Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

@lepidatura Please introduce yourself properly.

Warm Greetings to everyone from Greece! To my surprise there are a couple of Greek members here. I am so glad to see fellow countrymen (and countywomen that is of course :wink:) in such a forum. Hope to be able to connect more.

I am a physicist by profession and I also teach Information technology. Professionally speaking I am also into the digital marketing and web development sector.
I also hold a degree in psychotherapy and comparative religions. I have studied neuroscience and naturopathic medicine too (yes I know - I do read a lot). By the way if you need anyone to deconstruct your ideas of free will then I am your guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smile:

I have been studying magic(k) for many years now. I am saying studying only and not practicing because for some unknown (?) reason magic never really worked ( ? ) for me (never worked with demons though - I did workings with the GD system as well as chaos rituals, e.g. sigil magick). I consider myself a rather insensitive individual magically speaking. I do not seem to have any (obvious ?) clairvoyant abilities and I do have problems sensing magical energy. I never had any ā€œsupernaturalā€ experiences or prophetic dreams too.

I had traveled around the world searching for teachers - I have even see Carlos Casteneda himself a long time ago - but never really found what I was looking for.

Despite all the above, I have been initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (a version that existed at the time of courseā€¦) in the states many years ago, I was also initiated into the OTO in UK and in other Lodges as well. I have a huge magical library, I was practicing martial arts in the past, qi gong and other taoistic systems and recently I was initiated into Tibetan Buddhism, Nyingma tradition.

Obviously (since I am here) something is still drawing me towards magick despite my apparent insensitivity. Maybe here I can experience some breakthroughs.

I am single and my main ā€œobstacleā€ in my entire life has been in the area of romantic relationships - I did have my fair share of them but I never seemed to have exactly what I wanted. There seems to be an really strange unlucky string running through this sector of my life - in contrast with other sectors where I consider myself to be on the relatively lucky side. I would like to change that!

I welcome any help from any members enthusiastically! I am also here to help in any way I can.

I canā€™t wait to interact, learn and share.

May you all be safe, successful and happy

Kind Regards

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Welcome @angeleye

Approximately, how long is that?

Thank you @DarkestKnight . I am glad to be here.

Almost 25 years! (if we count Colin Wilsonā€™s ā€œThe Occultā€ as the start :wink:

BTW your ideas and comments on my story would be greatly welcomed - especially coming from someone with your (apparent) experience.

P.S: I am planning to write a small thesis in here about how I think magick works after all my studies

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Hello to everyone on the forum!

Iā€™m from Australia and have a modest experience with the law of attraction and working with goetic demons and shem angels that spans a little over 6 months. Iā€™m hoping to learn from members in the forum on how to develop clairsenses so that I can build a better relationship with all of the entities Iā€™m interested in and hopefully experience a breakthrough in time. Also, Iā€™m personally trying to come upon a holistic and practical model of reality manipulation from both the law of attraction and entity-work perspective, which is a philosophical journey that I will hopefully be able to create a journal out of once I can communicate with spirits better.

Looking forward to interacting with you all!

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Welcome @korinthians

Are you following any specific system or tradition?

Iā€™ve gone from working with systems in books such as EAā€™s Book of Azazel, Winterfieldā€™s Demons of Magick, Brandā€™s Angels of Magick and Hargroveā€™s Goetia Pathworking to slowly taking a law of attraction/chaos magick perspective on rituals. Itā€™s now stripped to the bare bones where I take a simple sigil, meditate on it using eg. Connollyā€™s enns and assume that the spirit can hear me from wherever they are on another plane of existence or present to hear what I have to say. Sometimes if I feel the need to banish, I do a modified version of the LBRP or the opening ritual in DoM by visualising that I have angelic protection. Iā€™m still working on the ā€˜ritualā€™ thatā€™s right for me because I do believe that they all achieve the same purpose no matter how simple or ceremonial the process is. Perhaps Iā€™m wrong and should be taking planetary hours, tools, elements, protection etc. very seriously but Iā€™m not sure and would love to find out from more experienced members.

When it comes to traditions, I read a lot about Eastern spirituality because I feel like there are many overlaps between law of attraction, the occult and say, for example, Hindu philosophy.

Welcome @Sky2

Where are you from?

Soā€¦what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

Of course you are welcome here @Sky2 :slight_smile: Iā€™m sorry if I gave the impression otherwise. I ask such questions of all newcomers as a way to prompt them to open up so members can get to know them, and knowing someoneā€™s experience level helps us to better answer any questions they may have.


Sorry @DarkestKnight (points to self ) I am very insecure. And itā€™s hard for me to open up on social media or in forums. I just am kinda a sit and watcher not a participant. I find some people can be harsh if my opinions or beliefs donā€™t match theirs. So I stay quite. Thank you for the welcome. :innocent:

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Hi @Sky2 :wave:t5: Weā€™re a different bunch here. We welcome all opinions and views and encourage discussions or questions based on them, even if other members donā€™t agree. If you see an active topic and have a question or are interested and want to contribute, dive right in. If you have a question or need more information on a particular topic and canā€™t find the answer by using the search function, donā€™t be afraid to start your own thread. As long as the forum rules are followed, youā€™ll be fine. Great to have you here.

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Good evening, first I would like to inform you that I do not know English well so forgive me for any mistakes, I have dealt with a lot. from spiritual satanism, vampire tov paganism and now i deal with hecateism and scandinavian shamanism and runes. thatā€™s all !

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Welcome to the forum!

How long have you been doing these practices?

spiritual satanism for 13 years I have been close to satan and astaroth , in paganism for 3 years. Runic shamanism 7 years and the last year I am close to Hecate but now I work exclusively with Odin Thor and the freya for understanding runes and when I finish my work I will dedicate myself exclusively to chthonic magic.


Hello everyone, my name is zarthor (M). I became interested in demonology a few years ago and am learning currently the tricks of the trade

Welcome @Zarthor

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have any experience in specific systems or traditions?

I am from Victoria British Columbia.

I was practicing for 3 months.

I have very lil practice in the network.

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience.

I am also on the Wet Coast of Canada :slight_smile:

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Nice to here

Hello friends,

Please allow me to introduce myself:

I am in my mid-20s and Iā€™m currently living in California. I have been exploring the spiritual path since mid-late 2017.

The Left Hand Path found me in the Spring of 2021. One of the first books I became very fond of was ā€œDemons of Magickā€ by Gordon Winterfield, which is a favorite of mine to this day. I have become familiar with Ritual One from this book. I have also really enjoyed working with some of the books from the Gallery of Magick.

My current goal involves continuing to broaden my magickal and occult horizons, and continuing to work on being the best version of myself.

I am thankful to be here and I wish you all the best

Thank you