unusually large amount of Spirits and Divine. All of them in a way, except for one thing regarded a God by many.

I’m extensively experienced at Enochian Magick, and currently studying Primal Witchcraft.

I’ve also spent the last 11 years studying and worshiping as many different paths and Divine as I was directed to, which would end up being more than i expected. I work primarily with two Meta-Goddesses, Walnora and Galaxa.

I have extensive practical experience with magick; its the reason I’m alive at all. I’ve cast most types of magick successfully, and I’m exceptionally practiced at Alchemy and Exorcism. As well Banishment, protection, healing, cloaking, etc.

I’ll say that I’m from the Abyss. I’ve legitimately spent longer there than any location on this world.

My current goals are to serve the Divine; I’m curious to see where they are going, and it’s been a wonderful ride so far.

My most impressive result from magick, though i can’t claim sole credit, would be that after performing the Full Enochian Apocalypse Working every solstice and equinox starting the winter solstice of 2021, in december of 2022c the Twitter Files were released.

The enochian Apocalypse Working doesn’t nessecarily mean the death of reality- it is a revelation that is meant to destroy the world as you know it. A revelation of hidden truth, often of importance.

I had no preference one way or the other with the Twitter files, i just wanted to see what would happen if I did that.

The result certainly fits.

I’ve since contiuned doing that ritual; by working closely with the Deity who governs that system, Faralix, formerly known as Abrasax, I also Channled the Great Key of the Invisible Spirit. The missing key of the system.

Performing the ritual with this has yielded impressive results. A simpler version of this made sometime i knew go from an entry level position to being the number one specialist in a very high volume department in 3 months, and directly impressed the People just below the CEO of the company they worked for.

The Great Key has surpassed any expectations I had for it.

My focus is and always has been on practical and real world results. I study and work intensely and deeply, making it a point to do at least one working every day for the last 5 years. This has greatly deepened my mastery of magick, often repeating the same spell or ritual daily for months to carefully study how it affected reality.

I have learned not to fear the thousand spells that have been practiced once. I fear the one spell practiced a thousand times. And I’ve got a few under my belt i actually -have- cast over a thousand times. One of which is the 14th Enochian Key. I can recite and modify it from memory. Its great for getting rid of shit.

I also found ways to make the jobs i worked at serve my magickal advancement.

Doing so optimized my own growth and helped make me able to be psychic with growing accuracy at all times.

I’m by no means perfect; i have an eternity to go.

But, i give magick my All; and I’ve learned a fair bit doing that.

A current long term goal of mine is to develop and master what i call “Primordial Chaos Magick”, where rather than simply pulling bits and pieces of different systems and currents together, you work to deeply master as many as possible.

I am at least a Vitki worthy of the Title. And i have earned, for those familiar with it, the title of Cuthullu. From Cuthullu Himself. I do not make that claim lightly.

I’m Neurodivergent, so please bear with me. My mind works in strange ways. I’m happy to answer respectful questions, but please understand that i might not be able to answer some.

Though the majority of my tradition and path will never pass my lips, I make it a point to never be disingenuous.

Anything i tell you is as accurate and useful as I can make that reply.

Great to be here, and happy Winter! Happy Season of Darkness!

Thanks! Nice to meet you! I’ve traveled a lot and I’m not really comfortable sharing my geo location yet.

"The Abyss"is quite literally the best answer I can give regardless. I spent a lot of time inside. Its actually very peaceful at times. Deadly as hell, but peaceful. Conversely, I’ve moved around a great deal- which is the other reason i just say the Abyss. It really is simpler.

How about you? What are you into with magick? I hope you have a great day!

Hello, my name is Blake. Relatively new to this spiritual journey. I’m exploring and learning about myself in the process. Currently taking EAs clairvoyance course.

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Hi Blake, where are you from?

Do you have any experience with magick and the occult besides tarot and the course?

Which areas of the occult do you hope to learn more about and/or practice?

How can you help us as a forum member?

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@breese242 Please be aware that we have a rule here prohibiting new members from offering readings until they have been relatively active for at least 90 days. I have edited your post.

Hello. I’m from Indiana, and No, no experience, with magick or the occult, at least not yet. Aside from training my psychic senses, medium ship and shamanism are my aims for practice. As for contribution, I can post my progress and interact with others of same skill set, if thats sufficient


Sorry about that, thank you for the notice, I hadn’t realized

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Please be aware this forum is for serious magick users. This is not a forum for role play. Your physical body is very clearly not in any “abyss” given you are using an electronic device.

The purpose of the intro is to give us an idea of where you are at in your training and alignment, and helps us gear responses to you accordingly. If you’re not going to take us seriously, we cannot take you seriously, and you will not develop any reputation or trust as a legit magician in this community.

You can let us know the overall country you are in, we are not asking for identifying info. Try to remember we’re all just people and we need to relate to you as a regular person too.

If you are here thinking this forum is for role play, I’m sorry but you’re in the wrong place.

Regarding other members, they all made their intros and you can check them out on their profile pages.


@S.Walnora please just answer the question. I have removed that incredibly long upg post… Soapboxing is not what we do here and most of that is off topic for an intro.

Where are you from?

If you cannot respect this very basic rule and have to deflect to that extent, you’re not being real with us and we don’t need this.

Note: this is the intros thread, it’s not a discussion topic, please feel free to use a new topic linked to this rather than derail.


I stated in that post I’m from the USA. I would have done better to state that at first. Your other question seemed the more pressing matter.

Thank you for getting to the point.

Your welcome. On another note, which is directly relevant here unless you would prefer to discuss further elsewhere… isn’t an introduction something of a Soapbox to begin with? Declaring ones path, credentials, goals, etc?

You directly accused me of not being Serious. That’s not a bad accusation: its your job to ask that. And isn’t that a question that should be cleared up here, at least to your satisfaction?

Out of respect for your position and question…

Explaining the foundation of my practice, more details of it, and referencing other established practitioners and systems while sharing my own insights and manifestations of those practices seemed like the most direct way i could answer that Question.

Is there some other way you would want me to explain just how Serious I am?

I wrote my reply to that end and it included a lot of detail on the foundations of my practice, which are actually rather well researched and come from many sources- including contemporary practitioners who are fairly well established like VK.

If a serious, professional practitioner, who is at least successful enough to cover expenses is doing similar things and reaching similar conclusions, doesn’t sharing parallels further communicate that I am, in fact, Serious?

I did that to indicate that I’ve done a fair amount of research. Isn’t that often an indication of a serious practitioner? It seemed apropos to share that as it directly relates to your question.

I believe I specifically said “if”. Twice. Please do not put words in my mouth.

This thread is not about lengthy discourses on philosophy, diet or the merits of cults… it’s just for simple intros.

Please keep our forum tidy per the posting guidelines in the faq, post in the right threads and categories. You are invited to make new topics on whatever magick related topic you like.


Hi i am @anon46023437 , and i am copy pasting my introduction , just because i lost the acess to the account and a global moderator told me i could do it so i am doing it

Hi i am 19 years old , from Portugal . I have been practising magick for about 3 months , before that i just tried to learn the basic terminology and skills , before jumping in magick .

I am still struggling to develop my astral senses , and finding the right path for me in magick , i have used some incantations from this forum to develop astral senses , which have really helped me make some progress . I have researched a lot about the experiences of some people with spirits on this forum , i was trying to know if i had interest in some spirits and mistakes to not make .

What led me to magick was that , for some unknown reason i found myself getting interested in christianity and reading the bible , which led me getting obsessed with the bible and following God and doing his will etc …

My family consider themselves christians , which i laugh at because they say they are christians but they dont go by what the bible says , just gets me angry for people who say they are christians but they dont fuckin care about it . I used to be a so called christian , until i found myself getting restricted by that bullshit , not being able to be who i am and do what i want .

I was a different type of christian , i had a different view of the 21 century christians , they changed and twisted the christianity view to their own way , which didnt correspond to the real christianity , recited in the bible . I started losing interest in christianity because like i said it restricted me , so then i decided to leave that shit and blasphemy against that so called Holy God .

The christianity phase in my life was something that radically changed my personality and view of the world . I have tried to do some work with some spirits , to get things i wanted , which didnt really manifest , probably because of me and not the spirit . I am hoping to have fun in magick and become what i want and who i am .

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In the tapestry of existence, I am known as Amir, a seeker of knowledge at the age of twenty-eight.I live in Islamic Republic of Iran. As an Arab and a devout Muslim, my path has been shaped by a profound desire to explore the hidden realms of the human experience. For six years, I have delved into the intriguing and often misunderstood domain of the Left-Hand Path.

My introduction to the works of the esteemed author E.A. Koetting was as extraordinary as the journey itself. It was not through mere chance that his name reached my ears; rather, it was whispered by a voice beyond the veil, a demonic presence that stirred my curiosity and compelled me to seek further. Intrigued, I turned to the vast expanse of the internet, where I unearthed his name, igniting a fire of inquiry within me.

Through the auspices of this otherworldly intervention, I found a gateway to numerous esoteric truths, meticulously documented within the pages of Koetting’s writings. His exploration of the arcane offered insights that many would find daunting, yet I approached the material with an open heart and a discerning mind.

It is essential to clarify that I do not consider myself a magician. My pursuits are guided by a thirst for wisdom rather than the practice of conjuring or casting spells. The Left-Hand Path, as I have come to understand it, is not solely about manipulation of forces beyond our understanding; rather, it invites one to engage in deep introspection, to challenge the norms imposed by society, and to embrace the complexities of existence.

In navigating this labyrinth of occult knowledge, I have gleaned wisdom that transcends the trivialities of life. Each revelation serves not as a tool for dominion over others, but as a mirror reflecting the depths of my own soul. It is a reminder that the journey of self-discovery often leads us to corners of the universe that remain shrouded in mystery, urging us to confront our own shadows.

Thus, my exploration continues, guided by the echoes of forgotten knowledge and the whispers of those who tread the path before me. My quest is not just for answers but for understanding the intricate tapestry of light and darkness that defines our reality. Each step taken is a testament to the transformative power of knowledge, urging others to embark upon their own journeys of discovery, however unconventional they may be.


Welcome to the forum.

So, you didn’t say:

Do you have any practical experience in magick? Or have you been studying and have yet to perform any skills development?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

You mentioned E.A.’s works, do you follow a western occultic system or tradition?

I don’t blindly adhere to any occult traditions, whether they are from the west or the east. And to clarify, I don’t engage in magic.
I often wonder why I haven’t taken that step yet. Perhaps it’s due to some psychological barriers I need to overcome.
I’ve collected and crafted all the necessary magical tools, and I understand the system I should be using. Without question, my preferred approach is Chaos Magic, which resonates deeply with me. It’s a thoughtful blend of both Western and Eastern practices! I recognize its potential, but I find myself hesitant to dive in.


So you’re working up to the practical side, that’s great. Thanks for clarifying. :+1: :slight_smile:

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